Tuesday, April 30, 2019

2019 April Quilt Update

Hello and welcome to the fourth Monthly Quilt Update of 2019.  Have you joined us in our theme for this year?  Do you know what it is?  Here is your hint and if you want to know all about it -- here is your LINK.  Always remember that in this group all links open in a separate window so you don't lose your place here AND there are no ads or popups EVER.

If you are new to the blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document a day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.

In years past, I have set goals for each month and I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track.  I AM still in UFO mode around here and trying oh so hard to use or clean out the stash.  It will be an ongoing project this year.  If I want something to come in -- something has to go out.  That is one goal.  The balance change each month (hopefully) and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.

Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun, if not long, read and perhaps a new idea or two.  (P.S. I format on a computer, so if you are reading on a phone, well sometimes the pictures will be before or after the story.  It is what it is.)

1st -  April Fools Day has arrived and I'm not pulling a single stunt.  I think that means I am either lacking creativity or getting old.  Whichever it is, the day has decided to fool me instead.  I have searched and searched for a jewelry set all morning.  EVERYWHERE.  I'm heartbroken and cannot understand how I lost it.  I also cannot function when I can't locate something.  Thus, I am going to look through everything one more time.

Success!!!  Way back in the corner of my jewelry box and under items I haven't used in years, I find my little gems.  How they got there remains a mystery, but I am able to move forward once again.  Now to start packing for retreat, grocery shopping and phone calls to my mom and sis.

Now, to tackle my list.  I am adding the last borders to my Good Fortune quilts today.  Eight more strips and these will be completed tops --- with 32 border strips between them.  Oh my goodness.  TA-DA

And the second one --- a double TA-DA

Evening t.v. time is drawing papers for my Crabapples trees paper piecing.  So, I guess that's a step forward on that project.

2nd -  First on the agenda today is to quilt Texas Tumbleweeds.  I want to take it with me to retreat, thus it's time to sew.  .

My sweetie loves this quilt and he doesn't like dense quilting.  I have opted for a loopy meander and am using tan on top with a variegated brown on the bottom.  Since my machine hates variegated on the top, I gotta use it up somehow.

Everything goes so well and I am making crazy quick progress --- right up until I hit the perfect spot that I must have missed when sewing the border on.  Fun times.  We are at a halt now.

About 10 minutes of fixing and I'm back on track.  A little under four hours and this baby is off the frame.  I absolutely LOVE it.

Immediately - I reload the machine with Garden Party.  I am on a roll and don't want to fall behind.

Texas Tumbleweeds gets a trim job and will go to retreat for binding.  It's been a good day.

3rd - I have to be a non-quilter today.  House cleaning, errand running, car loading, balloon purchasing, etc., etc., etc.  Somewhere along the way I locate a jelly roll for May's retreat, so I guess that's quilting related.  My grandson invited me to sky dive with him on Sunday.  Of course, I said yes.  It's his 18th birthday and if he wants me to spend it with him, I'm certainly not going to refuse.  I mean, after all, they grow up and forget about grandparents way too soon.  I want it to last as long as possible and this will make for a fun memory.  Or not.

4th -  Good Morning!!!  Retreat starts today and I am on the foggy road bright and early.

I have a definite list for this retreat as I'm REALLY trying to stay on task for this month.  I have my reasons, which you will discover later on.  If you wish to follow along with all of our crazy retreat fun, here is the LINK.

First up for me once everything is set up and running - binding on Texas Tumbleweeds.  That way I can hand stitch whenever it strikes me.  Check.  Second is to throw all the fabric I brought for Carolina Christmas onto the library floor and put it together like a jig saw puzzle.  Another check mark for me today.

I'm using binding I made for a different quilt awhile back, but the label gets made and this one is ready to quilt when I get home.

Day one is complete and these ladies make my life just so complete.

5th - Day two of retreat begins with me once again in the library.  Fabric has been thrown down and I'm attempting to make the first Good Fortune backing.  I just pulled anything that even remotely had an Asian feel to it or fit the color scheme.  I had picked up some panels last year and in they go along with some napkins that Gwen gave me.

