The days are flying by and I leave for retreat shortly with grands quick on the heels of that. I am trying to get my house under control just a wee bit and as I'm cleaning up today, I come across a piece of fabric that I ordered for a round robin and it turned out to be canvas. It's just sitting here -- ONE YARD of it. I also have FOUR sack jammed full of the bits and pieces of fabric that are even too small for me to sew with. You know, the ones we trim off when squaring fabric or the tiny bits left on strip sets, etc. Today all four bags are going to be part of my cleaning up process.

My sister-in-law just told us that she got a new puppy. Well, how about a quick dog bed? I take just a few minutes (absolutely NO time spent squaring the yardage) and sew up three sides of the fabric (keeping the fold in place) and leaving a small opening to shove all the bits into.
It takes a bit of time to get all four bags emptied, but I do it. Oh my gosh - this is dang heavy but I lug it up onto the table so I can stitch the opening closed with a machined. This IS a dog bed, remember. No fancy hand-closing required.
With less than an hour of my time, I have not only found a place for this piece of fabric but have removed four decent sized sacks from my studio, giving me valuable floor space. YES!!! It's a win, win.
It's pretty dang good sized too --- look at my shoe for size reference. Woohoo. Now, what else can I clean up today?
Turned out great Deb! I was there when the fabric arrived and you were disappointed it would not work for your round robin. This is a win!! Hugs, Allison