I have moved the previous posts to the end of the entry. I hope that you make it that far.
Goals: I am no longer even attempting to comment on those that were not touched. They'll just stay on the list until they are achieved, even though life jumps in front of them now and then.
Easy Street (ES) - quilted, bound -
Old Tobacco Road (OTR) - Clues 4, 5 - working on borders as leader/enders
Allietare (A) - Clue 6 sewn, back, label, binding, quilted, bound -Old Tobacco Road (OTR) - Clues 4, 5 - working on borders as leader/enders
Double Delight (DD) - quilted and bound -
Row Robin #2 - quilted and bound - Quilted, just need to bind
Round Robin (3) - mailed - YES
Round Robin (4) - finished and mailed - YES
Bargello - quilted and bound - loaded on frame for quilting
Roll Roll Cotton Boll - Clues 7-8
Periwinkle River - quilted, bound, and mailed - YES, with a pillow sham to boot
New baby quilt - - quilted and bound YES
Chasing the Sun - dang - can't tell anything about this one Shhhhhh.

2nd - It's a little girl kind of day. We decide to put those aprons to use and bake some cookies. It helps the mood with the fact that it is raining out. Perfect cookie weather. Hmmm --- chocolate chip anyone?

4th - Earlier this week, Jen put out a HELP to work on her final project for one of her Master's classes. It focuses on Tesla and she wanted to make a quilt as her final presentation. I posted a quick HELP as well, with Valerie and Allison responding and showing up bright and early today to see if we could get this project whipped out in one day. It is a Quilt As You Go and the squares are already complete. WE just have to sash and border this thing. Yes, it's a wee bit like a sweat shop in here. Top it all off with the fact that Grandpa is entertaining four grandchildren. Yep, it's a busy house.

During the summer, crafty moments are a bit harder to find time for, but while sitting at the roller skating rink, I do manage to get a start on "no name new baby's" afghan. Yep that is likely totally written wrong.

6th - The house is incredibly quiet early this morning so I happily skip back to the studio and throw intimidation to the wind as I get started on Ophelia's quilt. Her birthday is rapidly approaching and this NEEDS to get done.
It goes oh so quick and in no time I have a quilt ready for binding. It takes a wee bit of understanding my own capabilities in doing this one. Once I recognize that I can't stitch a straight line on my midarm, wavy lines become the standard and I truly like the way it turns out.

Here's a closer look. Binding goes on super fast and that is my late night project. What a great way to end any day. Love, love, love binding.

It goes oh so quick and in no time I have a quilt ready for binding. It takes a wee bit of understanding my own capabilities in doing this one. Once I recognize that I can't stitch a straight line on my midarm, wavy lines become the standard and I truly like the way it turns out.

7th - Ophelia's quilt is finished and her birthday is on the 10th. I SHOULD mail today, right? I mean, seriously, what am I thinking? I'm thinking it needs a sham too. Off to the studio I go EARLY in the morning while sleepy grandson snores away. I have enough scraps from the top that I put together two more blocks in no time and then most of my time is used in calculating how big to make it so that it fits a pillow right. That's as far as I get before I am off to spend time with Jon. Nothing will be mailed today.


9th - Okay, I've managed to get one deadline out the door but still have one MISSED and gnawing at me. My Round Robin was due out the door on the 1st and my biggest pet peeve is being late on ANYTHING. Well, except this blog as that seems to be the norm.

It really seems so simple when I explain it to people, but scares the know you what out of me. Awwww -- yes -- truly I am that scared. However, I just start in and before I know it, another trip to the post office is required today. Oh it feels sooooo good.

12th - Jared wants a "chill" day at home and I am more than happy to oblige. I am TERRIBLY far behind on blogs so spend a ton of time right here, keeping right on typing while Jared and Grandpa head off to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. No, I have absolutely no desire to see it with them. Go boys, go.

15th - These older boys do love to sleep in so while he snores away, I managed to load "no name new baby's" quilt earlier in the week with a few stolen moments and this morning I am going to go out and once again tackle something new. I want to freehand scallops on this one. Yes, I can hear the laughing already but I am going to give it a try.

16th - Sneaking off to the studio while sleep takes place in the house, I am determined to get the Row Robin #2 loaded onto the machine. I so want to keep moving forward on this stack of completed tops.

It's soon on and ready for action. I'm not sure just when that action will take place, but dang it, it's ready.
There is still no movement in the house and I have one very large bowl of blackberries from the backyard bushes. Put those two together and it seems like a great time to make jam. I have a new recipe that uses so much less sugar and want to give it a whirl here. If it can work with blackberries, it can work with any fruit - in my humble opinion. Within the hour, I have 5 lovely jars of jam. And guess what, it tastes wonderful. Now what? Still no one hanging with me ---- might as well make some cookies too. Jared has requested chocolate, chocolate chip but I don't have enough chips. I know -- let's add some M&M's too. That'll work.

Apparently I am on my own today --- Jared is hibernating -- so I move on to another project that I have been wanting to finish for awhile. My ironing side table. Woooo - I am on a roll today. To see the tutorial link for this, please click HERE.
17th - One of the requests Jared has is to see cats. Big cats. Our zoo has quite a few but I located a rescue center in Wylie that has a ton so we are off to see what's there. It's a great place with so many big cats, all of whom come from horrible past experiences. Kudos to these people. Once home again -- Jared is off to his room for more hibernation and I head to the studio to perhaps get a little work done on the upcoming mystery. Sorry, can't show what I'm working on.