Final result - yep some things got moved around.

Lori finished last year's Autumn Splendor mystery and wanted a picture together -- happy to  oblige.

AND - I went for a walk and found some bluebonnets.  Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Once back -- the second backing receives the same treatment as the first and is soon complete.  Nice and that makes three backings at retreat.  I see a lot of quilting coming up.

The value of time with these ladies cannot be be stressed often or firmly enough.  I need it so very much and each time we gather, I grow in new ways.

Game night is part of this evening and I want to share my costume.  Yep, I went all out for our Bluebird of Happiness theme.

Some hand stitching on Texas Tumbleweeds takes place and I am about half way around before I give it up.

I have also completed all the scrappy neutral binding for both Good Fortune quilts.  What a blessing to just grab 2 1/2" strips from the bins and go.  One in whites, one in creams.

And another day is in the books.

6th - Day 3 of retreat and my first task is to finish the binding.  I have a TA-DONE!!  Texas Tumbleweeds is complete and here is the Updated Texas Tumbleweeds LINK if you want to see how it all came about.

Almost immediately after finishing the hand work, the power goes out.  Of course, right?  Now what to do --- I think there is enough light near the cutting table to cut some batting for design boards and the pages on a book I want to make.

As soon as I finish cutting and pinning the pages together, the power is magically restored, as if on cue.  Mere moments later, I have a cute little book for my grandson.

Now, back to the design boards.  This came about because I cleaned out the studio and found a box of foam boards just hanging out.  Might as well put them to use.  There is enough backing from Texas Tumbleweeds trimmings (yep, I brought it along on purpose) to make the binding for these but I didn't think about needing a zig zag stitch.  I DO own the Zigzagger attachment for my 301 so out it comes and soon, I'm zipping down the strips.  Next is to hot glue the batting and binding on and soon I have 3 complete boards ready to be used at future retreats.  One will go home with me and I'll trade it out for the one I brought along as a sample.  Perfect.

My list, my list.  Where is it?  Ahhhh, I still have labels to complete and I am about out of day.  I'm also about out of sewing time as I need to pack up for an early departure tomorrow morning so that I can meet up with family for the jump.  Focus, focus.

Labels are DONE.  Both Good Fortune's are ready for quilting.  Whew.

Looking at the clock, I have enough time to do a little more --- I know -- I brought Crabapples along just in case and have a chance to make all the little tree blocks.  Paper piecing is not my best friend but these are not too bad and now they are behind me.  Nice.

Options are over and I have to pack up.  So sad, but there is always time for these ladies.

7th - Waking to a foggy day, I have a hunch that the sky dive will be cancelled but until I hear, I have to continue packing up.  Right about the time I have my car loaded, I get the call for the cancellation.  Repeat stress all over again next week.  Until then, I guess I get to stay to shut down the retreat.   Right after noon, it is Brazos Out until May - so thankful for great friends and learning moments.  I had a chance to experience both this weekend and am grateful for both as well.

The drive home is so pretty with wildflowers everywhere.  I can't wait until next weekend when Mister and I wander off to see them in all their glory.  Look at all the paintbrush in this meadow.  Simply gorgeous.

Two hours later, I am home and the car is unloaded.  We are off to week 6 at the Arboretum and here is your Dallas Blooms link so that you can see oh so much beauty.  Just to tempt you -

8th -  It's Recovery Day!  Yep, pictures and blogging are what I can focus on along with a little cruise planning and some organizing.  I have lots to finish in the next few weeks and need to stay focused so today is my only down day  for awhile.  I have enjoyed it completely.

9th -  I am up and out to the studio first thing this morning. Garden Party is up for quilting and I have though through it in my mind --- let's hope my hands understand what I am asking of them.  Three different stitch patterns are used and I'm so excited as it goes well and within 3 hours, it is coming off the frame.  I LOVE it and cannot wait to finish her off, BUT that is on hold now until more quilting is at the same stage, then I'll add bindings to several at once.

Before leaving the studio, Carolina Christmas is loaded.  The pattern has been determined and I have bobbins to fill - tomorrow, I'll be back out here.

