I have moved the previous posts to the end of the entry. I hope that you make it that far.
A QUICK NOTE: I have created a new group for those of you wishing to participate in the Chasing the Sun Mystery which starts in August. We are going to have such a great time and hope that you will join in with us. The group can be located by clicking on this FACEBOOK LINK and all information for the mystery will be located in this blog by clicking the tab at the top of the page. I can't wait to get started and hope you will all join in. The more the merrier.
Goals: I am no longer even attempting to comment on those that were not touched. They'll just stay on the list until they are achieved, even though life jumps in front of them now and then.
Easy Street (ES) - quilted, bound -
Old Tobacco Road (OTR) - Clues 4, 5 - working on borders as leader/enders
Allietare (A) - Clue 6 sewn, back, label, binding, quilted, bound -
Double Delight (DD) - quilted and bound -
loaded on the frame
Row Robin #2 - quilted and bound -
Bargello - quilted and bound -
Roll Roll Cotton Boll - Clues 7-8
New baby Afghan crocheted -
one third of the way through
Chasing the Sun (CTS) -
dang - can't tell anything about this one Shhhhhh.
1st - This summer is just flying by. I am entering my second month of "camp" sessions with my grands so once again will be a bit limited in what I can accomplish. Toss in the fact that I am waist deep in Chasing the Sun (the new mystery mentioned above) and that also limits me with pictures. I hope I don't disappoint you this month but enough jibber jabber, let's get this post started.

I have spent the ENTIRE day working on CTS and all I can say is there is color everywhere in my house. For some evening entertainment, I met up with Elisabeth and Mariah to talk about an upcoming party and then followed up our gin and tonic planning with a couples dinner for Mister and myself with Elisabeth and her sweetie, Jim. What a super fun evening. Oh -- and we have a rough draft for our event. Win, win.
2nd - Ah, it's an Allison Day and they are supremely treasured. We were also treated to a stop-by from Elisabeth for a short lesson on how to load a quilt onto her frame. It's really nice to have some adult company during my small break. I spent the entire day working on ONE block. But in my defence, it is a marvelous block. You want to see it? Oh dang, it is still an upcoming secret project. I know, I seem to have a lot of those. BUT, I can show you the leader/enders that I have finished today. Lots of geese for Old Tobacco Road.

3rd - I WANT to have at least one finish this month so today I am attaching the binding to my Row Robin #2. Settling in with Netflix and That 70's Show (yep, I'm that corny), I soon have the binding stitched down and one in the DONE column. I have one CTS almost set and everything ready to start quilting the Bargello tomorrow. The remainder of my day is spent working on this wonderful blog. (Heavy sarcasm there)

4th - Happy Independence Day everyone! I am sneaking out to the studio first thing to try and do a little quilting. With three hours used up, I have the Bargello quilted halfway. OMG what a lot of bobbins this pattern is using. The rest of the day is spent with my sweetie and we finish with a lovely dinner out. No fireworks for this couple tonight, Tomorrow is a busy day and another camp session starts in the evening.

5th - My grands arrive later today so I aim for the studio first thing to finish quilting the Bargello. Okay, okay. I also have an ulterior motive. Jen is arriving today and wants to learn to quilt one of her own tops. That means this thing HAS to come off. Unfortunately things do not go smooth for me and I am not finished when she arrives. However, she is tired and wants to take a nap, thus giving me a bit more time. Success. It is off the frame, trimmed, and named Bargello Cluster as it is a mess. Honest.

NOW to teach Jen and get her going on her own. Again, we have a bit of issue and Mister cleans and oils everything for us so that we can still have the issue. FINALLY, we discover that the thread is breaking because the needle is too small. A quick change and she finishes up with enough time to go and get dinner at Cane Rosso before we have to go to the airport and collect grands.
She does such a great job and it looks wonderful. This is a jelly roll that she won while at retreat and she quilted it with a shell pattern.

6th - My treasures are sleeping in a bit this morning after their late evening arrival so I have some quiet time to trim and attach the binding on my Bargello. I made the binding for this while at retreat and it's only now that I remember that I used all the light batiks I had with me at the time and as I'm sewing the binding on, it becomes obvious quick that I don't have enough.

A quick dash out to the studio for some strips and a few minutes later I am back to sewing the binding onto the quilt.
Now, on with our day. We have opted to stay home and play so that's what we are doing. Well, okay, and baking cookies. I took a bit of time to do a few basic household chores and when Grandpa gets home from work, we head out for pizza and a stop at JoAnn's to get some fabric for Zyra to make a dress.

