Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 2024 Life and Quilt Update


Our theme this year, JOY!!!  I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives.  If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post.  I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot.  Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth.  Here we go for July: Let's start the second half of the year out right.  TRAVEL!!  It doesn't have to be far.  You can explore your own neck of the woods so to speak.  Find joy is seeing something new.  Watch a travel show on the television, read a book that explores other areas.  It'll be worth it.  Go and journey forward.

Now, if you are new to this blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document each day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.  There will be links throughout this update that go to related posts of MINE.  They will open in a new window so that you can keep your place here.  Just click on the hyper-links if you wish.  There are NO ADS.  Never have had them, don't intend to start unless my whole world gets turned upside down.

 In years past, I have set goals for each month that I NEVER was able to reach.  However, I NEED that guideline to follow, so I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track.  UFO mode will continue around here with minimal purchases (those who know me know that this has been a miserable failure so far the past couple of years, but I'm gonna keep on trying), but also a few fun and new items will make an appearance now and then.  The "hopeful attempts" will change each month and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.

Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun read and perhaps a new idea or two.   (P.S. I format on a computer, so if you are reading on a phone, well sometimes the pictures will be before or after the story.  It is what it is.

1st - I'm using my own random number generator, running a UFO Challenge in the Facebook group, and awarding prizes.  This month it is:  2 and for me that is Ruby Jubilee from a Quiltmaker Series several years ago.  This would be a good one to get finished, for sure.  

Our Sew Along is continuing and this is the Dear Jane LINK if you wish to join in and the July blocks are:  

We are still in Monana and spending time at Rhiana's watching grands so their parents can have a getaway.  Here is a  LINK to peek in on our next few days here.  Water fun is always a good time, even when you have a little that is a bit afraid and you have to be an example.

2nd - Lunch time with Zyra and Malea - LOVE these two girls so very much.

Dinner out at Carverss!  Bright sun and a few issues but here we are - three generations and only missing one set of parents in the Billings group.

3rd - Playing nicely.  Treasure these moments.  Truth!

4th - Happy Birthday America!!  We are off to Matt's house for a fun celebration.  Here is the  LINK to soooo much craziness.  Teens - never know what to expect.  Four on the right are mine.

Although I'm by a fire, my son brings me something to warm up with.  It's cold out for July.

5th - Spending time with the littles today as Grandpa has to work.  Here is the LINK for the next few days and there are some really fun pics in there.

This one is just too cute.  When I arrived, they screamed if they saw a bug.  Here - they are bug hunting.  Leave it to Gammy.

6th - Finally, some sewing happens.  I bet you thought I had given up the craft.  Mariel saw me working and wanted to do something, too.  I grabbed some scraps and let her have a go.  Next trip, I'll let her make something as I think she is old enough now.

I'm feeling a little unwanted.  Lunch by myself and all the kids choosing to eat at a table in the other room.  Hmmmm.  On the bright side, my soup was so yummy and the Caesar salad hit the spot as well. 


7th - Kind of a laid back day.

In the few quiet hours, I have managed to get a light read in.  Cute book.

Super cute, right?

8th - It's our last full day here and I'm soaking up the chances to spend time with the girls.  Teaching a card came is fun.  Crazy Eights for the win.

Food truck fun for dinner.  This quilt really brings back memories.  TEN years ago, I made and gifted this.

Bath time cuteness overload.

Like I said - time with them as much as I can even if it means on their level.

9th -   And our time in Montana has come to an end.  Here is the LINK to our journey home and all that stuff.  Saying good-bye is always tough but this morning it was especially hard as Isla had finally decided to like me.  Argh.  Missed a pic with just Elena and I and Mariel's didn't turn out, but I'm loving the memories.

Before leaving Billings, Mister takes me to a coffee shop that he discovered earlier in the week.  Super fun retro place that I detail in the linked post.

I'm one tired, grumpy lady.  I feel bad for my sweetheart, but stick a fork in me, cos I'm done and just ready to be home after almost 7 weeks.  

10th - Sunrise and we are on the road.  I'm still not nice, but we are heading the right direction. 

