Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December 2024 Life and Quilt Update


Our theme this year, JOY!!!  I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives.  If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post.  I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot.  Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth.  Here we go for December:  After 12 months of a Joy theme --- can you Own Your Joy? Have you learned how to find it and how to embrace it in your own life. Now is the time to finish that up and be at peace and know joy. It's been a great year.

Now, if you are new to this blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document each day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.  There will be links throughout this update that go to related posts of MINE.  They will open in a new window so that you can keep your place here.  Just click on the hyper-links if you wish.  There are NO ADS.  Never have had them, don't intend to start unless my whole world gets turned upside down.

 In years past, I have set goals for each month that I NEVER was able to reach.  However, I NEED that guideline to follow, so I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track.  UFO mode will continue around here with minimal purchases (those who know me know that this has been a miserable failure so far the past couple of years, but I'm gonna keep on trying), but also a few fun and new items will make an appearance now and then.  The "hopeful attempts" will change each month and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.

Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun read and perhaps a new idea or two.   (P.S. I format on a computer, so if you are reading on a phone, well sometimes the pictures will be before or after the story.  It is what it is.

1st -  

I'm using my own random number generator, running a UFO Challenge in the Facebook group, and awarding prizes.  This month it is: 6 and for me it is Anna's Baskets.  Like last month, this one only needs binding so I may get a win again.

I'm not putting the Dear Jane info in here this month.  Things will start back up in January.

The Christmas Advent Box begins today and our gift is supplies to make our own cards.  There are stencils, paper, and ideas galore.

Mister and I are out and about today - movie and lots more to check out in this LINK

2nd - Todays gift is the cutest little tin iron that contains all kinds of beads to embellish the cards from yesterday or whatever else one wishes.  Love it.

Lots of UFO numbers in the bin.  This is the last month to get your name in for the drawings.

Two envelopes with a couple of Chucks each arrive in the mail.  I think I'm finally done until more come out.

3rd - I am being crafty and have made the sample for the Make and Take project at the cookie party that is rapidly coming up.  It turned out cute.

Todays gift are these measuring cups but, unfortunately, mine had a couple broken.  We are supposed to get new ones in January.

4th - Day 4 is a panel and pattern to make a cute little door wall hanging.

I've managed to get my act together and start planning for next year.  Here is my UFO list and hopefully I'll do better than this year.  IF I get this month's done, I'll have managed eight of the twelve.  The ones I didn't finish are moved to next year with the exception of Ruby Jubilee, which is on the frame now.

The whole decorating process is in full swing.  Here is a LINK to see the final outcome.  Love this time of year in my home.

5th - Day 5's gift are quilt hangers.  Can't wait to use these.

Went to the store today to pick up some cranberries for shiver and decoration purposes.  Ran into this deal and couldn't walk away with just one.  How crazy is this?

While I'm working around the house - I've got Chex Mix underway.

The party items are starting to come together as well.

THIS is a busy kitchen.

Nine gallons later.

6th - Day 6 is a clapper with storage.  Multi-tasking at its best.

Shiver is made - 

As is a coffee cake - 

My cookies for the exchange - 12 dozen later.

AND - finally, cinnamon rolls.  I'm beat, but ready for tomorrow.

7th - The house is ready!  Food is ready! I'm still breathing.  Some new and wonderful decor has been created.

Party Time and here is the LINK to all of our fun.

Day 7 - I'm late opening as it got completely lost in the events of the day.  Today we have a charm pack.

8th - Day 8 we have a pattern and parts for a cellphone case.  It goes with yesterday's fabric.

We've found a new place for Pho and it is soooooo good. Beponha Viet Kitchen.

9th - Day 9 are two Swedish stars and the lights to make them special.

I've been stitching away on bindings throughout all the chaos and have a TA-DONE.  Country Christmas is ready for use.

10th - It's a BEAUTIFL morning!

Day 10 is a new pair of snips with a fob.

11th - An early morning appointment to have car work done - might as well be productive.

Day 11 is a wonderful box, complete with a needle threader.

Anna's Baskets is TA-DONE.  This is my UFO for the month.  Look at me go.  I'm so happy and love this one so much.

Out for the evening with my sweetie - yep, it's chilly, but still enjoyable.

12th - Day 12 gift is an embroidery kit and is super cute.