Straight into the house and she is trimmed and ready for the next step.

I just want to sit and sew for a bit -- Crabapples is calling.  I would really like to make some progress on the blocks.  Lucky for me, all the threesies are made and ready to go.  I have one set of bricks sewn onto the trees and have started making the second set by the time I am ready to call it a day.

10th -  Hello studio --- I had decided what I want to stitch in this one, but it takes much longer than I thought it would.  After about 3 hours, I am a little over halfway but need a break from quilting.  It will get finished up tomorrow.  Besides, it's dang warm out today and I don't want to turn the A/C on in the studio in April.  That's just dollars out the window.  Do you see the fun I am having today?  Look closely.

Little threesies are put into another set of bricks and the tree blocks are finished.  Woohoo!!  Loving the progress on this one.

Mister and I are going to take a break and have a little date night, but I think I have time to cut all the remaining parts for this quilt before it's off to the shower for me.  Success!  All setting triangles, sashings, borders, and binding are cut.

It's beer and BBQ at Intrinsic and then back home.  We are not really night owls anymore. As soon as we come in, I spot the parts and want to see a layout.  It only takes about half and hour but I am loving on this so much.

Now to go and book excursions for the cruise.  We are getting closer to it all the time.

11th -  Have you ever woke and knew exactly how your day would play out?  This is just such a day for me.  Even before coffee, I am out to the studio to finish up Carolina Christmas.  Less than 2 hours and the quilting is complete.

I had so much fun with this one.

AND the first of 2 Good Fortune quilts is loaded and ready to go.  I just need to fill bobbins and I'll tackle this one tomorrow.

Back into the house to discover that my sweet man thought I'd be out there all day.  Ahhh, happy surprise for him.  I'm off to the sewing machine --- lots of threesies to turn into borders for Crabapples.

Turns out that it takes awhile to do 4 borders with 56 little strips in each one.  THREE hours later, I am ready for a picture --- yes the pressing was challenging but I do love webbing.

While making these border strips --- I managed to put together 60+ twosies of HST's for Jamestown Landing. and STILL I have a stack on my side table.  Oh my --- this is such a big project.

I have to at least try to put one little corner of crabapples together today.  What do you think?  Now to clean the office.  Mister is out mowing the lawn and I rarely get time in the office where he isn't around.  It NEEDS cleaning and it's now or never.  Such is the fun of a Thursday night.

12th -  Goals, goals, goals.  I am DRIVEN!!  Crabapples now has one half together.  This sweetie is just not that big and has gone together like peanut butter and jelly.  Such a fun one to work on.

However, that is not all that I have on my plate for today.  Good Fortune #2 is on the frame and needs to be finished.  Out to the studio I go.  I'm liking my choice for quilting --- let's get 'er done.

And off the frame she comes ---- there is major relief going on here but . . . . the list is still very long.

Apparently, I attached the batting going the wrong way and cut it too short for the next quilt.  Drat.  That means a quick Frankenbatting repair so that I can load the frame up again.

Good Fortune #1 is ready for her turn and a glass of beer has my name on it.  Thank you Sweetie.

Carolina Christmas and Good Fortune get haircuts

and a few more blocks on Crabapples.  Stick a fork in me, I'm done for today.

13th - It's a Red Hat Day  to celebrate Easter and I love these days with a whole different group of friends.  Catch up with us through this Red Hat Easter link.

Then it's off to help mom  and out to OHB as reward.  Saturday come and gone.

14th - For the second week, the dive is cancelled so Mister and I are off to find bluebonnets and whatever else crosses our path.  Come along through this POST and I'll tell ya, it's worth it.  Trade Days were just so fun.

15th - My bobbins are wound.  All fourteen or fifteen of them.  Will that be enough for Good Fortune?

I am really working away to finish sewing Crabapples blocks together.  Soon, I'm down to the final seam and then, like magic, it is together.  Onto borders.

First a narrow, brown border.

Then ALL those little squares that are patiently waiting their turn.