7th - We are off and running today. The Children's Aquarium, Lagoon at Fair Park, Discovery Gardens Butterfly House, Northpark Mall, LEGO store, and Finding Dory. Whew! What a super fun day though and all accomplished without a single complaint. Even from Hyrum, whose flip-flop broke and has to be rigged with Zyra's pony tail holder. Now - home to build those LEGO's and have Grandpa fix that shoe. Oh, and Hyrum has decided he wants to sew something too so I hunt online and find a pattern for pajama pants that is free. With a quick print and some tape, we are ready --- but need fabric.
8th - Jen, Jared and Josh are in town to spend the day so that the cousins get a chance to play together. She leaves for awhile to go pick up Jon and Jacob from camp and I command a little quiet time. That means a movie and not one of these kids have seen The Pacifier. Problem solved. Spaghetti dinner for all and some Go Fish before bed.

9th - Grandpa is in charge and we are off to the zoo. It's a cooker out there but we have a blast before heading home to cool off and relax. After bedtime, I settle in and complete the hand stitching on the Bargello binding. Another one in the DONE column. Woohoo! That's two this month and I was hoping for just one. Yay me. Now, one would hope that I end the day on a high note, but it is not meant to be. A toy has been left out for me to trip over and down I go. OUCH. I've cut my foot pretty good and will lots of pretty colors in a few days on my left side. Ugh.
10th - Giving me a little extra sleep, Grandpa takes the kids off to the coffee shop first thing in the morning and once they arrive back, I am set up and ready to sew with Zyra. She does a great job and soon has a lovely butterfly dress to check out the butterfly bush with. Next, we are off to Jumpstreet to run some of that energy off. A quick stop at JoAnn's and we now have fabric for Hyrum's pj's too.

For my evening entertainment, once everyone is in bed, I load up Double Delight. Is there a chance that I can get another quilt done this month? Fingers crossed.

11th - After a couple of busy days, we are taking it easy this morning. It's kinds of nice, I gotta admit, but ends around 2 when we grab the DART to go meet Grandpa for some swimming. Since my foot is still healing, I simply get to watch and take pictures. Boo -- hiss.

12th - The Children's Garden at the Dallas Arboretum is today's adventure. That is all I have to say.

13th - It's another adventure day and the Perot Museum is our destination. Grandpa has taken the day off to play with us. How fun for everyone.
14th - We have the fabric all ready to go on Hyrum's pajama pants so today is the day to get them sewn. Zyra has also been out to the studio and found fabric to make her new baby chicks a blankie. Yep, you read that right. I guess that means we need to get busy around here and do some sewing.

Well, these are slick to make and I have one very happy grandson.
Now, onto the chicken blankie. Hmmmm.
How simple can I make this and still have smiles at the end. She wanted a quilt to begin with but I explained the difference and she settle for a blanket. She found some egg fabric and leftover yellow minky to use.
It's a simple matter of sewing the two rectangles together and leaving an opening that is then topstitched closed. Voila. Chicken Blankie.

Tomorrow I have to return these two gems to their parents. Am I happy about it? Not even one little bit. However, the bright spot is that the event Elisabeth and I have been planning is on Saturday and it's time for me to get ready for it. While doing laundry and packing, I also prepare some fun teas and make biscotti. I have to drop things off at Elisabeth's when I return from Denver tomorrow so I'm not only packing kids, but a tea party as well. Cups, saucers, teas, treats. It's gonna be such fun.
15th - Ugh --- Travel days are never fun when they are good-bye days. The only bright spot for me this year is that I will see these two again in a month at the family reunion. That does make it a week bit less bitter.