I'm now in full bore candy and cookie mode.  Today's accomplishment.  Gotta start getting things ready to ship and handout.

13th - Cut up the marshmallows from last night.  These are so good.

Day 13 - Super cute Mat Scrubbers.

Mister has surprised me with a quick getaway.  We're off to Austin - so I'm binding in the car.

Share in our Austin Trip fun with this LINK  to the first day.  The first stop is incredible and I learned so much.  Please check out the link.

Cute little cabin for our stay.  Mister is on top of it this time - so happy.

14th - It's a beautiful day just outside of Austin and here is the Day  2 LINK to our attempt to see some breweries and talk with people in the area.

A stop at Fabric Frenzy in Wemberly also happens.  Here is the LINK to all the pretty fabric inside.

One of these chairs may be in my future.

15th - The final day of our little getaway and here is the LINK.  It includes dumplings for breakfast, eaten in the car.  Fun times.

Also a stop at Poppy's Quilt N Sew - here's your LINK to the pretties.

16th - We're a few days behind on the advent box so here is Day 14 

Ornaments for Day 15

Day 16 with an interesting craft project.

It's back to work for me -- the rest of the candy is done and I'm ready to start packing things up.

So pretty outside - hard to believe we are headed to Christmas.

17th - Day 17 is a funky little button that says things to get you outside of a funk.  Plus some cute stickers.

Out of the house for a bit and a little walking and bird watching.  Come along in this LINK and see the variety that was about today.

More binding today -

And it leads to a TA-DONE of the Barbara Brachman Sampler.  So happy to have this one done.

18th - Day 18 is a cute charm pack - must be some fun coming tomorrow.

A time crunch is starting to lend some pressure to me.  I have a ton to do before Christmas still and for some reason, procrastination has been running high.  I'm starting to get some cutting done.

Evening fun is delivering a tray of goodies to Intrinsic.  This is one of my favorite times of year and we love that the recipients always look forward to it as well.  Their faces just light up when we walk in the door.

Garland town square is looking mighty festive.

19th - Day 19 - a pattern and some chenille that goes with yesterday's charm pack.

Cutting, cutting, cutting.  Backpacks and more.

This one needs a finish by Christmas Day.

20th - It's Spa Day for my sweet 301.  She's not the only one I use, but she does fit the table and gets used quite a bit during the winter hours.

Day 20 - How fun is this little lego-type build?

21st - Day 21 is the cutest gnome pin cushion.  I LOVE that he is red and white so will grace my table throughout the holidays.

It's caroling night at OhB so we're off for fun and treat delivery.

22nd - Day 22 - a cute eyeglass case pattern and supplies

Treat delivery this morning is at Dallas Diner, where we find them having a pajama day at work.  How fun is this?

Spent most of the day working on backpacks for three granddaughters.

Evening binding nets me - 

A Loyal Union TA-DONE.

Which then leads to grabbing another quilt from the stack.  Binding back underway.

23rd - Backpacks are consuming my time.  The patterns said to use a LOT of clips - I hope this qualifies.

Whew - three ready for grommets.

Day 23 in the Advent Box brings the 3rd coffee mug in the series.

Binding happening - 

And  . . . another TA-DONE.  Oh Happy Day by Corey Yoder is in the finish column.

Thus - onto the next one.

24th - It's Christmas Eve and the rain has begun.  It's been coming down quite hard and starting to run down the streets.

Trying to get going on these grommets.  They are so much harder than we thought and I've got to get the holes cut today.

Happy Christmas Eve!  Time with my love - best time of all.

Oh - we almost forgot.  Today was the last day in Mister's Advent Box and he now has a complete little set of tools.  My day 24 are some patterns to match the cups, mugs, etc.

25th - Merry Christmas to all!!!  Mister and I have a bit of time together in the morning and open gifts from kids.  They are all wonderful.  We also have a fabulous dinner out certificate to use.

And from each other - 

My day 25 gift is an ironing pad/cutting mat that goes with other items received in previous years.  Perfect.  Sad to have the box finished as it was a fun time.

Everything all together.

Finished the grommets on this as well and just in time as the recipient is on her way here.

Jen's family arrive and our Christmas celebration continues with family all around us.  It's so nice and I'm thrilled with the fun and time together.  Here is the requisite LINK to share.