And let's end it with a red, wide outer border.  She's ready to quilt, but needs a few more parts

Like a backing, which went from original layout of this

to a finish of this.  Binding and label are ready to go too.  Can I get this one finished as well this month?

16th - Company is coming tomorrow.  That means a trip to the grocery store.  I should be cleaning house, but Good Fortune #1 is calling.  Do you think stars will work?  I'm going with it.

They actually look pretty cool on the back.  I guess that matters.

And off she comes.

I REALLY need to clean the studio now that the frame is empty and I can see under it.  Several HOURS later, things are nice and tidy, so, naturally, I test the waters a bit and load another quilt.  Crabapples is on.  Let's try leaves and see how they look.

Ooooh, I love them so much.  I get about halfway through and have to call it a day.  I'm truly beat.  I still have a house to clean and company arriving around noon tomorrow.  Wonder Woman needs to appear or else I need an Underdog Super Energy Pill.

A haircut for Good Fortune #1 ends the day.

17th -  Okay, it is now crunch time.  Seriously.  Flying out of bed bright and early, I'm off to the studio to finish quilting Crabapples.  She's done.

There are a few spots that didn't quite come out right and I have a bubble or two on the back due to rushing, but I LOVE this quilt.

It's off and the machine is ready for Sherri.  Now to clean the house.  OMG.  Why do I do this to myself?

Sherri arrives on time and after a short visit, we get to it.  A quilt is on and she's a complete natural.

I'm focusing on stay-stitching around the edges of my Winter Wonderland quilt so I won't be quite as afraid to drag it around finishing the embroidery.  I would really like this to be done by next Christmas.

After a bit of practice, she is ready for the real thing.  Go Girlfriend, Go.  You are amazing and I am in awe of you.

While she quilts, I put binding on Good Fortune #1, Good Fortune #2, and Carolina Christmas.  Just one right after another.  Crabapples gets a haircut and that's it for me.  I'm setting up some evening hand work time.  We are off to dinner and an early night of rest.  I have to say, I'm tired.

18th -  Sherri's second quilt was put on yesterday and off today.  The machine is packed up and into her car.  Twenty-four hours and she is outta here.  There are so many more pictures, including videos of the whole process in this New Mid Arm Owner post.

For me today?  I managed to get the binding sewn onto two more quilts.  Garden Party and Crabapples are now both ready for the finishing touches.  My sewing room looks oh so empty.  It's kind of sad but I know it's got a fantastic new home.

Mister ends the night by opening Gin and Tonic Season.  Seems perfect.

19th -  Helping out the best I can, I take Mom H to the doctor and then attempt to meet up with Meri.  Things go longer than planned and it just doesn't happen.  It is what it is.

Back home for a some blogging and hand binding.  I have a TA-DONE!  Good Fortune #1 has received her last stitch.  It's kind of sad, but oh so rewarding at the same time.

Gotta say, I love the back.

20th -  It's finally going to happen.  The dive is ON for today.  I am so excited that we juts need to leave the house and get to it.

All the amazing photos and video are in this  POST.  What an incredible experience.  I cannot say enough good about it.

21st -   Happy Easter!!  We are spending the day as most are -- together and with family.  Please check out this  POST to see the beauty of the walk we took.

Best picture all morning.

My evening is spent binding and Good Fortune #2 is in the done column as is Carolina Christmas.  Yes, I bound last night too and was close to a finish on #2.

22nd -  Pack, clean house, shop, etc.  I am on a roll around here.  Things have changed and I'm bringing home a house guest on Friday so --- gotta get as much done so Mister doesn't go into panic mode.  By noon, I am ready for take-off to Mineola.  Well, I THINK I am but while eating lunch he appears and settles on the floor below me.  "You can't possibly go out in flip flops without your toes done."  Gotta love that man of mine.

It's off to Mineola and once I'm checked into the hotel -- DQ here I come.  This is how to get things started.  I meet up with Stephannie, Val and Eveline for dinner and the week is ready to begin.  A little binding before bed rounds out the day nicely.

23rd - It is Day One at Stitchin' Heaven  and our Pfefferneusse Class is on tap.  Bonnie Hunter is the teacher and PLEASE check out this LINK to share in all of our fun.  Once class is over, the binding on Garden Party gets completed and she is TA-DONE too.

