The previous 2016 monthly update links are located at the end of this entry. I hope that you make it that far.
Goals: I am no longer even attempting to comment on those that were not touched. They'll just stay on the list until they are achieved, even though life jumps in front of them now and then.
Easy Street (ES) - quilted, bound -
Old Tobacco Road (OTR) - Clues 4, 5 - YES and backing, binding, label made
Roll Roll Cotton Boll - quilted and bound - Old Tobacco Road (OTR) - Clues 4, 5 - YES and backing, binding, label made
Mad City Mama (MCM) - quilted and bound -
Weed Whacker (WW) backing/binding made, quilted and bound -
En Provence (EP) - Clues 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - YES

At one booth, we spot these little rocks and are fascinated by the fact that the turtle and the koala are right next to each other. Asking permission first, I get a great picture. Check out the baby koala on the back. Use the mirror.

7th - I am on a roll now. Today I tackle Clue 5 for OTR. I'm the little engine that could. Or maybe it is Dory. One of the two for sure.
By the time I call it a day, I have a top, All the borders are on and I'm pretty happy with how it lays. It's not perfect, but I still like it. You'll have to click on the clue 5 post to see the finished top -- it's pretty. You can do it -- click and see.

I gotta hurry now. Clean up, clean up -- gotta run and I have a bit of a drive too. I'm picking up Elisabeth at work and taking us both to the meeting. Let's do this.
Here's Allison with her favorite Christmas quilt:

While she binds on some projects, I pull out a UFO from 1995. Yep, old, huh? It's an Ohio Star project that I started back when I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing and I TORE all the squares. This should be interesting. I get all the hour glass blocks finished. Tomorrow - blocks.

They are really starting to come along. Total for the today: 9 blocks.

When we get back home, I settle in with a new book from Allison and within moments, I have an idea and set forth to make it happen. The rest of the day is spent making five giant nine-patches with battings and backings, little pouches, and ties/bindings. You can follow along the Button Sudoku adventure HERE.

19th - With an early morning sit by the tree and bind time, I am able to complete all the pads and spend the rest of the day working on the sheets required to set up the games. Sixty-four games all handwritten with the colors of the buttons instead of numbers 1-9. I have writer's cramp for the first time in AGES.
20th - Hmmm. Today is the 20th and only 4 days until Christmas Eve. Perhaps my focus should be on mailing these packages today. Mister is working from home today so I have a car and a few things to do before I can mail. Number one is that I need to make photocopies of the handwritten setups as I'll be danged if I'm going to write out five sets of them. Then to the post office -- NOT to mail, but to retrieve boxes to mail in. A quick trip to the car repair to ask a couple questions and then to Tuesday morning and JoAnn's to return buttons we didn't use. Mister bought oh so many. With a final stop at the bank for retreat deposits and it's back home to wrap and box up the gifts. Thankfully, Mister comes to the rescue again and we have it all done in short order so that I can dart off to the post office one more time. Whew. It's done. Take a deep breath Lady.
21st - After a crazy, run around day yesterday, today's focus is on my blog. I still have not achieved my goal of having the personal blog completely current and so that is where my fingers are today. All Day! The only other thing I manage to do is laundry. My reward for all of this is to go out and buy groceries late in the evening. Yep - that's always a good time. Ohhh, goodness. I almost forgot. I received my exchange gift in the mail today. Aren't these just so wonderful? Thank you Mary Ann.
22nd - Ugh -- I have another WORK day. Frankly, my attitude is starting to reflect the tediousness of my days. Not only is this time of year difficult for me, but typing, typing, typing is a bit crazy too. Have I learned anything? Oh my yes, I will NEVER let things get behind again. Period. As part of the "taking care of me" mantra for 2017, eliminating this stress by staying on top of the projects is a big part of it. I LOVE doing the blogs. Don't get me wrong. I HATE being behind. End of story. To add to the wonder of today, I also am paying bills and cleaning house. Yep, I'm just that special. Oh guess what? Along the way, I have discovered The OA - a new Netflix series. I'm hooked.

25th - Merry Christmas! I sincerely hope you and yours are enjoying the comfort of family or friends or fur babies or something you love. It's a time to do just that. First thing I do this morning is finish the lefse I started yesterday. If you don't know what that is -- you definitely should check it out. YUM. Here is your link for the recipe: LEFSE. It's time to hit the road. We are off to Abilene and while on the drive, I start a new handwork project. Yep, cos I don't have enough to do. This is the same one I gifted to Allison for Christmas and am making it the "travel" project for awhile.

27th - Oh yes! I've been waiting all month for today. It's a play day with gal pals. PLEASE check out our fun in this Play Day Post.
It is also a shopping day. Fun, fun, fun ideas for 2017 projects. I am getting a head start on next years gifts. It's gonna be a fun year -- I can feel it.
28th - Back to the keyboard today. I'm not going to make my goal of having everything current by year end, but will by the middle of January at the latest. I'm getting closer each day. It's super fun to be working on these, no matter how much I may be whining. Reliving the memories is very heartwarming.
29th - Today is being spent at the desk again. Blog posts and emails for upcoming retreats and trips occupy most of my day. I know that sounds boring to ya'll but those emails are how we keep these retreats going. Lots of information and fun that people need to prepare for. February is right around the corner.

31st - It's New Year's Eve and that means all of my yearly posts will hit the interwebs today. Here is a link to the Finished non-quilty items one and another link to the 2016 Finished Quilts. Take a peek as it does a body good to see eye candy on New Year's. Especially if you are taking a vow to stop eating the stuff tomorrow. HAHAHAHAHA -- nope, that's not me. As my goal for this next year is to stay on top of things and not fall behind as well as to take care of myself better, I'm posting this on time and then spending the rest of my day with my sweet Mister. It's not likely to involve much quilting. See ya next year.
Wow, thanks for checking in with me again this month and all year long. I do this for ME and appreciate you so much for peeking in now and then. Since it is for me, I keep it ad free and hope for it to stay that way. It's just a way of holding memories tight. We're moving onto another year and I sincerely hope it will hold many wonderful memories for you too.
Check back in now and then (or sign up for email notifications and you'll never miss a post) and please check out the link to OUR QUILT BLOGS at the top of the page for many of the quilt groups are starting to restrict the posting of blogs into the groups. If you want to still have a long monthly read and time for your tea, join the group. Thanks for sticking around this long -- I am grateful for everyone who reads each month.
Check back in now and then (or sign up for email notifications and you'll never miss a post) and please check out the link to OUR QUILT BLOGS at the top of the page for many of the quilt groups are starting to restrict the posting of blogs into the groups. If you want to still have a long monthly read and time for your tea, join the group. Thanks for sticking around this long -- I am grateful for everyone who reads each month.
Links to Previous 2016 Monthly Update Posts:
Whew . . . another whirlwind month in your life! I get to be a part of so much. Thank you for the memories we are making together. Hugs, Allison in Plano