My first step in today's setup is to pull the fabrics and it is fun to grab all the greens I have set aside. I will likely cull them a bit with some help from Allison and we will share strips again today so will have a good variety to pull from. Our weekly sew days have been so much fun and our quilts will share the same fabrics and yet I know they will look so different. I'm getting excited to start building blocks and see where this one is going.
Allison arrives before 8 and after our usual tea and visit, we set to work cutting strips.
Allison stops for a minute to gift me with an apron that she has made me. After getting a new gingerbread pan a couple of weeks ago, this is super fun for me. I now have something to wear AND a new recipe. Perhaps I should make the gingerbread house.
Once we have all the strips we need (and then some) it's time to pair them up and determine how many cuts from each set are needed.
About halfway through my cutting, I notice that Allison and I are using two very different methods in making our strip sets today. I've gone with the puddling method and just grab different groups of four, stack them up and cut.
Meanwhile, Allison is using the stack and take from the top method. She is so organized - I'm jelly.
By lunchtime, we have all our sets cut. Look at the stack of leftover strips I have still to use. Yep, we overcut A LOT today. No worries though -- into the scrap user's system they go. I just stack mine up - along with a stack of bonus half square triangles that resulted from cutting the quarter square triangles.
Allison uses her plate method to keep track of how many she has cut, with a plate full of half square triangles in the back being watched over by Elvis. Yes, if it looks like she has way more sets than I do, it's because she is doing two quilts, thus double the parts.

It's such a fun day for me as I am gifted another apron, a wonderful quilting book and a tote that will handle projects or a ton of fat quarters. I don't think anyone can have too many totes. Can they?
We have such a great time and visit away until suddenly it is after two o'clock. Oh my, we really need to get to sewing. Now to say good-bye and get back to the machines.

After about half an hour, I have the first run through finished and am ready to move onto ironing.
I have a lovely chain of green/neutral and green/lavendar triangles.
I lay out the triangles on the ironing board with all the green sides up.
By doing that, I can just press the green ones up -- thus making sure the seam is towards it.

Now to run the first two sets through and make sure the size is correct. Woohoo --- perfect -- now to really get busy and send one unit through after the other. (Aren't those cords just oh so lovely?)

Spinning seams, clipping apart, and removing the dog ears all takes place right there while watching a show. Look at all those bonus half square triangles we have to work with. Crazy fun. My mind is already trying to come up with a place that I need them.
Well, that's it. Another clue is in the books. The tray is getting dang full but I am absolutely loving how the colors look together. It's really getting exciting now. Until next time . . . Thank you so very much for following along with me on this adventure.
And what a wonderful adventure it has been! Thank you for all our time together, sharing of strips, stories, shows, movies, yummies, and more importantly, making memories together. It was grand to have Elisabeth and Mariah join us to. Good times to end the year together. Hugs, Allison in Plano