Sunday, July 16, 2023

Welcome to the Carnival Retreat

 Life on the road continues.  I'm off in the wee hours towards retreat.  I have back to back retreats with an additional back of a roadtrip ahead.  Time to rock and roll.

Just as I arrive to set up the room -- the sun makes her appearance.  It's pretty, but destined to be another warm day.

The song, "With a Little Help From My Friends" comes to mind.  It takes a village to make these retreats happen, but we are ready to go by 10:00 a.m.  Bring on the ladies.  Also, I never have pictures to share when people ask what the room looks like, so this time I took a few.

Stephannie has definitely set the mood for our gathering.

The first order of business is lunch.  Gotta feed the animals, right?  Babe's is the ticket today.

Where did they all go so quick?  Oh well, chicken pic with three of us.

Eveline has a gift for Sharron when we return.  I LOVE IT!

I've brought goodies from Montana to try.  Sooo good.

Seeee - they are slurping already.

It's Gwen's Birthday and Sharron's is tomorrow - so Happy Birthday!!!

Eveline has a TA-DA - everyone else is playing and she's sewing away.

And just like that Day 1 is behind us.  Last ladies standing.

Day 2 finds people gathering around food once again.  This can be the BEST part of retreat.  Just sitting and chatting with one another and especially those you are not seated right next to.

AND - no need to worry about a shortage of food here.

Ramona with a TA-DA

Carnival Antics

Tonia with a TA-DA

Followed by Korin with a TA-DONE!

Stephannie has a tote TA-DA

The girls are busy today - Stephanie with a soft blue TA-DA

Ramona has a fat quarter bag TA-DA

There was a slight mishap in the kitchen (what happens at retreat, stays at retreat)

which led to this.  IYKYK

And the end of day 2 is just filled with love and laughter.  What a great day.

The room when it's not all nice a clean before arrival, LOL.

Elizabeth has a TA-DA - such a cute dinosaur.

Marcia with a composition book TA-DA

Tonia has a HUGE TA-DA

I even have a TA-DA of my own - 

Followed by a second one of mine - TA-DA

Game night has us all decked out in our own interpretations of a Carnival.

Marcia is SAPPHIRE and Ramona is PEARL!!!!  Congrats, Ladies.

Cindy (a.k.a Cotton Candy) walks away with the first LCR prize and Marcia is awarded the second one.

Twosies - Korin and Janet -

Ramona and Tonia - 

Marcia and Elizabeth - 

Cindy and Sharron - 

Stephannie and Stephanie - 

Yours truly and Gwen - 

Janet and Eveline - 

Debi and Korin - (yep, she's good enough for two takes)

Such a fun and wonderful group of women.  I am, perhaps, one of the luckiest women in the world since I get to hang with these amazing people.  So blessed.  Back row:  Janet, Korin, Stephanie, Stephannie, Elizabeth, Ramona, Debi, Cindy  Front row:  Gwen, Eveline, Tonia, Sharron, and Marcia.

Eveline has another TA-DA - she is a MACHINE right now.

Elizabeth has a sweet TA-DA too

Sharron won a big round of BINGO

Last night, last ladies --- so silly and so many more pictures not shown here.

Sunday morning, people are packing up and/or settling in for tweener's quiet time, but Tonia gets in one more TA-DA.

Four original DIAMONDS in the house for this retreat ---- Love, love, love that we have been hanging out for almost 9 years now.  That's it - this weekend is in the books.  See y'all around.

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