The previous 2016 monthly update links are located at the end of this entry. I hope that you make it that far.
Goals: I am no longer even attempting to comment on those that were not touched. They'll just stay on the list until they are achieved, even though life jumps in front of them now and then.
Easy Street (ES) - quilted, bound - on frame - does that count?
Old Tobacco Road (OTR) - Clues 4, 5 -
Roll Roll Cotton Boll - quilted and bound -
Mad City Mama (MCM) - quilted and bound -
Razzle Dazzle (RD) - quilted and bound -
Quilted by Allison and FINISHED
Tree Skirt and Owl samples made for retreat -
Weed Whacker set, back, binding, label made, quilted and bound -
Set, Back/Label made
1st - The first of the month comes around and I want to post the update from the previous month. Usually that means a rush to finish entries it is linked to and try, try, try to get it out as quick as possible. Today is not an exception. The entire day is devoted to doing just that -- getting the October Update posted. I am going to try so much harder this month to stay caught up. Can I?

2nd - I started working on the owl phone/tablet holders while at retreat last month. Today they are to be finished. My first task is to somehow figure out a way to get the rice inside these buggers. Apparently I left the openings a week bit too small. After several fruitless attempts, I cut the handle from an empty milk jug and slide it into the hole. Presto -- instant funnel. Oh yeah -- doing the happy dance here. Next, the holes get filled with some fluff and then hand sewn closed. What else today? Laundry. Yes, those wonderful household chores that we all wish elves would show up to do. Oh and packing. I'm leaving for Houston tomorrow.

3rd - I am off to Houston with Lydia for the International Quilt Festival. It's my first time attending I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited. I truly can't wait. While traveling, I finish embellishing my owl for the upcoming retreat mid-month. If you would like to read all about our day once we arrive in Houston, please click on the following link:
Day One HIQF . Prepare to be amazed if you have never been. I know I am.
I'll leave you today with the view out our window at the Hilton. Fabulous.

4th - It's day two in Houston and it is filled with fun, friends, food, shopping and plenty of eye candy. To see all that we did, please click on this link:
Day Two of HIQF. Before bed, I add the final pieces to my owl so that I can finish the handwork in the car on the way home tomorrow.

5th - It's our last morning in Houston and it is sure a beautiful one. I am up before the sun and chomping at the bit to get going. Am I in pain? Yep but the sooner I get it done, the sooner I can sit for the next two days. Bring on day three and you can read about it at this link:
Day Three HIQF
I do finish my owl on the way home and he is now resting comfortably on his stand. Love him. I also managed to pick up the remaining fabric needs for Bonnie's upcoming mystery, En Provence. It's getting closer now and I'm looking forward to it.
6th - The day is spent with Mister in a very laid back atmosphere. I am working on pictures and blog posts in my attempt to stay current.

7th - I finish the Houston posts and am once again in the laundry and packing mode. We are leaving on vacation tomorrow. I cut the wedges for my tree skirt and screw them up royally. Yay me.

8th - Election Day and I am off bright and early to meet Allison at her house before continuing onto Sunset for a Sew Day (1/2 day). You can follow all of our wonderful adventures by clicking this post:
Half Day Once home, Mister and I are outta here. West Texas/New Mexico here we come.

9th - I am blessed to start today out with Ms. Kelly and coffee while in Midland. It's a spur of the moment surprise and I couldn't be happier. If you wish to read about our fun, please click on this post:
Day One . While we are out and about today we manage to stop in at a couple of quilt shops. You can read all about them in this post:
Quilt Shops

10th - It's
Day Two (click the link if you want to know more) of our vacation and we are enjoying every minute over here. Check out the pattern on this ceiling.
There is a bit of beauty every direction we look. Our afternoon walk just ends the day perfectly.

11th - Oh what an incredible day. We start out at Carlsbad Caverns and our day just gets better and better with each new adventure. Peek in with us here:
Trip Link I do manage to get in one quick stop at a local store. Check out this
Quilt Shop Link to see all the yummy fabric.

12th - It's the last day of our little vacation around Texas and New Mexico. We have had such fun and today is more of the same, just a bit more laid back. Catch up with us here:
Day Four Trip . One of the things we both love to do when given the chance is a bit of antiquing. What fun it can be and there is always something unique to see and maybe purchase. Check out the eye candy here:
Antiquing Link

13th - We returned home last night and I can barely walk today. It is day two from walking down into the Caverns and my calves are screaming at me. I spend most of the day working on blog and then the afternoon we decide to do a 301 inventory of machines and parts. It appears that they have been multiplying while on the storage racks in the studio. We have located complete sets of accessories for several of them along with bobbin cases, pedals, carrying cases, etc. Now, we need to do this for all the other machines too.

14th - I sewed the tree skirt wedges together only to discover it's too bit. Ugh back to the blog and a huge post. I'm trying so very hard to stay current.
15th - Finished my tree skirt today. You can read all about the journey AND mistakes I made throughout the process in this link:
Tree Skirt
16th - It's another packing/laundry day. Dang but those seem to pop up with regular frequency. Perhaps I need to stay home a bit. The good news is that after Thanksgiving, I truly don't have anything on the calendar out of town until February. I will be around for at least a month. Unless something changes and I never want to rule that out.
17th - Ah yes -- November Retreat has started and it feels oh so good to be back at Brazos. Please, please check out this
LINK to see all the beautiful projects that were completed.

