Sunday, March 31, 2024

March 2024 Quilt Update


Our theme this year, JOY!!!  I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives.  If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post.  I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot.  Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth.  Here we go for March:  How can we add joy to our lives this month?  Let's try some music.  It can calm, excite, and take us to a different place if we play it right.  Dance a little more (naked, all alone?) and let your home exude joy.  Turn off the television and put some tunes on the stereo that will take you to memory lane (in a good way) and just let the joy wash over you.  Go to a concert in a park (free, usually) or take in a local musical.  Let the music help you feel alive.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

A Little Girlfriend Time

 Several months back, Samantha suggested getting together this weekend and we agreed.  I mistakenly thought I was going to Sam's and instead I was supposed to also invite Gwen and host at my house.  Something was lost in translation, but all is good and we are all three at Sam's for some fun.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

February 2024 Quilt Update


Our theme this year, JOY!!!  I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives.  If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post.  I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot.  Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth.  Here we go for February:  I know you are probably thinking that with February being all about love, that I would focus on that type of Joy.  Well, in a way I am.  How about loving ourselves and being Joyful Women?  It's very hard to project joy when we are so very unhappy with our own worlds.  This month, let's focus on being a Joyful Woman and trying not to let the issues overwhelm.  They won't go away, but they don't have to dictate how we interact with others and our own selves.  Yep, be good to yourself.  Love yourself.  We can do it! 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Keaton Quilts Spotlight - New York City

 We are in New York City and I always try and find a quilt shop when we travel.  This one was challenging.  Keaton Quilts may just be the last quilt shop in New York City.  Due to high rent costs, it's almost impossible to stay in business and in trying to do so,   They have an amazing history - go in and meet Justin Stafford.  Oh and Google them - so, so cool.

Here we go --- up to the 8th floor of 150 W 28th Street.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

January 2024 Quilt Update

Our theme this year, JOY!!!  I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives.  If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post.  I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot.  Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth.  Here we go:  January's arrival means we are onto a new track and adventures together.  This month let's focus on Creating Joy in our lives.  This can be through the actual act of creating something or just making sure we are searching out the things that make us a bit more joyful each day.  Sometimes it truly is as simple as this: 

I am so excited for 2024 and all that it will bring to us all.  Grab ahold, we're gonna laugh together all the way through it.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

December 2023 Quilt Update


Our theme this year, Binding Us Together, is just so needed.  If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post.  I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a whirl.  Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth.  Here we go:  We've reached December and the end of a wonderful year.  Yes, it had some challenges, as all do, but overall, so many wonderful memories were made.  Hold those close to you and draw on the strength of them as needed in the coming year.  My memories are so very treasured and they truly to bind me to the ones they involve.  Expand your circle and make memories as often as you can.  Spend some additional time doing some actual quilt binding so that you can focus on those memories while you work.  Hugs to all. 

Finished Quilts 2023

 Well, can you say overextended?  That is exactly what I did this year.  I got involved in so many block of the weeks/months that I barely could get anything else done.  As a result, I wound up sending 11 quilts in to be quilted so that I could actually get something done and off the plate.  So . . . with that in mind - here is the 2023 finish parade:

January - Quilt More Worry Less Wall Hanging by MSQC.  This came in the Jenny box in December and I focused on these projects this month while in Montana visiting Mom.