Friday, July 28, 2023

Missouri Star Girls Trip 2 - Days 5 & 6

We've hit Day 5 in our Missouri Girls Trip.  Hard to believe, right?  We are still at the Retreat Center in downtown Hamilton, MO and it's our final day of the MSQC Doan Girls Retreat.  Time to drag ourselves out of bed and get moving.  For the last couple of day, I noticed a rug at the foot of the stairs and today I manage to get a picture of it.  I think every sewing room should have one. 

The morning chat with Susan and Mayor Keith takes place and then we are off to the Hotel Hamilton for another day of fun and shenanigans.  One of the gifts we received during the Scavenger Hunt was a Block magazine and the pattern for this quilt is in it.  I REALLY like it and think I may have some fabric in my batik bin that would be perfect.

This morning's class supplies are already in place.

Misty's class is soooo good and this project will be right in my wheelhouse, but . . . there are needs for downtown that must be met.  A group of us heads downtown (Jen is having a personal day, so her car is gone) with Gwen and tend to our items.  Sherri and I finish up early and decide to just walk back.  It really isn't that far from downtown.

When we returned - it was the perfect chance to get Natalie and do a picture with our finished projects that she taught.

Now to focus on the Periwinkle Squared quilt.  This is the sample one hanging in the room - a different colorway than the one showed the other night.  I LOVE this fabric and am so glad we are using it.


Another gift makes its way to our table.  Sooo pretty.

Jen has returned and she and I make a trip downtown so I can drop quilts off (yep - 7 just went in) and pick up a few items she needs.  While out and about, we saw Jenny and Ron making a tour of EVERY shop searching out whether she owns a 301 or not.  This is just so funny to me.

When we return, Lori has her tablerunner TA-DA

And is followed, shortly, by Jen and her TA-DA

More line dancing takes place, but this time I have a wee video snippet.

Followed by group pics from today's block.

The evening activity is a show and share and Lori has something to share so I offer to go up and help her hold.

Then, I share my Farm Girl quilt which is being dropped off tomorrow to have it quilted here.

One of the ladies from the retreat house mentions that I just finished the backing to it and they ask to see so, I go and retrieve it as well.

Here ya go.  It's HUGE.

And - somehow - we manage to cover Lori with it.

Now - for a few other show and shares that I really liked.  Noah's Ark

This cute advent tree --- I could do it in red.

THIS is simply gorgeous and the picture does not do it justice.  Jen LOVES it.

While the show and share has been going, Jenny has been binding a quilt that will be gifted and has finished for a quick share.  She was moving fast and it's blurry.  It is what it is.

Sherri and I grabbed Misty for a pic with our blocks.

A moment for remembering - 

Gwen has her block TA-Da

At this point, we pack up and prepare for a departure tomorrow morning.  It's off to the Retreat Center, where I'm about to pull an all-nighter.  I REALLY want to drop my Block Star quilt off as well and it's still in block format.  Can I do it?  Well, 3:30 a.m. and I'm dragging myself upstairs for a few hours of sleep.  Tomorrow is going to be one long day for this old woman, but it's ready to turn in.  TA-DA

Goodness, but daylight comes quick.  Day 6 has everyone up and moving in time for a quick chat with Susan and Keith, before returning to the Hotel to pack up the rest of our "stuff."  We did pack all the luggage and stuff that was at the Retreat Center before leaving.  When I get to the Hotel, one quick pic for posterity.

Breakfast is had and then the final loading of the cars.  We are downtown by 9, when the shops open and I turn in four more quilts.  Whew.  I did it.  A little more shopping follows and then we hit the road.  How far will we go today?  No one knows.  I don't care when we get home, but others have more firm schedules.  In fact, Jen's tightened up a bit as she has a foreign exchange student arriving two weeks early and landing tomorrow.  Hmmmm.

We make it a half and hour away before I want to stop and check out a place that Jenny Doan recommended.  Here is the Chillicothe Murals LINK and our quick little visit there.

When we leave downtown, a stop at Cuts and Bolts happens and Lori mentions that she has done a mystery with them before.  Small world.  It's a cute little shop, but I don't take any pictures.  I do, however, find a unicorn and get the backing for my Designer Mystery 2022.  Nantucket Summer.  Wow.

We're in Carrollton, MO --- heading for food.

Jen finds us a lunch spot at River Bottoms Brewing Company.  Lori has been asking for pizza - this place has it.

AND it has really good beer.  Perhaps a nap after this.

Walking back to the car - fun moments always pop up. 

The scenery is gorgeous - so lush and green.

Didn't mean to get a gas station, but the green in front was brilliant.

Next stop is Brunswick, MO - look at this grocery store - it's a piece of the past, for sure.  Reminds me of the store my parents ran when I was a young teen.  The signs are so original and see the cute little church behind?  

Looking the other way is this mural that from a distance actually looked real.

We have a fun stop to make and here is the Sew Sweet Quilt Shop LINK.  You're gonna love it here.

One more stop before leaving town - cheesy, right?  The supposed "World's Largest Pecan."  Who really knows.

We are now headed to Warm Springs Ranch and the Budweiser Clydesdales. Unfortunately, we arrive at the gate at just before 4 and they are no longer doing tours today AND they've moved to all online bookings.  I read about this when planning this trip, but that was awhile ago and things change.  It turns out that there is a quilt shop about 3 minutes away, so a stop there is made.  The shop is about to close so the gals need to shop fast and I'm outside talking to Mister about a hotel near by.  I was able to get tickets into Warm Springs Ranch at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow and they suggest being 15 minutes early.  Now, where to stay.  It turns out that if we backtrack to Boonville, there are places there, but it's a Friday and choices are limited.

We arrive in Boonville and I do manage to get a couple of Junior Suites for the night.  It's like the last rooms they have available and I'm super happy to get them.  Now, to get these ladies out of the car and off for some dinner.  I think we need food as the crabbies have set in.  Well, not all of us are crabby.  Yep, had to share the whole stream.

After dinner, we decide to go and explore the area around the hotel a bit.  Here is the Exploring Boonville LINK so you can see our fun and the cool bridge we find.

After our adventure, Jen and I are doing a bit of scheduling for tomorrow.  Right now - we have a LONG way to go.  Actually, longer than we started out with, I think.  Well, there's nothing to do but start, right?  Tonight's goal - Fort Smith.

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