Stitchin' Heaven is the location, Mineola is the town. Somehow, sitting in a Bonnie Hunter class all day is as close to heaven as it gets right now, so the whole thing seems fitting.
Come along and see how it goes.
I have changed the colors up a bit as I'm craving a purple/green/white quilt, but my fingers are crossed that it will look good still.
Good Morning Val.
Ooooh -- new friends Tina and Maria (Marie? Drat, I'm not sure.)
Irene is also in her own little heaven. Two hands full.
Let the class begin.
Lessons up front -
and little twosies and threesies quietly waiting.
We be building. Isn't it funny that the mat is purple and I'm doing purple and green? Or am I just getting a bit rummy?
Another new friend -- hello Jane.
Go Val go --- while I run amok, she quietly keeps at it. I like her gold switch up.
My morning blocks are done. I don't have anymore little bits to use.
A walk to lunch with Samantha and Melissa. Melissa took hers back to the shop while Sam and I had a wonderful conversation together and I have a new purchase on the horizon. (Since Sam arrived a bit late, we didn't get a group photo this morning -- it'll happen, I promise.)
It's purple time when I return. I have a bit of time still and set up for the afternoon blocks.
Show and Share for today. I have my finished Christmas Lights front
and back
and Carolina Christmas front
and back (omg, shut your mouth girl)
Sam has her morning block
And from this point, my camera went to sleep. I got so caught up in building these little log cabin blocks that I didn't think to take any pictures along the way. Aren't they just wonderful?
A little layout on the floor --- I'm liking it so much.
Sams blocks -
Ah, my friend. I'm having such fun here.
It's layout time and Bonnie gets about half the blocks placed before asking for help. Gotcha covered girl.
A group effort. Obviously, the log cabins were more familiar to people. Those gold center and light blue/tan blocks are Vals. Love them.
Final words
And a group picture. Yay!!!
Baked Potato BBQ always hits the spot just right and I'm relaxed and full when we leave.
We have added some new friends for dinner. I love these times when we can get to know each other a bit better.
Super, super glad that we got together. Say howdy to Robin, Chris, Frances, and Karen. Hopefully, you will see more of them in the future.
Such a great downtown area. I didn't take a picture, but across the street people were lined up all the way down the road waiting to get into an early showing of Avengers. Yep, in Mineola, TX.
Back to the hotel and binding. Crabapples is TA-DONE
At this point I am craving ice cream like crazy and it's not raining tonight. A quick call to Bonnie and we are off to DQ for treats and talk time. Now, I can go to bed and gear up for tomorrow.
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