Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sapphire Blues - Clue 6

Good Morning Y'all!!!  Guess where I am.  Retreat!!!  Woot woot --- we are enjoying some time together sewing, chatting, and making merry.  I love being back at Brazos and October signals the beginning of many wonderful visits this direction.  It also means that it's a little batty here.  What's going on in your world?

Did you have an easy time with last weeks clue?  I hope so because today is basically a repeat of the procedure, but with different sizes and pieces.  Shall we get going?  Please read all the way to the end for directions to save yourself some heartache.  All the words matter.

Cutting for today - Neutrals (It's about time, right?) - Using the Easy Angle Ruler and 4" strips, cut 100 PAIR of triangles.  If you are doing regular rotary cutting, start with fifty 4 3/8" squares and then cut in half diagonally to get a total of 200.  Other methods that you used on previous clues?  Go for it.

That's all the new pieces you'll need.

Unit 9 - Make 50

This is such a repeat that few words are required by now.  Find your Unit 4's and add them to the recently cut triangles.

Centering up - first triangle in place.

Again, I am stitching them upside down as I can see my dark blue points this way and don't want to lose any of them.

Chain, chain, chain until you have added one triangle to all 50.

Place the second triangle.

Stitch (yes, upside down is my method) once again and then press to the neutral.


Place the third triangle -- noticing that if you used the Easy Angle Ruler, one edge will be your guide.

Add the fourth triangle in the same manner and press all towards recently added sections.

We are going to trim these to 6 1/2" square.  You will have MORE to fudge with because I screwed up my cutting and partway through used 3 1/2" strips.  I DON'T recommend it.  This was definitely a challenge for me.  The lower left triangle represents about the amount of workable space you should have.

A little work, but it can be done.

Just keep going and you'll have them all finished quickly.  This round is much easier than on clue 2.

We're not quite finished yet.

Unit 10 - Make 56

We need the unit 1's from Clue 2 and the Unit 6's from Clue 4.

This is your layout.

Drop the top rectangle down over the center section as shown.

And stitch merrily away.

Press to the dark!

Such a cute stack.

Onto the next piece.

Fold the lower unit up and lay onto the center section.

Stitch and press to the dark.

Ta-Da - Your unit should measure 3 1/2" x 5"

And this week is in the books.  Are you loving it?  Please share with us in our group and if you haven't joined yet, here is the LINK.  I'd love to see all the variations that are out there.  Enjoy your week and don't get caught up in imperfections.  I purposely laid a unit on top that was quite exact.  I'm okay with it.  Any more than that and I would have tried again.  It's good for us to "let it go" now and then.