I have moved the previous posts to the end of the entry. I hope that you make it that far.
A QUICK NOTE: I have created a new group for those of you wishing to participate in the Chasing the Sun Mystery which started the 27th of this month. It is NOT too late to join in. The group can be located by clicking on this FACEBOOK LINK and all information for the mystery will be located in this blog by clicking the Chasing the Sun tab at the top of the page. I can't wait to get started and hope you will all join in. The more the merrier.
Goals: I am no longer even attempting to comment on those that were not touched. They'll just stay on the list until they are achieved, even though life jumps in front of them now and then.
Easy Street (ES) - quilted, bound -
Old Tobacco Road (OTR) - Clues 4, 5 - All flying geese for borders finished
Allietare (A) - Clue 6 sewn, back, label, binding, quilted, bound -
Round Robin - last one finished -
Double Delight (DD) - quilted and bound -
Roll Roll Cotton Boll - Clues 7-8
YES - awaiting quilting
New baby Afghan crocheted -
just have edging left
Chasing the Sun (CTS) - both quilted and bound -
Constant YES, Scrappy loaded for quilting

1st - August has finally arrived and with that my summer camp sessions have also come to an end. The house is mine again - kinda. Today, Allison is sharing it with me for a day of sew fun. She is working on a new Bonnie project while I am racing against the clock to be ready for the Chasing the Sun release later this month. Today's agenda is to complete the scrappy backing and it takes me all day to do just that. Crazy, but true. I even manage to eke out a binding too. Well, partially.

2nd - I HAVE to stay focused this week and knock things off my list. Today's goals include making the label and finishing the binding for scrappy CTS. After doing those, I received my Round Robin back in the mail and instantly went on the hunt for backing and binding. Next: How shall I quilt it? Once I had my idea, I started making a panto for it and then also made one for Double Delight AND started on one for the scrappy CTS. That's a lot of drawing for one day. What do you think of my Round Robin? It's going to hand over the midarm.

3rd - We have LOST the office over the summer and thus I set about rediscovering what is all buried there. After a very productive morning, I am off to do something with this head of hair. It's time for a change again. I like it.

4th - Apparently cleaning is my forte this month. The studio is the recipient of my incredible tidying talent today. That's really a joke people. What really happened is I made it walkable again and a place to make new messes. Right? (Enlarge the small pic if you want to see how bad it really was to start out. No place to sit or work.)

Part of the cleaning was to do some organizing for upcoming events. I located all of the "family reunion beach tubs" and prepared them for the upcoming trip. By prepare, I mean I hauled them to the garage and created new stacks of "stuff." Very effective at cleaning out the studio area -- not so helpful with the garage.

In the process, I found some almost finished snap bags from retreat and completed them. Yay me. Does that count as a UFO?

The stack of Old Tobacco Road flying geese also received some tidying. The dog ears are now awaiting their Christmas Ornament.
The last item for the day (since I have the snap bag materials out) is to make a bag for the new camera we just bought. It will ideally hold the camera and the charging cord. I kind of like the results. How about you? Color coordinated too.

5th - I am Roll Roll Cotton Bolling today and have finally finished clue 7. For a peek at this post, please click on the following

6th - RRCB borders/binding/label all are finished. Backing has been selected. It's so close now. Dog ears off. Also remaining OTR flying geese finished.
7th - I do not wish this train to stop. Today I finish the RRCB flimsy and back. OMG -- I did it. Clue 8 for Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll is finished (except for quilting) Whew. To read all about it, please follow this
LINK. Don't stop now girl. I move right into making the binding/label/backing for my Round Robin after which I finally cleaned up the living room. Wow -- it has been a mess for a very long time. Now to get some laundry and packing finished. Tomorrow we are off to the beach.
8th - We are outta here --- see ya on the flip side of a week at the beach. Oh yeah.
9th - Day one at the beach and I am already Chasing the Sun. Oh, my heart is happy.

