Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Quilt Sister Cruise #1 - Day Six - Grand Cayman

Port day number two is here and the view from our balcony is pure delight.

Below, the lights from the ship add to the intense joy my heart feels.

Grand Cayman is on the horizon and it is our "whole group" excursion day.  I am so excited, not only to spend time together, but for what we are actually going to experience.  Hello Cayman, are you as glad to see us?

As we get closer, the beauty just intensifies.  Even the clouds begin to allow us to see her majesty, the sun.

Now to meet up with everyone, grab some breakfast and head for the tenders.  This day will be what we make of it - I want to make it incredible.  Onto the tenders we go.

There's our ship as we boat away from it.  So incredibly huge.

A quick stop on the pier for group pictures -

before finding our waiting spot.  A brief wait ensues.

Yay --- let's get this party started.  It's just a short walk to the next boat that will transport us to Stingray City.  Along the way, the eyes are treated to such peace and beauty.  I am in love with the way this coconut tree (do you see them?) has chosen to grow.  It has encountered some storms and weathered them well.  Such a comment on our own lives.

We are all smiles and eager for fun ---

First -- the canal that leads to the bay

Open water

We have fabulous staff --- I am sitting in the first seat in front of him.  Couldn't resist.

As soon as we drop anchor, it's into the water and we are all given squid to feed the stingrays.  Touching is allowed and we are all smiles.  After feeding we are given the chance to hold these wonderful creatures.    Here, we have a female and she is more than willing to pose as long as our guide massages her.

Debi and I wander over to another area and soon have the chance to hold  a male stingray, without assistance.  So, so much fun.

AND -- the female without help as well.  She is just so dang big.


Along with a back massage.  Crazy cool.

Group shot, of course.

Dropping the camera underwater at one point, provides me with this beautiful shot of Maria holding the male.

It's time to climb up into the boat once again and journey onto our next location:  Starfish Point.  It is a short jaunt and we are there in no time at all.  I am so excited for this.  Having done the stingrays before, it was so amazing, but now I am in new territory and eager to learn.  Right beside our boat are some starfish and the lessons begin.  We are able to hold them and feel as they move across our hands or suction in place.  Our guide lays one on its back and we all watch as (about 4 -5 minutes later) it begins to turn itself over.

Lunch is served and as I go into shore, a jelly fish swims right by me.  The food is so good and we are all starving so that makes it even better, right?  While we are eating, Debi heads off to snorkel in a different area.  I can feel the sun, so I head back to the boat to reapply sunscreen and while in it, spot several more starfish near the boat.  Our guide happily dives down and retrieves three more for us to enjoy.

This one is darker in color.

Debi has returned and tells us that around the point, there are so many more.  Asking how much time we have, allows Sherri and I to make a mad dash over there.  Oh my goodness -- they are everywhere we look and the color ranges are beautiful.

Sadly, it is time to depart and we make our way to the boat once more.  I can already tell that I am burnt and will have a rough night.  Dang it anyway.  Upon arrival back on the ship, this little guy greets us in our room.  Too cute.  Dropping my stuff, I am once again off to the water slides to cool off and clean up a bit.  Then a shower and we are setting sail.  See ya another time Grand Cayman -- we had a blast.

Some time at the pub with karaoke and then it's dinner.  We've changed and decide a few pictures would be fun again.

Yes, there's love too.  Touch gently now ya'll -- this gal is red.

I am starved once again.  I think the sun is taking it's toll.  At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.  As usual, everything is just so, so good.  Melt in your mouth wonderful.  Tonight, they have the grand marnier dessert that I love so much only it's not chocolate.  At any rate -- not skipping the treats tonight.

And that's it for tonight.  I have another early day tomorrow and want to get into comfortable jammies.  Night everyone.

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