Saturday, December 30, 2023

Theme for 2024 - Joy!!!

Every year I try to come up with a theme to help fill the months and add some cohesiveness to my life.  So many people do the "one word" thing --- so, that's where I am going this year.  I am choosing JOY.  What a great word!  There are no possible ways to take it incorrectly for each person finds joy in their own unique way.  What works for one, doesn't always work for another.  However, we can all work towards the emotion itself.  Find your own joy!  What is it?  Is it in everything around us if we look. Each month we will focus on a place or way in which to bring joy to the surface in our own lives and see if the world's multiple problems take a back stage to our own happiness.  We can't fix anything else until we fix ourselves.  

Does this picture scream about happiness to you?  Take a minute to truly look at it.  The bright colors, music flying by and nature making an appearance.  Add in our hands and our ability to move mountains with them.  What a great moment all in one picture.  Embrace it and then keep reading.

We all have to do THIS!!!  If you think I haven't been there, think again.  There is so much truth in this next statement.  What it does mean, though, is that you have to look for it.  Seek after it.  Allow it in.

Another perspective perhaps.  Again, truth.

Now, sometimes we are here:

That's okay.  Again - it's a work through it kind of thing.  That pit can be HUGE sometimes, BUT we all have the ability to crawl out.  Sometimes we need help to do so, but other times, we are strong enough to do it on our own.  Either way --- start crawling.  It WILL get better.  Not perfect.  Better.

When it's dark for me --- I can lose myself in creating something with my hands and letting my brain have a break from all the problems it perceives are so overwhelming as to stop me in my tracks.  It can keep me from sleeping, but busy hands truly are the solution.  This is not some made up thing our grandmothers said.  It has value and truth.  I don't care what it is --- make something.  Even a bed.  Yep, get those hands working.

At the end of the day, let JOY rest on your shoulders.  Let it guide you into the next day, even if this one wasn't picture perfect - even if it was not even blurry, but instead a complete disaster.  Move on.  Be ready to go forward and share joy - for when you carry it on your shoulders, others notice and perhaps take it into their own not so perfect day.  We can all help one another while helping ourselves.  I look so forward to bringing this to the forefront of my life --- and after December - well let's just say, I'm ready.  Onto 2024.

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