I need to make 5 of these so most of the squares come from the layer cake and a few from the sample cards. The squares for the project are on the left and everything else, including strings are here as well.
Off to the living room I go to layout 5 nine-patches.

I'm a webber (for some reason that started "I'm a Pepper" in my head -- sorry if you have an ear worm now too) and get the first columns sewn together.
Now to start on the last column.
Yep -- webbed and ready to stitch the cross seams.

Well. dang it anyway. Someone had a bright idea a few months ago to put the batting on a roller on the midarm frame and then load a quilt. What does that mean? First -- that I am dang lazy and haven't quilted poor Easy Street in months and Second -- that I can't access my batting. Deep breath and I am off to the batting scraps. Can I sew these together enough to make the five battings I need. Out comes Lady Elna with her lovely zigzag to the rescue and I BARELY scrape together enough. But I DO. Woot woot. That took longer than the whole first step. Ugh. Now onto backings. I have two families with just girls so am using three of the coloring backs that LeeAnn gifted me awhile back (must be sewn together). Another 2 yard piece of white dot yardage nets me three more backs - with a little sewing of the last piece. Phew. Where is this day going? I thought I could just whip these out TODAY.

Back to the machine as it's time to make the ties and bindings, A little fun when I have them all chained together. Let's iron.

Speaking of playing. Mister has made a trip to Tuesday Morning and returned with buttons, buttons, and more buttons. I find him in the office playing until he has a set of nine buttons of each color. Now, follow along here -- I don't want to discourage his help but I have to ask him if he thought the project through all the way. I told him I needed 9 colors and 9 buttons of each one. He's done that. For some reason I didn't tell him that he needed to multiply that times 5 and he didn't go there on his own. He throws up his hands and gives up for the night. No worries. There's always tomorrow.
I have sewn all the ties, button pouches (look like envelopes) and as much binding as I had fabric for. I'm tired and ready to call it a night. OH. By the way, it is now 29 degrees outside. Brrrrrr. Goodbye butterfly bush. Maybe next year you'll come back and play.

Turn the heat on in here. Dang, it's kind of chilly by this window but I need the blinds open to give me more light. It's time to quilt.

Sandwich two and I are off to the machine and this process continues until all five have been quilted.

The binding is going on and after three I have run out. Yep, my fear has happened. I go back to those strips that are left and cut anything I can down to the right size and then I sew the 2" and 1 1/2" strips together, cutting them to the right size. With all of that and using ALL I can, I make it around the fourth one. That's it though, There simply isn't another bit of fabric to be found.
A quick dash to the studio --- yes QUICK -- it's freezing out there -- and I have found a piece of yardage to make the binding for the last one. Soon that is cut and on. Goodness. Now all I have to do is hand stitch them all down.
OH and buttons. Where was I? Yes, after all of Mister's sorting, he still doesn't have enough. It's 4:30 and everything closes at 6 so we bundle up and get out of the house for a little while. First stop is a different Tuesday morning where we find some, then across the street to JoAnn's where we find another set only because I have a coupon (they are twice as much as Tuesday Morning) and back to the Tuesday Morning by the house for a few more. We have now spent about $50.00 on buttons but I have my fingers crossed that some can go back. It's time to get back home.

Isn't this just dang cute? Yes, I still need to brush the chalk off which is why you can see the yellow lines.
Now to see the finished product. The button pouch is closed and placed at the top in the center of the pad. The left side folds over and then the right side so that it is in thirds. With a quick roll-up, TA-DA, we simply use the ties that are attached and the whole thing is ready to go. I LOVE it so much.
Once again, though, I am tired and ready to quit. I manage to get one more bound before sleep becomes necessary and I still have to do the directions and stuff tomorrow. See you then.

Thanks for stopping in. I'm super excited about these and am thinking I may make one for here at the house for summer camps too. Merry Christmas everyone.
OH. MY. STARS. WOMAN!! You are like a honey badger when inspiration hits you!!! I'm delighted that my gift inspired you and simply amazed at your energy to produce five of these for your family. Kudos to you and Mister for button round up and taming. I shake my head at your creative shenanigans. What fun!!! Hugs, Allison in Plano
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous idea - love to watch your projects in process!!