I bet you are wondering why. Well, I left my family reunion and arrived in Dallas to fall into bed for some sleep and then off to Sunset today all because I'm just that much of a social butterfly. HAHAHAHA --- NOT. Quite simply, I have missed my friends and need a day with them. It's worth it to me. So, off we go.
Now, I could make this post all about the retreat center (which is lovely but not totally my cup of tea) but I won't out of loyalty to Brazos House. So what exactly does that leave me to share? Well, how about the reason I went. FRIENDS!. What fun to be with Allison, Valerie, Sherry, Suzanne, Stephannie, and Lovetta. We laughed and shared stories the whole day and were even told that we were having "too much fun" over in our corner. Well, so be it. We do have a great time. (Yes, I invited Marie to join us and you can expect to see her smiling face around here more often. She is the one in the background with the white shirt and blue slacks.)
Allison spent the day working on bindings and we were lucky enough to see in person the Back the Blue quilt that she did. Wonderful doesn't begin to describe it. Wow.
Valerie is setting a UFO that she promises will become the banner on the Facebook group before the month is out. I'm going to hold her to it.

The back design walls held some absolutely beautiful works in progress and I managed to capture a few with the camera. The KFC one on the left boggles my mind while the one on the right plays with it.
So, I bet you are wondering just what I was working on. I didn't even take a machine with me and spent the entire day cutting up "squilt craps". Yep, you can ask Allison about that term. I filled one tin with squares of all sizes to go into my scrap users system as well as a nice stack of various sized strips. A good day for sure. HOWEVER, my day got a little crazy when it was time to go home.
I packed everything up and was ready to load the car when I discovered that the car keys were nowhere to be seen. I did a major hunt, turned my purse inside out, emptied the scrap bag and tins, checked on the scraps I had given away, and called Allison and Valerie to see if they had taken them by mistake. (Yes, now picture that they are on the interstate tearing apart their bags looking for my keys.) Sherry, Stephannie, and Suzanne also went through all of my bags with no luck. After hearing back from Allison, I tried one last time with my mondo bag to turn it upside down and they instantly fell out. What the What???? All four of us had searched that bag at least once. Crazy. It was definitely time to go home. Whew.
I was really worried that I had accidentally picked up your keys and put them in my bag...despite searching there. I thought I would get home and find them! Would I own up? Very glad you found them and yes, we were pulled over on the side of the road searching through bags but all is well that ends well.
I was absolutely positive that you were not the culprit but I thank you for worrying about me. Having you as a friend is a treasure I do not take lightly.