16th - Allison is over today to sew in the morning and then to be wonderfully surprised with a tea party in her honor. She knows about the party, but not the purpose for it. Yay. After visiting and sewing all morning --- well to be truthful, more visiting than sewing as I also made scones for the tea party -- we are dressed and ready for some true Southern Fun. To read all about our amazing day, please click on this
LeeAnn brought me some wonderful fabric at the party and Allison also delivered a fun piece for the upcoming mystery back. In addition, we made a stop at a couple of local quilt shops and Brenda gifted me with a fun pattern to use for future granddaughter gifts. Yay. Not a penny spent and wonderful additions to my studio. To read all about the new quilt shop we went to, please click

17th - It's a "couple" day. I am devoting my entire day to my sweetheart. First up is the coffee shop and then to buy a new waterproof camera for the upcoming beach trips. Some blog work gets thrown in for good measure.
18th - In the words of my granddaughter Malea, "I DID IT". I finished CTS tops (yes there are two of them) today AND got everything ready for a tricot baby quilt that NEEDS to get made quick. Dang - procrastination bites me in the backside once again. I have a granddaughter arriving in two days. Oh, AND I added to my every growing leader/ender stack of flying geese. Woot woot! Or perhaps I should say Honk, honk.

19th - Determination is at the forefront for today. The tricot quilt top is marked! I then discover that I need help with the batting and my sweetheart is at work. BAD planning on my part so let's make some lemonade. One CTS back finds itself put together and 20 more leader/ender geese along with a label and binding. My sweet friend, Allison, is going to quilt this one and it is almost ready for her. If you are looking for a longarmer to tackle your stack of quilt tops, please check this
POST for more information. (Pics below: first one taped and ready to mark, second one is after marking. Yep, hands and knees time.)

20th - Okay, Mister helped me get the batting ready last night for this baby quilt and after TWO hours loading it this morning, I am ready to quilt. I get set up with Netflix and "Everybody Loves Raymond" and start stitching away. After a FULL day, I am a little more than halfway and my fingers are afraid of tomorrow. Yes, I know there are thimbles out there --- I just can't use them with any decent outcome whatsoever.

21st - Another day at the frame and while I am stitching away, my new granddaughter makes her appearance in the world. Well, she WAS due yesterday and I KNEW she was coming today. Yes, bad Gammy. Stitch, stitch, stitch away. After another FULL day, the quilting is FINISHED. Off the frame it comes and gets trimmed down. My fingers can't take anymore today so will finish up in the morning and mail.
22nd - I am up and stitching away first thing. Oh Deb, what is wrong with you? Late, late, late. I do and a good old-fashioned "turn the edges" and hand stitch down type binding to call it done. Whew, now to get this and the quilt I finished last month in the mail.

In order to do just that, I still have to finish the label for the other quilt. I know that sounds like a lot but it just means, I have to write on it. I am so very good at making labels and attaching them. The whole writing thing always gets put off. I really need to spend one whole day just writing labels. Ugh.
It's a fly night for me -- picking up grandsons in Denver. Gotta go. My project for the flight is to work on the afghan that is still not completed and baby is here. Yes, I know --- what is up with me?
Oh sure --- of COURSE flying is a disaster tonight and we don't arrive home until 2 a.m. I have very tired boys. AND a tired Gammy.

23rd - Our new granddaughter has a name. Please welcome miss Ava Leigh. What a sweetheart. I simply cannot wait to go and meet her. However, today there are three grandsons that want my attention as well. We are off to the Children's Aquarium with Grandpa. That means I get to be in some of the pictures. Is that good? Well a few less belly rolls would make me happier. On the way home, we stop at JoAnn's to get more pj fabric as these boys want to sew too. Oh happy me.

24th - It's ZOO day and these days ALWAYS make me happy. I think we set a record today though as we are there for 7 1/2 hours. Yes, in July. In Dallas. Are we crazy? Perhaps, but such great memories made.
We spend time at each area and still manage to not do EVERYTHING that is available. The boys are attentive, knowledgeable, and stay with us remarkable well. Of course, stops at buildings with a/c and treats now and then don't hurt the situation. Dippin' Dots. Really? My gosh those things are awful -- I have never liked them.
25th - It's a stay at home day. We are going to sew and bake. Yes, that is what my grandsons have requested. Pajama Pants and chocolate chip cookies. How does one deny that? And since I have to be fair to all, everyone gets a large picture.
The finished product including smiles. What a fun day. (Oh, I posted this picture as requested by the boys and they were absolutely THRILLED to have almost 3k likes before it was removed. Super fun for them.)

26th - Grandpa is working from home today so we are disappearing. First up is the new Ice Age movie followed by shopping at the LEGO store, and a trip to Jump Street. I do manage to get in a bit more time crocheting while at Jump Street but I'm still a LONG ways from being finished.
27th - A couple of days ago, the boys asked if they could make pillows with the scraps from their pj pants. Never one to refuse someone who wants to sew, I went back to the internet and found a free patterns for a travel pillow and then some super soft black furry (i.e. MESSY) fabric to use for them along with their scraps. Let's get busy cutting these out so they can be sewn. Oh my, we have black fuzzy bits EVERYWHERE along with a ton of laughter.
What a great finish, boys. The smiles are pretty great too.