26th - A quiet day - super nice.  Not a lot happening but I do manage to get some binding done.

Which led to another TA-DONE!  This one is the 2023 Designer Mystery from Fat Quarter Shop.

27th - We just happened to look out the back door and spot a cool visitor.  He just looked at us and continued about his business for quite awhile.

28th - Lost day.  Seriously.  We did NOTHING.

29th - As a result of the past few do nothing days, I'm in crunch time once again.  I still have two bags to put grommets on and 2 toddler backpacks to sew.  I'm in the groove bright and early while Mister sleeps.

Away we go - 

A few hours later, I get called to a nice breakfast.

Mister says to come and check out the cactus - it's really doing well.

And back to work - The toddler bags are DONE!

More binding follows.

That gives me another TA-DONE!  Designer Mystery from 2022.  I am in love with this - the pattern is awesome, but so is the fabric line.  I adore Nantucket Summer and can't wait to purchase more as I heard they are bringing the line back into print.

30th - Rhiana and family are flying in tonight and I still don't have the dang grommets in the final two bags.  It's time to get serious.  These are screw in grommets - totally new to me.  I think Mister and I are ready for surgery.

It takes both of us and a couple of hours, but they are TA-DONE!

We have rented hotel rooms near the airport and head up to set up rooms and get ready for a fast and furious few hours.  Here is the LINK to our shared time.

An excited Grandpa.

31st - It's New Years Eve and I am so happy to have family around.  Love my gang.

Once we've checked out of the hotel and made our way back home, Mister still has to continue working today.  So . . . binding happens and I have one last TA-DONE for the year.  This is my Harry Potter Project of Doom that has been 2 years in the making.

Well, that pretty much brings us to the end of the year, BUT not the end of my posts.  There are still three left.  Here is the LINK To FINISHED QUILTS 2024, and the LINK to FINISHED NON-QUILT ITEMS.  It was a decent year for me.

Last, but not least - the theme for 2025 is: From Chaos to Contentment.  You can read all about it in this POST.

For January - this is typically a time to re-evaluate - right?  So this month is Coming to Terms time.  For me, that will be writing down the things I wish to have different in my life in order to be more content.  They may be actually physical things - like cleaning out a kitchen cupboard or sewing drawer and they may be more mental - as in wrapping my head around the things I cannot control.  Whatever is the case -- I'm Coming to Terms and will reduce the chaos and last minute freaking out in my life so that there is room for those crazy things that DO happen which we cannot prepare for.  What can you do? 

Thank you for reading this far.  If you made it here, kudos to you.  Hope you have a great month and find a way to bring joy into your life.  Stay creative Y'all.

I've tried to make a COMPLETE list here so that I have only one place to look it all up.  I apologize in advance for the boring nature of this to y'all, but it helps me.  I've made quite a few category changes this year - anything to help stay on top of things.

Projects ready to quilt by me:   

Ruby Jubilee - Loaded on frame and ready to quilt
Sophie-Claire - 

UFO's to finish:  *means on UFO Monthly Challenge sheet

Alphabet project from MSQC 2022 - 
Second Half Moon Rising project from MSQC 2022 - 
BAD blocks as leader/enders - 
*Rhododendron Trail - 
*Sandcastles - set, backing, label, binding, quilt and bind
Midnight Flight - 
Daybreak -
Row by Rows - 
*Rachel's Sewing Room - quilt borders and attach all parts
Desert Sky - 
Feathered Star BOW - 

Current Projects:

Dear Jane - starting back up in January
One Block Wonder - 
Looking Through the Lattice - 
Periwinkle Squared - 
Paper-piece Project each month - November and December to finish up.

New for this year: 

Turtle Items
Pillow Exchange
Penguin Mug Rugs

Just need binding

*Anna's Baskets -  DONE
Barbara Brachman Civil War Sampler - DONE
Oh Happy Day - DONE
Forever My Valentine - was wrong - needed embellishing too,
Loyal Union -  DONE
Country Christmas -  DONE
Project of Doom - DONE
Designer Mystery 2022 -  DONE
Designer Mystery 2023 - DONE

UFO Handwork Items:

Hand Quilting -- 
Stocking - in Montana, will work on there
Wool Wall Hanging - 

Links to Previous 2024 Monthly Posts - 


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