Mister and I are out and about in southeastern New Mexico today. While in Artesia having lunch, I spot a cute little quilt shop called Martha's and make a quick beeline over there while waiting for our food.

Along the way, I am stopped in my tracks as these murals appear between two buildings and the colors are just so vibrant that I have to take a closer look. This little courtyard is perfect for quietly reading or getting organized for the day. I do love the flavor of this area of the country. My greatest desire is to have a adobe home that surrounds a center courtyard. What joy that would be.

Now, where was I? Oh yeah, a quick trip to Martha's and now it will be even quicker yet as lunch will arrive any moment. The shop is a variety of things but includes a couple of rooms with fabric in the back. Oh I wish I had more time and I find a couple of items I would like and then am informed that it is check or cash only. Well drat. I didn't bring any checks on this trip with me and Mister has all the cash back at the restaurant. I guess this means nothing for me and that's okay as I was not getting something that was absolutely "needed" as I'm trying so hard to do this year.

I do find, however, a couple bolts of fabric that I MUST take a picture of. These would be fantastic for the backing and binding of the upcoming Bonnie Hunter mystery, En Provence, due out on Black Friday. Granted they have some turquoise instead of magenta in them, but I've seen people substituting that color in their choices. I already have made my selections, but if I hadn't . . .
and this one too (selvedge information in smaller photo above)
Okay gotta really run now. Lunch is definitely waiting. (If you wish to see all the sculptures we saw in Artesia along with the rest of our magnificent day please click on this link:
Fall Break - Day One.

A little further down the road we come across the delightful town in Cloudcroft, NM, and in it is a brand new shop (18 weeks old) called Sew Happy. The owner is wonderful to visit with and has a great little location started. I do find a couple of fat quarters here that I can add to my mystery stash - one yellow and one green.
The shop is also a Brother dealer and one of the tops made with an embroidery machine is hanging on the wall. Isn't this just wonderful?
Well, we have to move on as the day is rapidly going by and we still have places to go. Here's a peek at how our day ends -- the whole story is in the link above. Until next time - keep on creating.
Oooh, fun times!! Gorgeous scenery inside and out. Lovely, just lovely. Hugs, Allison in Plano.