28th - Time is flying by and I only have two full days left with these boys. What to do, what to do? They let me sleep a bit today and here is how I find them. Please note the use of travel pillows.

After breakfast, we make a trek over to the school to eliminate a few wiggles at the playground and then home to make Raef's suggested sugar cookies.

After cookies and lunch - yep, in that order - we walk down to the roller skating rink for some indoor afternoon fun. Ryan manages to win TWO of the competitions while there. How cool is that? A quick walk home, some dinner, and then out to ice cream with Grandpa. Talk about a fun day.

29th - It's our last day. I have to do laundry, pack these boys up, print boarding passes etc. So what do we do instead? Well of course we leave the house. By 9 a.m. we are at the Children's Garden and leave around noon for lunch and then onto the Perot Museum. We HAVE to make a stop at Target (for some reason NOTHING could be found to purchase anywhere else) and then home around 6 p.m. No problem. Fortunately, Grandpa has handled dinner and I am able to focus on getting these boys ready to fly tomorrow morning. Once Caleb has his backpack ready, he tries it on to see how heavy it is. He is stylin' - right?
Grandpa has made Shirley Temple cocktails for everyone along with his famous fettuccine alfredo. Yum. It's a fun last night together even though there are a few sad moments. We keep reminding each other that it is just a week until the family reunion.

30th - Oh dang. It's another travel day and a LONG one for me. We arrive at the airport at 7:30 and say good-bye to Grandpa. Then it's onto Denver. Oh yeah, I showed you a picture of Caleb last night with his pack all ready to go. Here is a shot of it from the back. He is READY for whatever may come up. Blanket, pillow, new alligator AND lots of cars. What else do you need to survive? I can't think of a single thing except maybe a bottle of water. Perhaps I should have added that to the side pocket.

I am flying Spirit today and it is only the second time to do so. So far, no complaints. Here is my gate and the view out my window. Interesting at least.
I deliver the boys around 10:30 to eager parents and then hang at the airport until 4 before heading back to Dallas. My sweet Mister picks me up and takes me out for a beer. He knows how to heal a sad heart. Home to bed and asleep by 9. Oh yeah --- I crocheted like crazy today and have made quite a bit of progress on my project.
31st - Well, now we have reached the end of another month. I didn't get as much finished as I had hoped but that is the continuing story of this blog. Another month starts tomorrow with another month of goals and fun. I cannot wait to see what it brings. Today's task: post this blog and RELAX. That's the plan and I'm sticking to it. Bye until next month and don't forget that the mystery starts next month. Exciting times ahead.
Thanks for checking up on me this month. Check back in now and then and please check out the link to OUR QUILT BLOGS at the top of the page for many of the quilt groups are starting to restrict the posting of blogs into the groups. If you want to still have a long monthly read and time for your tea, join the group. Thanks for sticking around this long -- I appreciate all of you who read each month.
Links to Previous 2016 Monthly Update Posts:
I love reading your monthly blog post. What a fun Grandma,wife,friend. Congrats on your life management ,I'm exhausted just reading about it! BTW, I have a goodly scar on the bottom (arch) from a small metal airplane left for a takeoff in my dorway 43 yrs ago.
ReplyDeleteboys will be boys.
Thank you so much Bobbie. I love my life and have learned to truly live it. Yes, boys will be boys but as it turns out, a granddaughter left this toy laying around.
DeleteI love to follow along and see what you are working on. Also a fan of Bonnie Hunter patterns, on my 3rd scrappy trips and I don't know how many string quilted along with a few others. Not sure how you can get it all done! Thanks for the inspiration.
ReplyDeleteSo glad that you check in and keep up with my crazy life. It's always interesting, for sure.
DeleteAnother great post! I know you, see you in action, and still don't know how you accomplish it all. You have to be the best Gammy and Grampa ever!! Thank you for including me in your life and making my birthday so special with the Tea Party. Looking forward to longarm quilting your CTS when you are ready for me to work my magic. Hugs, Allison
ReplyDeleteThank you, my friend. It was a sheer pleasure to spoil you a bit. I LOVE that you are my partner in crime on CTS.