I have moved the previous posts to the end of the entry. I hope that you make it that far.
Easy Street (ES) back, quilted, bound - back made
Old Tobacco Road (OTR) - Clues 4, 5 - still dreaming
Allietare (A) - Clue 6 sewn, back, label, binding, quilted, bound - perhaps my goals are too highOld Tobacco Road (OTR) - Clues 4, 5 - still dreaming
Double Delight (DD) - quilted and bound - haven't used the mid-arm all month
Row Robin #2 - back, label, binding made, quilted and bound - see above
March group project prototype made, kits together - YES
Second Valentine pillow finished - embroidery half finished
Round Robin - finished and in mail - YES!!!!
Bargello - top finished, back made, label made - top finished
Gifts for Ophelia - YES

And yes, she still does what Momma asks her to do. Now I will have to do mine at retreat with everyone else and she will have the free time.
3rd - The focus today is on Bekah's soccer team dinner that we are hosting tonight. You know what and elbows moving around here today. I did do one of those Facebook things today that are supposed to tell you about yourself. Here is what it said: (pretty dang right on the money.)

I am hopeful that it will be finished before retreat. Not realistic, but hopeful.

7th - Mister is back at work today and I am in recovery mode. I guess another way of phrasing it is: horizontal blob.
8th - I'm vertical -- but still a blob. Lots of Friends episodes today.
9th - Wow -- two days down the tubes. Today is laundry, clean, pack for retreat day. It's a good thing this is a short retreat as I am incredibly unprepared.
10th - It's retreat day, the car is loaded and after dropping Mister at work, I am Brazos bound. Woot Woot. To read all about our incredible weekend, check out this AMAZING POST. The first order of business is to get set up and my focus today and tomorrow is on helping others with their Bargello tops while working on my own. Check out my little corner of heaven. It will NOT stay this clean, lol.
11th - Day two and YES!!!! I have a Bargello top before dinner. Another lesson in using fabric that has strong color changes. Ahhh -- the many lessons. There is a possibility that it will join Double Delight and Easy Street for some fun on the midarm. There is an equally strong possibility that the three of them will just get to be good friends for awhile, draped over the frame, and chatting about the future beauty they will bear.

A super big thanks to these wonderful ladies for another fantastic weekend. I truly had a remarkable time. (Yes, we managed to not have everyone together and had to photoshop this picture. Sorry, but it's the best we have.)
Back row: Me, Jen, Doris, Elisabeth, Theresa, Stephanie, Debi, Kelly, Misty, LeeAnn
Front row: Barbara, Susan, Phyllis, Charlotte, Tammy, Johnnie, Laurie, Janet
14th - SLEEP! SLEEP! SLEEP! Almost 14 hours straight. Apparently I didn't get enough at retreat. Nothing much going on here today.
15th - Bookwork, bookwork, bookwork. Yes, this has to be done too.

I am blessed with a sunset the ENTIRE flight. Oh my. Triple blessed to have Miss Ophelia up still when I arrive. Yep, books given right away.

To read about my first two days please click on THIS LINK.
We really do have such a good time. I treasure these moments.
18th - Another day in the Beehive state. No sewing going on -- just memory making.

Love, love, love this picture with my daughter.
20th - Another fun day in the Salt Lake Valley. No, I am not sewing or working on a dang thing. I know. What is up with that? I brought many things all kitted up and just don't want to work on them. I am thoroughly enjoying family and rest time. Perhaps my body is trying to tell me something.
Isn't this just a wonderful mother/daughter pic below?

22nd - It's my last day in Utah and somehow we find time for a quilt shop --- yay, I bet you were wondering if I would ever again write something in this post that has to do with quilting.

After Cass and I wander the store for awhile looking for ideas on a quilt for Ophelia's new room, she has mastered the locks in this puzzle. Is this a good thing? Hmmm.
On the shelf right above her is this cute little frame and I'm thinking something similar will be in my future "I must make" list.
23rd - It's starting to be a habit. Return home. Do nothing. Yep, that's me today. A do nothing girl.
24th - A wee bit of bookwork today and some grocery shopping. That's it. Now in my defense, we haven't shopped for groceries in about a month so it was a rather extensive trip and took quite awhile to put it all away. I know that's pretty lame.
25th - I am off to Valerie's for a play day -- a much needed play day. First stop is at Allison's for tea and some show and share. Just as it is about time to head to Valerie's, Elisabeth shows up and receives a tour of the wonder that Allison calls home. For those of you who missed it before, please click HERE for a remarkable peek into her home. It is well worth the click.

27th - Happy Easter everyone. Mister and I find ourselves alone today and are still going ahead with the traditional Easter dinner: Glazed spiral-sliced ham, fresh asparagus, farfalle alfredo, hot homemade rolls, and angel food cake with a strawberry-kiwi glaze. The rest of our day is just spent relaxing and being together after a few truly crazy months.

This year the bluebonnets are so dang early and the entire state has bloomed at once. I'm afraid we will miss taking the little girls next month and doing a photo shoot amidst the splendor. Drat.

30th - Thinking, thinking, thinking. I have received two more Round Robins and am busy working on what to do with them. They are both absolutely beautiful. Oh my. Again, I will be challenged.
31st - I have an idea for the first Round Robin. Using some scraps that came with it, I make a prototype to see just what a 2 1/2" star would look like. Man, this is tiny. ( I really should remove threads before taking pictures.)
Oh goodness. I need to mail Suzanne's Round Robin top. Oh sure Deb, finish it and then forget to mail it. No car today, so I am off to the post office on foot. A quick look back at the house and I have to smile. Love it when the trees leaf out and my house is once again hidden.
Thanks for checking up on me this month. Check back in now and then and please check out the link to OUR QUILT BLOGS at the top of the page for many of the quilt groups are starting to restrict the posting of blogs into the groups. If you want to still have a long monthly read and time for your tea, join the group. Thanks for sticking around this long -- I appreciate all of you who read each month.
Thank you for doing your monthly blog posts! I enjoy them immensely and it is always fun to be included in the busyiness of your life. Now, to go back and click on the links contained for additional details and memories made! Hugs, Allison