Saturday, January 9, 2016

One More Billings Stop --- Lockwood

I am out at my son's house in Lockwood, just outside of Billings, MT and there is a quaint little quilt shop here within walking distance.  Yes, it is about 12 degrees outside, but I am bundled up and the walk feels good.  The sun is shining and I am enjoying the brisk air.

I arrive at Treasured Times Quilting And Gifts and am thrilled the minute I walk in the door.  Holding true to this area, each shop is unique and well displayed.   My first view is of a St. Pat's table right by the door.  It takes me all of about 30 seconds for my first item to be stored safely in my hand.  Oooooh, I see a March retreat project happening.

As I look up --- oh goodness -- another beautiful wool display -- which might just go hand in hand with my green goodie from the previous table.  Oh and look ---vintage machines already.  This perks me up even more.

Now for a glance around the store

I start spying machines hiding around the shop.  Yes!

I DO love the blue machines.  Yes, I do indeed.

Champagne cocktail anyone?

There's an iron hiding too.

I have absolutely no desire to leave here and keep finding lots of bins and baskets to check out.

The little stack in my hand has grown and I am doing my best to keep it under control.

Well, the sun is setting and that means the temperature is dropping outside so I must be on my way.  As a new customer, I am gifted a fat quarter of my choice and everything is wrapped in a 2" strip.  Super nice touch.  I will be back.

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