At the retreat last February, Jennifer Marshall brought supplies for people to make needle books. (If you wish to check out the ones that were made then, please click on this
LINK.) Well, this time I AM going to get one made.
There is a caveat though --- I NEED to be creative and stretch myself a wee bit. Let's see where it takes me. I had picked up a cute bunch of brown shaded, sewing themed fat quarters awhile ago. I think this may be the perfect place to use them.

Starting with an idea that I would like the front embroidered, I search the room to see whether anyone brought their machines this time. Ugh. No such luck. I guess I'll have to do it freehand. Now, where to find the thread to use. Oh wait, Debi has the bag of goodies for the November retreat with her and I KNOW there is some brown pearl cotton in there. Perfect. Now I'm cranking. Tammy goes into town so I have her get some more buttons for me just in case. The outside of the book (front and back) takes absolutely forever to the point that I pretty much just throw the inside together so that I can call it done. Yes, it is even quilted. I do love it though. Now to fill it with needles and "stuff".
My favorite part? The zipper that lined up perfect down the spine and around the edges. Yay me.
Here are the pages in it, in order.
This page is for Ana. "How"
Treasure ribbon from Debi and my very first spool doily that I made what seems like a very long time ago.
Yep, love it.
The most awesome needle book E.V.E.R.!!! Hugs, Allison