My sweet man doesn't even go straight home, but stops at one of our favorite watering holes first.  Does it help?  I'm not sure as I don't even want to hardly unload the car and only take out the items that are his or not needed starting tomorrow as I leave town once again.  I think I'm going to need a reset soon.

11th - I have simply added more to the pile in the car and am off to retreat.  Here's hoping I find my nice lady before I get there.  A LINK to share in our fun, made just for you.

Cute, cute door sign.

The day is successful and my smile has returned.  These are my calm in the storm, always strong tribe.  What would I do without them?

12th - I've created my own little corner at retreat.  I like it and it makes me wish I had a set up like this at home.

13th - Well, it IS about bees around here.  Door prize of one of the panels I found in Montana.

14th - What can I say, but ahhhh.

15th - Today I am really focusing on finishing up several tops that I have been working on the past few days.  First is Ruby Jubilee and I have been to the wall and back on this one.  I may need to apologize to those around me for the many arghs that took place.  Argh is a nice word compared . . .

And I've finished the Designer Mystery 2023 top as well.  It was a good day.

16th - Binding and labels for the two tops from yesterday.  Then some fun.

My pedicure tray.

One of these is not like the other.  

Dinner out - TRADITION!!

17th - Working on the backing for Ruby Jubilee and I don't have quite enough parts to get it done.  It'll have to be finished at home and then put on the machine to quilt, with very little time to do so when I return from Missouri.

It's all packed up, though.

And I've had a bit of a wall change.

Coming together.

Jen has arrived and added to my little art gallery.

Made it to last ladies.

18th - The peace and beauty of this place.  It was a good day.

In addition to working on setting the POD quilt, I managed to get a DJ block done.

19th - Two tops ready today.  They were waiting on applique and I stole time at Jen's machine while she slept in.  Merrie Halloween is ready to quilt.

As is the POD quilt.

The bag ladies were busy.

At the far back - my corner is almost empty.  So sad.

20th - It is the final day at retreat for some of us Missouri girls.  We are leaving tomorrow from my house in Dallas so the day is spent making sure all the loose ends are tied up and that we are packed up.  I manage to get a group picture this weekend after blowing it last week.  In jammies, no less.

My treasures from the past two weekend.  I am sooo grateful.

More bag lady fun.

And with that, we are off to Dallas.  I get home to a skinny Mister, who has been sick since before I left and is finally starting to feel a bit better.  It's a short visit and off to bed for an early start on the next trip tomorrow morning.  Yep, chocolates on pillows.  Nice touch, Mister.

21st - We are outta here and headed to Missouri.  To follow our exploits, here is your LINK.  Our car is off and running and will meet up with car 2 later today.

Stop in Alma, OK.

And somewhere Arkansas.

A little tourist in all of us.

Followed by dinner with the whole gang.

Ending out the evening with a crazy ice cream walk.  Some things just lose the hilarity when trying to share them.

22nd - Today will take us to Missouri but here is the LINK for the details.  Leaving Eureka Springs with a stop at the Magnetic Spring.

Taking a fun ride to the Top of the Rock in Missouri.

Checking into our room at MSQC.  Lovely, simply lovely.

And finishing out the day with a wander through a pretty empty town.  

23rd - Today is Scavenger Hunt day.  We are off and running and here is the LINK to peek into all we saw, including the three new stores.  I did spot this quilt at the hotel event center and think I can do it with all of my Flutter fabric.  Hmmm.

The new Fabric Market - Pure Genius.

We finish out the day with an evening of Doan Girls and could not be happier.

Gifted after their talk.  How sweet - many of the patterns that they shared during their presentation.

24th - Classes begin today and the morning one is Half & Half Twist.  Our packet of supplies greets us upon arrival at the event center.

We are also gift charm packs and I receive a Jason Yenter one.  Gorgeous.

Afternoon class is Floral Rail Fence wall hanging and, again, the supplies greet us upon returning from lunch.

I manage to finish up the large half square triangles for the morning class and have them all trimmed.  That required the purchase of a new ruler, which I love. Now to press.

Ready for the evening show.