Just thought I'd share a funny.  If you think you're having a challenging day --- at least there isn't an opossum in your car engine.  My sweet Mister has had enough today.

24th - Day Two at Stitchin' Heaven for our Emerald City Class.  Again here is your wonderful LINK filled with great pics and information.  We have such fun, but my quilt has become Ruby Slippers instead.  Such is the way of life.  More evening binding.  It's getting close.

25th - Day 3 at Stitchin' Heaven and Bonnie is teaching Idaho Square Dance Class.  I've changed up the colors a bit and here's the LINK to all the fun.

I have finished Crabapples binding.  Woot woot.  I cannot believe this one got completed too.  What a miracle.  Who says they don't happen?

26th - Day 4 at Stitchin' Heaven and there is some sadness.  All this fun comes to an end this afternoon.  Today it is Dawn's Early Light for our class and you have another great LINK to discover our fun.

With a drive home under our belt, Thai is what's for dinner.  Now to for some much needed sleep.

27th - As Good Fortune (get it) would have it, I am blessed with another day to spend with a friend.  How perfect is this?  You can follow along through the beauty of our day in this  POST

 We also discover a cool booth and I have detailed it in this Water Marbling POST.  A super fun day filled with laughter and friendship.

28th -   It's really not much of a day.  I am hoping to work on the blog but the internet is out, forcing us to punt a bit.  I have a small  POST detailing it, but really, it's a day.  Of course, this picture might make you wonder.

29th -  I have NO pictures from today.  With internet, it's been a computer and laundry day.  Some unpacking and repacking for retreat has also taken place.  The class projects are put away and new ones are ready to go.  Bring on Thursday.

30th -  The month has come to an end.  I am FINALLY meeting up with Meri.  It only took 11 days, but that's the way it goes sometimes.  A stop at Pearl Coffee in Richardson is planned for the drop-off of my Red Hat Project.  Yummy Pearl Lattes and a pleasant day outside allow for great conversation and a crazy two hours disappearance.

Yep -- a pic.  Check out the spoon in her coffee.  That is a story all by itself.  You'll have to ask her.

And that brings us to the end of the day and month.  WOW!!  I am tired just reading this to edit it and am sure I've missed a ton of typos, but that is my life.  One month of it anyway.  I hope you made it this far and if you did, kudos.  Job well done.  For me?  I'm unplugging for the rest of the night.  Well - at least from the blog.  One day of relaxing tomorrow and then off to 10 days of retreat.  Bring it on.  See ya next month y'all and stay creative.

UFO's to quilt:

*Garden Party - quilted and bound YES
*Texas Tumbleweeds - quilted and bound - YES
BOM #1 - quilted and bound
BOM #2 - quilted and bound
BOM #3 - quilted and bound

Current Projects:

Carolina Christmas - quilted and bound YES
Good Fortune X2 - quilted and bound YES
Xing -
Sandcastles -
Daybreak -
Straits of Macinac -
Pfefferneusse - 4 blocks made
Ruby Slippers (i.e. Emerald City) - 3 blocks made
Idaho Square Dance - 16 blocks made
Dawn's Early Light - 3 blocks made

UFO Items: (No, this is not the entire list)

2 BOM - Whimm's - quilted as QAYG
Ohio Star - set and backing/binding made
1 Row by Row block -
*Crabapples -  made, set, quilted and bound TA-DONE
*Jamestown Landing - lots of progress made
*Scrap Crystals -
*Smith Mountain Morning -
*Midnight Flight - finally put into a project box hahahahaha

UFO Handwork Items:

1 Box finished for tea set -
Red/White embroidery between blocks on WW finished - edge stitched so that I can haul it around to finish hand work
Hand Quilting --

Links to Previous 2019 Monthly Posts:

January 2019 Quilt Update
February 2019 Quilt Update
March 2019 Quilt Update


  1. Wow, you got so much done. Good for you!

    1. Thank you. It WAS a good month. They do not all go that way.