10th - Okay, I can only stay away from making things for so long and then it calls me again. In no time I have rounded up 11 grands and put them to task using their own creative talents. It will also help EVERYONE by containing their water bottles. Ugh.
After that --- chalkboards for their bedroom doors and puffy paint. What could be more fun for kids. And more mess? I bet I can figure out larger messes this week. Just give me a chance.
11th - THIS is why we go to the beach ----- peace and contentment. Yes?

Today's artistic creation involves food. It's birthday day and fruit pizza has been requested. This mom is not going to say no.
I also took out a cool new coloring pad and pencils. Yep, that one found lots of interest.

12th - As I said, coloring became a very hot item --- with EVERYONE.
People came and went and found solace in putting pencil to paper. I was surprised but they really WANTED to finish their pages.
Of course, along the way we had additional crafts. Today's item is to paint a beach scene.
13th - I thought you might want to see their paintings and chalkboards. Pretty cool -- ages are 4-15.

The day is not over so Grandpa and I take the little ones and try making some simple kites. It is actually dang successful but a fire ant wanted in on the action and my toe was his target. Drat.
The heat of the afternoon always brings people into the house and I can only take full bore running up and down the stairs for so long and then out comes another project. See, I told you I could easily make it messier.

14th - It's our last day and several families have already left. The few remaining take advantage of a limited foam stash to make door hangers. It always pays to have extra stuff around.
15th - Our week is over and we have had just such a magnificent time. I'll put a full post on the Lady and Mister site next month but until then --- here's my last morning walk. Lovely, simply lovely. It's almost time to Chase the Sun.

16th - Surfside Beach yesterday -- Sunset, Texas today. I am off to a one day retreat there and if you want to read about it, here's your
17th - MODA --- Woohoo -- Allison and I are off to shop today. I know --- I KNOW -- I'm not supposed to be buying fabric. But it's MODA!!!! AND it's a WAREHOUSE full of NOTIONS!! I'll be good, I promise.
18th - My morning is spent touching and loving all the goodies I got yesterday. Ooooh, Oooooh, Ooooh. It's time for some Netflix and staple pulling. Here's the results of my two days' work -- yesterday's shopping and today's organizing.

19th - Can you believe I get to have a THIRD day with Allison this week? And to top it off, Janet is here too. I am one very lucky girl. It's a Mad City Mama day and I manage to complete 4 more blocks from my ugly strips. Allison, on the other hand has these lovely, cheery blocks coming together. But the very best part of the day is that my constant CTS is back from Allison, complete with the most luscious quilting ever. Oh, I wish I could show you, but I can't. Just know we are only 9 days away. NINE --- Wow.

20th - Mister and I are having a day together. We start out with a "new to us" coffee/breakfast spot (do we even look like we are having fun?) and then are off to Ikea where new lights, shelving, and a rug make their way into our car. We also spent a good deal of time working on how to redo the office. Fun times ahead.
21st - So the cleaning bug has not left yet and today we are after a hall closet - which in turn prompts us to switch out all bedding and clean the guest bedroom as we have company coming at the end of the month. I took this time to write on all my quilt labels. I am super good at making and attaching labels, not so wonderful at filling them out. Wanna take a peek down memory lane with me?

There were more, but oddly enough, some I had already filled out and I didn't take pictures of those. Go figure. Now what shall I do with all of these so that the guest room can be used. Well, some went into drawers. And some into the newly cleaned closet. Now that that task is complete, I really need to start on Ava's bears and so I do.
JANET YATSKA do not read any further in this unless you want your surprise spoiled. I MEAN IT.

22nd - I would dearly love a few finishes this month. I know it seems like I have a ton of other things to do -- and it's true, I do --- but I really want to just sit and bind. I head to the machine and attach the binding to the constant CTS (with a few issues I might add). I wind up short and have to be creative with the poor lonely 1 1/2" strip I find leftover from my project. A new trick is learned and I'm pretty happy with the outcome. Now, I still have a Round Robin top to work on so I get it cut, sewn and ready to deliver to Janet at beach retreat. Oh, the colors in this are just making my heart happy today. Love, love, love it.
A bit more work on the bears and I'm calling this day done.

