First up: Santa out of a vintage quilt top that I'm choosing to believe was unrepairable.
A great table topper
Quilt on rack and treadle turned into a table. Now again, I'm choosing to believe that the cabinetry was just shot and this was the only option.
Quilt in drawer -- oh the different fabrics in this one. Sock monkey - he's lonely Stephannie and Sherri -- and a pretty cool vintage iron that I just may go back and get. It is marked $10.00.
Now for some fun things too: I found this cast iron gingerbread pan - two sided - front
and back. It didn't have a price on it so I asked up front and was told $5.00. Sold -- Mister says he can get the rust spots out and I want to try and make a gingerbread house. I've actually never made one.

Now, for some reason EVERYWHERE I look today has pyrex bowls and all I can do is think of my friend over at MY IMPERFECT LIFE. Stephanie, do you need more? I can certainly share the location of this hot spot.
A quick stop at Tuesday Morning on the way home doesn't net me any treats but I do spot these if anyone is interested. Let me know and I'll give you the location. Have a great day ya'll.
When you go back to get the iron, please fix the sock monkey... No monkey should be sitting on his tail in public. :)