It's a "switch" day. That means I am switching kids out and moving from Summer Camp Session 2 to Session 3. The meet-up area is around Weatherford, Tx and Mister has graciously mentioned that if I want to stop anywhere, he will be happy to.

I'm always up to a quilt shop stop and have been to Quilting Around before but loved it so will peek inside quick. We have Jared with us and I try to interest him in making something while he stays with me, but it's a no go. I do spot this one quilt on the wall and think Hmmm. It does have possibilities.
Mister drives through town and spots a garage sale so we park the car and hoof it over there. It's not a packed sale and is on day 3 but I do spot a couple of items to take home with me. I don't have a Singer Touch & Sew but likely know someone who does and will be more than willing to gift them with these cams and accessories. As for the tin? Well, dang if it doesn't have a zigzag attachment and my absolute favorite seam guide inside. We walk away with both boxes AND the tin for $1.50. Crazy, huh?

While we are in the area, there are a TON of antique shops calling our names. " Oh Mister --- Hey Lady --- Come check us out." Absolutely. Come along with us and enjoy the pictures I grabbed of anything remotely sewing or quilting related. What a fun time.
This one made us get out the phone and do some research. Too high though.
Hope you enjoyed the visual treat. What did you see today?
I remember us having one of those rocking chair pincushion spool holders. It can be a real downer to walk around one of those places and see my childhood, I don't feel like an antique, lol