23rd - I am off to the studio today. Double Delight is under attack and gets quilted and it's binding attached. I also load up my Round Robin. It's a good day.
My sweetie asked for a quilt that is not so heavily quilted. He likes the softness of them and this is one he wants to curl up with so his wish is my command. I like it but learned a ton once again. Good thing it's for us.

24th - I have named my round robin and thus the Humble Quilter is quilted and bound --- also bound Double Delight. So I have TWO finishes today. Woot Woot -- Are you doing the happy dance with me? I even have the scrappy CTS loaded into the frame. Oh yeah -- rocking it today.

25th - Okay, I am literally out of time and have a disaster of a house from all the areas that HAVE been cleaned. These things need homes now. Bedding needs to be packed away and oh so much more. I spend a lot of the day doing just that -- no heavy cleaning, just putting things in new homes. After that, I am now relaxing with my constant CTS and taking the last new stitches. Peace. It is also in the FINISHED column so I get three this month. Yay. Now, where was that crochet hook, I am way behind on that project too. Oh dear, I feel like the Mad Hatter, I'm late, I'm late for a very important date with a new granddaughter.
26th - It's another MCM Sew Day with Valerie, Janet, and Allison - to see the pics, please click this

27th - OOOHHH EMMMMM GEEEEEE!!! The Chasing the Sun Mystery started in the wee hours this morning. I, however, am running away for the day with my sweetheart. We have a date with a koala this morning and then some brunch.

Once back home, I spend the remainder of the day answering questions and emails while painting on the bears and getting some crocheting finished.
It's coming along and I am finally finished with the center. Now, onto the edging rounds -- there are ONLY 6 of them. Hmmm -- company arrives soon --- will be doing this on the airplane, I'm betting.

28th - Deep cleaning is taking place along with grocery shopping and then Emily and Orrin arrive in the afternoon. We head for a BBQ dinner and then to check out some historic spots with them as it is their first time to Dallas. We finish up with some skyline shots after dark.

29th - Spending the day with Emily and Orrin. Shopping, Meddlesome Moth, Chuy's, and now the Texas Rangers. I think I'm loving watching the sunset more than the start of the game. Lovely, simply lovely. However, the clouds are just a wee bit more entertaining to me tonight. I gotta say, I laughed so hard while photographing this that I had to make a pit stop. Gotta love nature.
Okay, I'll be serious --- here -- is this better?

30th - The BEARS are finished and I'm packing along with trying to get the blog all ready to post while I am away. Tomorrow, I fly. Utah, my daughter, and two granddaughters away. Well, and a son-in-law that I love dearly too. I hope the end of your month is as awesome as mine. I'm posting this tonight so that means I will be one day short but such is life. Know that I will be crocheting away while on the flight. Perhaps I'll post a picture of a finished product, but I'm betting that will happen while there --- late night crocheting in my room to keep it a secret perhaps. We'll see.
31st - Off for Utah
At any rate, thanks for checking in with me again this month. I appreciate it more than you know. Are you Chasing the Sun? I sure hope so. You can find the tab for it at the top of the blog. Please come play. See ya in September. Check back in now and then and please check out the link to OUR QUILT BLOGS at the top of the page for many of the quilt groups are starting to restrict the posting of blogs into the groups. If you want to still have a long monthly read and time for your tea, join the group. Thanks for sticking around this long -- I appreciate all of you who read each month.
Links to Previous 2016 Monthly Update Posts:
Another great post and I got to see and sew with you so much this month! Whew, whoosh, there went August with all your great finishes. Hugs, Allison
ReplyDeleteI wish I was half as productive as you are ! Great finishes