Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Cupcake Quilting - Old Town Spring, TX

Stop Number 2 today is at Cupcake Quilting.  I can hardly believe that there are two big shops here.  Within a block of each other.  I want to move here.  Seriously.

This shop is just as much fun as GRS.  The minute we walk in, there is a color explosion all around us.  No one is around to greet us or for me to ask if I can take pictures.  I've rarely been turned down except at shows, so I go ahead.

What a great shop.

I spot this bag and want the pattern so badly.  Sherri and I look everywhere for it, but cannot locate it so I open the bag and inside is a picture of the pattern.  Score and I take a picture of the picture.  At this point, we spot a sign that asks not to take pictures.  Drat.  Since I already had these, I am creating this blog post but not linking it anywhere on Facebook.  Drat --- why would you turn down free advertising?  At any rate, I've got the day remembered.

Oh, I did meet a lovely lady back in the classroom as she was teaching vests --- and the machine area is huge.  Check it out if you are in Old Spring, TX.

And these came home with me:

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