There is still no movement in the house and I have one very large bowl of blackberries from the backyard bushes. Put those two together and it seems like a great time to make jam. I have a new recipe that uses so much less sugar and want to give it a whirl here. If it can work with blackberries, it can work with any fruit - in my humble opinion. Within the hour, I have 5 lovely jars of jam. And guess what, it tastes wonderful. Now what? Still no one hanging with me ---- might as well make some cookies too. Jared has requested chocolate, chocolate chip but I don't have enough chips. I know -- let's add some M&M's too. That'll work.

17th - One of the requests Jared has is to see cats. Big cats. Our zoo has quite a few but I located a rescue center in Wylie that has a ton so we are off to see what's there. It's a great place with so many big cats, all of whom come from horrible past experiences. Kudos to these people. Once home again -- Jared is off to his room for more hibernation and I head to the studio to perhaps get a little work done on the upcoming mystery. Sorry, can't show what I'm working on.
18th - It's another switch out day and we have agreed to meet at the water park just outside of Weatherford. There are 9 of us for a fun-filled day of laughter and stories. Yes, I do play at water parks.
19th - Josh is my new visitor for the week and although he doesn't sleep in quite as late as his brothers, I do manage to get in at least one early morning hour to work on the mystery. Once Grandpa and Josh are up, its off to the coffee shop and Gecko Hardware, where Josh is treated to a baby chick in his hands. Yep, that is sheer delight on his face. Today is his day with Grandpa, so I get more mystery work done.
20th - Oh, while I've been working on the mystery my leader/ender project has been the flying geese for the border on Old Tobacco Road. I'm getting a nice little stack of them. Josh and I are off to have a FISH day. First up, the aquarium and then onto Finding Dory. See ya later.

We end the day at Cane Rosso as "Can we go to that pizza place with the big ovens?" made the request list. Absolutely we can. Oh, and just so you know -- this was declared the "best pizza ever" by one 8 year-old.

We finish out the day showing Josh what "real Ramen" is like. (Ramen soup packages are his favorite food of all). We are off for Pho at a little Vietnamese restaurant in Irving. Guess what... HE LOVES IT. It's also his first time using chopsticks. Way to go Josh.

Doesn't this just look oh so fun and yummy?

I simply am thrilled and Mister gives the go ahead to bid. Oooooh ---- will that person in the back please stop bidding? Finally it goes home with me. One would think I have enough quilts of my own right? Yep, that was Mister's question too. All I know is that I am totally in love with it and will not be afraid to cuddle up in it. Yes, I believe quilts are made to be used.

With a sleeping grandson, I am able to put about 4 hours into this before he is up and ready to do something fun. I am about halfway finished in that time. This takes a bit longer than free motion, for sure. I think it's because I am not making use of the entire available space in each run, causing more resets at the end of each row.

Lots of fun time on this one and his first reduction sauce. I gotta admit, my mouth has is doing the happy dance.
29th - It's one of those boring laundry, clean house days as Jen is on her way to pick up Jacob. Her family has completed their camp sessions (Bekah has opted out this summer). Jen has Jon with her and he greets me with a hug and head on my shoulder that warms my heart. We get to visit for awhile and then she and the boys need to make the long trek home after dropping me at the train so that I can go meet Mister and check on Grandma. We have a lovely dinner out with just the two of us - first time we have been alone in a month.
30th - I am taking a much needed rest day to work on pictures and blog posts. One of my 2016 goals is to be completely caught up on all the wonderful stories that are just short of being finished. I CAN do it. I do get a few stitches in but since it's a hush, hush secret -- no pictures. So sorry. The end of the month has arrived again. How does that happen so fast? I want it all to slow down just a bit. I feel pretty good about the month though. Even with kids, I did manage to spend some time doing what I passionately love so very much. I hope you did too.
Thanks for checking up on me this month. Check back in now and then and please check out the link to OUR QUILT BLOGS at the top of the page for many of the quilt groups are starting to restrict the posting of blogs into the groups. If you want to still have a long monthly read and time for your tea, join the group. Thanks for sticking around this long -- I appreciate all of you who read each month.
Links to Previous 2016 Monthly Update Posts:
January Quilt Update
February Quilt Update
March Quilt Update
April Quilt Update
May Quilt Update
January Quilt Update
February Quilt Update
March Quilt Update
April Quilt Update
May Quilt Update
You are amazing Deb! I wish I could get a quarter as much done as you do. Love Jen's Tesla quilt.
Thank you so much. Somehow I don't feel like I get as much done as I want to though. I have a LONG UFO list.
DeleteMarvelous month, simply marvelous!! Thank you for sharing your precious grandchildren with us. Hugs, Allison
ReplyDeleteThank you, my friend.
DeleteFirst time I have read your blog and I enjoyed every line. You are lucky to have your grands close to you. Mine are far away and contact is limited to pictures, texts and phone calls.
ReplyDeleteOh thank you so very much. Unfortunately, most of my grands live a long ways away. I do, however, have cooperative children who meet me halfway and let me steal them away. There are lots of flights to Denver for exchanges.
DeleteLove reading your blog! Thanks for sharing with us!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. Your grands and all the things you have done with them inspire me. Love that you keep so busy that you can write about it almost every day. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much. We ALL need to inspire each other. I find that keeping a little journal of what I do helps me to stay motivated. If I don't write it down, I forget that I actually WAS productive.