My big moment for the day is the completion of a UFO to which the blocks have been finished for a year. It was time.
18th - Another day at retreat and one filled with so much fun and laughter.
My TA-DA for today is another UFO top whose blocks have been languishing for a year as well.
19th - I am on a roll at retreat. I think I am making up for lost time this month and today have finished another UFO top. This one is Weed Whacker by Bonnie Hunter.

My evening entertainment consists of making this mini pop-up (about the size of a soup can) and fixing two pair of Mister's pants with a new product purchased in Houston.
It's our last night here and while I wish it would last forever, it won't be that long until February and most of us will be together again.

20th - With an early start today, I manage to finish a backing for the first top I completed here along with the label as well. Now to pack up and head home.
21st - I am working on retreat pictures all day so that I can get them posted in the group. It keeps me one step closer to staying on top of things in this blog. Besides, I am kind of sewn out for a little while.
22nd - I'm a blob this morning. Yes, it happens. I have rested and am now about to tackle the awesome task of grocery shopping before Thanksgiving. Off I go.

23rd - Today is prepare day. I have a house full of people arriving tonight and thus I need to clean house, do laundry, and cook/bake all day. It is a whirlwind around here and I am dang productive if I do say so myself. You can read all about it in this link:
A Day in the Kitchen

24th - Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope many of you, like me, are enjoying the day and having a great deal of
Family Time. My day is wonderful and filled with laughter, love, and just the bond of family in the same house together.
25th - It's Black Friday! YES! I am excited but it has nothing to do with shopping. Bonnie Hunter's new mystery starts today and Allison is coming over to sew with me. The first thing she does is present me with my quilted Razzle Dazzle top. Oh it's divine. She is just the bestest to me. I love her dearly and treats like this are appreciated more than I can ever express.

We have just a great day together working on the first clue of the mystery and even manage to dress alike. Great minds think alike and for some reason we both decided that having black clothes covered in threads was the best plan. Yep -- we're just that smart -- you should be so very jealous. Please click on this link:
En Provence Clue 1 to follow along with our day.

26th - Most of the morning is spent with Jon and Jacob cooking. After delicious cinnamon rolls from last night's kitchen extravaganza, eating is first on the agenda and then the making of lunch before going to Bekah's soccer game. Had some fun times at the Asian grocery store before the game and wonderful birthday time for Josh later in the evening.

27th - It's a Mister and me day. We are off to the coffee shop. Three hours and a completed crossword puzzle later, it's back home and time for me to tackle some blogging. I decide that the task will go better with the first eggnog of the season. Yep. It works.
After several hours of my fingers tap, tap, tapping on keys -- Mister suggests beer. I'm def on board and away we go for the rest of the evening.

28th - My fingers are again at work today. Remember that goal to stay caught up? What happened to it? Maybe it would help to have a month of NOTHING in my life. Perhaps then I could get caught up. After a full day on the computer, I remember that I have jury duty tomorrow morning and need a hand project. Yes -- the initial stage of jury selection here in Texas consists of just sitting in a room FOREVER. I gotta have something to do. I know -- Razzle Dazzle. If I quick trim, square, and add the binding, I can hand stitch merrily away tomorrow. It's after 7 and I set a deadline of being done by 8. Off to the studio I go. Success. Now it's time for some sleep. I have an early day tomorrow.

29th - I am off to the Frank Crowley Courthouse for a morning of civic duty. I really don't mind these days if I'm being honest. The whole process is fascinating to me and while I would like to not have anything interfere in my upcoming Friday sew day, I will do this with an open mind and happy for the opportunity to serve.

After arriving at the courthouse on time (8:30), we sit and sit and sit. I instantly take out Razzle Dazzle and stitch away. It is 11 a.m. before I am assigned to a panel. We are sent to lunch before making it even into the courtroom for selection. During this time, I have Razzle Dazzle finished. Woohoo. Now onto the case. Here is the view from the lobby outside the courtroom. I'll be seeing quite a bit of it over the next few days as I have been selected for the jury in a criminal case. That's all I can say.

30th - Another FULL day of jury duty. I really don't have much to write today. Here's the view from the doors into the jury room. Yep, that's the jail. Not too much transportation costs here.
Mister picks me up around 4:30 and treats me to dinner at Cane Rosso. Gotta love that man. It's now 7:30 and I'm going to bed. I feel like I have been hit by a truck. Too, too, too much sitting all day.
, thanks for checking in with me again this month. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. Onto December. Check back in now and then and please check out the link to OUR QUILT BLOGS at the top of the page for many of the quilt groups are starting to restrict the posting of blogs into the groups. If you want to still have a long monthly read and time for your tea, join the group. Thanks for sticking around this long -- I appreciate all of you who read each month.
Marvelous read! Thank you for the whirlwind that is your life. Most of all, thank you for sharing parts of it with me. Hugs and fingers crossed for our Friday sew day together, Allison in Plano, TX
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy reading you monthly update. Often think of doing one, but certainly don`t have half as much going on to write about as you.
ReplyDeleteI really love to read out the things going on with you and am also a fan of Bonnie Hunter's patterns -- I just keep getting stuck on scrappy trips and haven't made many others. I just love to see how each block comes out. Keep up the blogging -- makes me think that eventually I might get to retire from work and get just as much accomplished.