Friday, October 18, 2019

Sapphire Blues - Clue 8

Hey, hey, hey ----- it's Mystery Time again.  The weeks are flying by now.  I have had my grands for the past few days and am having such a joyous time.  They fly back home on Sunday so I still have today to play and so am cutting this short so I can get back to the business of grandparenting.  Is there anything better?

For this week ---- it's block time!  I bet you were wondering if it would ever happen.  Today, we get started.  You need units 7, 9, and 11.  Gather those up and then READ all the way through before starting, okay?

Block A - Make 50

Do you recognize this block?  So many times traditional blocks are used in new and exciting patterns.  Such is the case with this quilt.  This is the Storm At Sea block.  Ahhhh, you know you've heard of it.

Here is your layout.  Wrap your head around the fact that at this point, it's just a four-patch.  With a few points to play with.

Fold the right side onto the left as shown.

I stitch the whole block at once.  One seam after the other in a chain.  (Beginning webbing for those who have always wanted to learn how.)  Open it up and this is what you have.

Now you can either fold the top down or the bottom up.  Your choice.

Here's a bit of a test.  Did you read the whole thing first before starting?  If so, you see that there are pins in here.  YES.  Once again, I pin this part and did above as well but forgot to take a picture.  You are pinning to get your points and seams as close as possible.   I peek between the pieces for both of the POINTS and use the pin to make them even.  Check both sides.  Yes, this is a bit of a slow process, but so worth it.  Striving for perfect, but happy with "close enough."

And stitch.  I work two blocks at once most of the time.  One the engine and the other a caboose (i.e. leader/ender).

And just like that --- a block is made.

Just keep going until you have 50 of these beauties.  I love them so very much and can't wait to see yours too.  Please post in the Facebook group and if you haven't joined yet, here's your LINK.

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