25th - I have my Floral Rail Fence pieced and the label made.  Still need to get the applique parts onto it.

HST's from this morning are pressed and two blocks have been made.

I moved onto cutting and ironing the applique parts for my Rail Fence.  It's okay.

Today's class is Star Dancer Table Runner

My machine is covered as I try to come up with block combinations.

Group photos --- we all have matching shirts, of course.

With Natalie, who designed the wall hanging.

My table runner is ready for quilting and with Misty, the designer.

A wonderful, charming evening and my eyes are wet but heart is full.

26th - Well, another year is in the books and we are heading out, but one pic first.  Thank you to my daughter for always finding time to spend with me.  Here is today's LINK and our travels.

Found this practice panel sample - bought the panel and am going to give it a try.

A truly cool place - the Kansas City Library.  Yes, I am that nerd.

Stairs and lunch at Mildred.

Ya had to be there or read the linked post.

As the sun sets, we roll into Tulsa for the night.

27th - Final day of our trip.  You last LINK shares the stops.  One was at the Praying Hands.

Another was at Log Cabin quilts, where I lost all resolve to be good.

Almost there now - this is indeed a welcoming sign.

Final stop for the trip - Quilt Asylum in Denison, TX.

Reunited with my sweetheart - dinner out.

28th - Spent the day with Mister and towards evening started to feel a bit under the weather.  I had told my body earlier this spring that I didn't have time to get sick until August.  Well . . . . 

29th - It's official.  I'm sick and so is Sherri.  UGH.

30th - Jen and Cindy are down as well and I'm COVID positive.  One of us picked it up in Missouri and shared it with the whole car.  Fudge.

31st - So, I'm really down.  The exhaustion is awful and I feel like crap.  This is the first month I won't make my UFO and I'm bummed.  At any rate --- all the fun was worth it, I think.  Not too many checkmarks this time around and I'll be moving a ton of items forward.  Life and its wrinkles, what can I say?

That bring us to August!!  This month let's find joy in the making.  What does that mean?  Well, making cookies could be fun, making friends, making me well (hahaha), making time with others, making progress on UFO's, making memories, oh the list goes on and on.  You can do it.

Thank you for reading this far.  If you made it here, kudos to you.  Hope you have a great month and find a way to bring joy into your life.  Stay creative Y'all.

I've tried to make a COMPLETE list here so that I have only one place to look it all up.  I apologize in advance for the boring nature of this to y'all, but it helps me.  I've made quite a few category changes this year - anything to help stay on top of things.

Projects ready to quilt by me:   

UFO's to finish:  *means on UFO Monthly Challenge sheet

Alphabet project from MSQC 2022 - 
Second Half Moon Rising project from MSQC 2022 - 
BAD blocks as leader/enders - 
*Rhododendron Trail - 
*Sandcastles - set, backing, label, binding, quilt and bind
Midnight Flight - 
Daybreak -
Row by Rows - 
*Rachel's Sewing Room - quilt borders and attach all parts
Desert Sky - 
*Ruby Jubilee - Just needs back finished and is ready to quilt
Feathered Star BOW - 

Current Projects:

Designer Mystery 2023 - Dropped at MSQC
Dear Jane - partially worked on
Harry Potter BOM - Dropped at MSQC
Merrie Halloween BOM - Dropped at MSQC
One Block Wonder - 
Looking Through the Lattice - 
Periwinkle Star - 
Sophie-Claire Block Exchange - 
Paper-piece Project each month - DONE

New for this year: 

Turtle Items
Pillow Exchange
Penguin Mug Rugs

Items dropped with MSQC for quilting

Anna's Baskets - 
Barbara Brachman Civil War Sampler - 
Oh Happy Day - 
Forever My Valentine - 
Summer Moon - 
Loyal Union - 
Merrie Halloween - 
Country Christmas - 
Project of Doom - 
Designer Mystery 2022 -
Designer Mystery 2023

UFO Handwork Items:

Hand Quilting -- 
Stocking - in Montana, will work on there
Wool Wall Hanging - 

Links to Previous 2024 Monthly Posts - 

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