Friday, August 23, 2019

Quilt Sister Cruise #1 - Day One - Houston at Val's

So, the story goes like this:  Fifteen months ago a group of us were sitting in a room talking and the subject of a cruise came up.  A little research gave us some dollar numbers and dates.  More discussion and the decision was made right then and there.  Book it Danno.  And we did.  As we booked, we paid and then started watching the calendar.  And watching, and watching, and watching.  It was a long 15 months, but it's here at last.  I am packed and ready to go.  We have matching T-Shirts, tiaras and a wonderful Bon Voyage party being hosted by Randy and Val tonight in Houston.  It's time to get this show on the road.  Lydia and I are in car one --- and we're off.

A mere 2 1/2 hours later, our caravan has begun.  Car 2 with Sherri and Gwen have met up at Buc-ees in Madisonville.  Don't ya just love Sherri's hair?  How fun.

As we get closer to Houston, our traditional rain has hit.   I do mean traditional.  EVERY time Lydia and I drive through here, we are hit with a burst.  Today, we are officially at a crawl.  (This picture is before it got REALLY bad.)

Arriving at Val's, short visit and howdy takes place before Val and I depart to the airport for Ramona and Linda.  The storm messed with them too and thus, delays.  We soon have them and are heading back to the house.

By the time we return --- the gangs ALL here.  How fun is this?  Oh my heart loves seeing these women so very much.  Even with all that is on my mind, I can watch and smile and listen.  Yes, and talk -- that's a given.

The pool is sooooo inviting and both Rocky and I take advantage. (I even make a second dip late in the evening.)

BBQ is going and everyone is catching up with one another after a summer apart.  It's just wonderful.

The late night adventure takes place in Val's closet.  She has pashminas for all.  What a grand time.

Everyone's in the closet and Randy is attempting to sleep right outside the door -

But . . . then . . . we had to come out of the closet.

One by one

Until the room was empty again

And our hostess could go to bed.  Sherri and I laughed and giggled forever before falling asleep.  The cruise hasn't even started yet and I'm just so happy.  Thank you, Val, for loving us enough to do this.  You are amazing.

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