Mister took me up to Wichita Falls for the weekend and we are having such a good time. Today, on the way back, a few stops along the way contain the type of fun stuff ya'll might enjoy.
First up: Aunt Pam's Closet in Henrietta, TX. We were simply driving down the street in front of it and my eagle eye spotted "Longarm Machine Quilting" in the window. Must stop! Mister obediently pulls the car over instantly and in we go.

What a wonderful place! Henrietta is indeed lucky to have the magical spot to shop and gather in. They teach classes and host all kinds of fun events. ALSO -- vintage machines are all over the place being used. Yes, so are modern longarms, but love the mix.
Fat quarters are $1.99. Yep, my kind of store. They have it figured out. Bring people in and sell more at a slightly lower amount, but still make a living. The shelves are full of vibrant colors and they go all over the building.

I'm in love with the place AND the people working here. Check out a current class project AND the prices on these bolts.
I find some lavender for the upcoming mystery and some great owl fabric on the clearance rack for $3.00 a yard. Hmmm --- what can I do with it for the November retreat?
Nocona, TX is next on the road and it deserves a post all it's own. Please click on
THIS LINK to read all about it. It's worth the click.

Our next stop that may pique your interest is in Muenster, TX. After checking out the Glockenspiel, we found the Muenster Antique Mall. What a great place. It's well done and run by Jeannine and Harold Flusche. Oh my, so many wonders. Let's get going. The very first booth I come to has this great cabinet. I can just picture fat quarters living in it. I then turn the corner and discover this 401. Hmmm, it may require a second look. Let's see what other treasures I can find first.
Enjoy the eye candy, and I'll be back at the end of the pictures with more to say. You know me -- always got more to say.
Yes, I do walk out with the 401. She's in decent shape, has complete cams and attachments as well as two original owners manuals, I also grabbed the quilt kit pictured above. Total expenditure was $50.00 and became part of my birthday season gifts. Whoop, whoop.

As we enter Whitesboro to check out the downtown area, Mister's eagle eye finds the quilt shop this time. Kaleidoscope Quilt Shop is nestled on a quaint country street and is absolutely adorable. They are just about to close when we arrive so it's a quick look but I do manage to find the fabric I want to use in our service project at retreat. I want to go back to this one and shop again.

Well, that's about all I have to show right now. It's been a great day and we are on the last little bit towards home. As we are walking out the door, Mister spots this beautiful machine. When I say beautiful, Oh I mean it. I coveted her a lot, but alas, she is not for sale. Hmmm, the yellow, black, and white quilt is pretty sweet too.
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Marvelous! The shop in Whitesboro has great scrap bags and a sale corner that is not to be missed when you go back. Lots of finds and it is good to know where you found the 401.Hugs, Allison