Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 2024 Life and Quilt Update

Our theme this year, JOY!!!  I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives.  If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post.  I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot.  Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth.  Here we go for August: This month let's find joy in the making.  What does that mean?  Well, making cookies could be fun, making friends, making me well (hahaha), making time with others, making progress on UFO's, making memories, oh the list goes on and on.  You can do it.

Now, if you are new to this blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document each day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.  There will be links throughout this update that go to related posts of MINE.  They will open in a new window so that you can keep your place here.  Just click on the hyper-links if you wish.  There are NO ADS.  Never have had them, don't intend to start unless my whole world gets turned upside down.

 In years past, I have set goals for each month that I NEVER was able to reach.  However, I NEED that guideline to follow, so I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track.  UFO mode will continue around here with minimal purchases (those who know me know that this has been a miserable failure so far the past couple of years, but I'm gonna keep on trying), but also a few fun and new items will make an appearance now and then.  The "hopeful attempts" will change each month and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.

Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun read and perhaps a new idea or two.   (P.S. I format on a computer, so if you are reading on a phone, well sometimes the pictures will be before or after the story.  It is what it is.

1st - Can you believe it is already August?  With being gone for two months, the summer went whoosh.

 Our Sew Along is continuing and this is the Dear Jane LINK if you wish to join in and the August blocks are:  Not pictured as I just don't have them done yet.  I'm playing catch up this month and since I feel great (heavy sarcasm), it may be a slow game.  This is as much as I have accomplished.  Pitiful.

I'm using my own random number generator, running a UFO Challenge in the Facebook group, and awarding prizes.  This month it is: 4 and for me that is Rhododendron Trail from several years back.

Okay, so today I moved to the bedroom from the living room.  Is that making progress?  I'm not sure.  Covid truly sucks, but I AM on the computer and attempting to get something accomplished.

2nd - Just resting and doing a few pictures now and then.  Managed to balance the books and get the bills paid for the month.  I feel a bit less anxious about the past couple of months hit on the budget.  Was able to chat on the phone with Jen for an hour and a half today.  That helped my mental state so much.

3rd - I did spend some time working on the computer for an upcoming beach retreat and our Houston Festival Trip.

4th - I am actually feeling a bit better so Mister and I went to Costco in the afternoon.  That's it - big exciting Sunday.  Well, we did watch a lot of Olympics.  I've been pretty thankful to have that the past few days.

5th - In the morning I started out great - doing laundry and making annual doctor appointments.  Turns out I could get into the Dermatologist this morning so showering and dressing took place.  I know this shouldn't be newsworthy, but it is right now.  More stuff removed - it is what it is.  Man, my neck looks old.

After my appointment, I stopped at the grocery store and grabbed a few things we needed.  Not sure this was wise as I'm beat - completely.  Too much the past couple of days.  AND top it all off with a dryer that won't work.  That's right - a NEW dryer.

On the bright side, my son's restaurant was filmed today for an upcoming episode of America's Best Restaurants.  I am so excited for him and proud of him.

A great picture of what the Olympics is all about.  Loved tonight.

6th - Worked on my bedroom once again for a bit.  That's it as the exhaustion has taken over once again.  Was lucky enough to chat with Rhiana for over an hour while she drove girls to camp.  Happy Birthday, darling daughter.

7th - Finished putting things away in my bedroom.  Hauled a ton out to the studio to add to the mess out there.  Just so you know - that meant unpacking from Missouri.  That's right, I haven't touched a thing until this week.  I took pictures of all the items I purchased so that I can finish up those posts.  THAT is how far behind I am.

8th - Made it to the studio for the first time and got about 1/3 of the mess cleaned up.  On the up side, I am able to eat again.  One of the things I've done lately is go through all of my Chucks.  I joined a new trading group and with an updated list am on the hunt for the ones I'm missing.  Fingers crossed.

9th - Went out back and worked on cleaning up the studio for about half an hour before exhaustion took over.  Came inside to work on pictures from June - yes, I am that far behind on those as well.  I also put a bit of time into our upcoming vacation trip.  It's only a few weeks away.  Please let me gain strength.  

10th - Well, I feel a bit better.  Went out to the studio to finish the MSQC put-away, got dressed and actually made breakfast before falling on the sofa once again. The most that happened was a bit of applique on a couple of DJ blocks.

11th - Made the big step to go somewhere --- saw Inside Out 2 at a morning showing.  By the time we got back home, it was back to the sofa for me.  I cannot believe how weak I am.

12th - Cut the parts for August and September monthly projects AND I even used my new project bags that I was gifted from Tonia at the July retreat.  Additionally, one of my missing Chucks is available for trade and so two of my extras went into the mail.

13th - Off to the dentist first thing this  morning and then I came home and started checking on my Rhododendron quilt.  Once it was located, I took out the parts and started the layout process.  Turns out all the parts are made and I just need to sew. 

I finished with the blocks, but that is as far as I got.  Off to rest for a bit as I have another appointment this afternoon.

It's the annual wear a pink robe day.  Once back, I worked on upcoming trip a bit.

14th - POD arrived back from MSQC so I trimmed it and then cleaned up the trimmings. A little more time on the Rhododendron layout and I'm getting there.

15th - Off to the vampires first thing for labs and then home to get Mister.  He dropped me off at the eye doctor and went to his own doctor appointment.  I took Lyft home and these double appointment days are doing me in.  Another quilt back in the mail today - Forever My Valentine, so I trimmed it and cleaned up the trimmings.

I then finished laying out Rhododendron Trail and just done for the day.  I still tire so easily.  Checked in for our cruise and printed the documents.  Cleaned up trimmings in the afternoon while watching The Help.  

Went out for dumplings in evening and discovered how hot out it really is.

16th - I am trying to get the blog a wee bit current so worked on pictures for awhile then went to make lunch.  I completely lost patience with the egg salad I was making and went into retreat from life mode.  I found myself in the studio and cleaned it up, finished backing for Ruby Jubilee and started loading it only to find that I cut the batting wrong size.  ARGH.  I tried a second, pre-cut batting and fully loaded it before discovering that it is too small as well.  Moving on - I will work on it again tomorrow.   A few packages came in the mail - first one is my November Houston Festival Gold Tiara.

A Chuck trade arrived today ---woot, woot.

Summer Moon also arrived back, but I am too tired to even trim it.  Ordered pizza and updated my list.

17th - Up early and a little picture/blogging.  I think I will have some time alone today as Mister is going to help his nephew and I'm still not up to it  AND I'm expecting some quilts to be delivered. I started picking up RT and then quilts were delivered and I changed my mind about going with Mister.  I did get the boxes open before we left.  My sweetie went to help his nephew move a sofa into his house and then we chatted for a bit before walking down to get dinner.  All in all - a nice evening even though I'm still easily tired.

18th - Taking it slow again.  Some blogging in the  morning and then worked on trimming the quilts and cleaning up the trimmings all day.  These are the ones I had to do:  Summer Moon

Merrie Halloween

Barbara Brachman Civil War Sampler

Designer Mystery 2022 - I DO love this one.

Designer Mystery 2023

19th - Still making baby steps.  I worked on picking up some of RT and then went out back and re-loaded RJ with just the whole bolt of batting.  Game over.  Then started working on pulling DJ blocks all while doing laundry.  I ended with some grocery shopping and blogging.  I'm beat.

20th - I made the supreme effort and finished picking up RT off the living room floor.  Then off to the studio and finished pulling DJ for year as well.  Whew.  I then went through all of my Civil War fabrics for swap table in November and have about 10 lbs. for the table.  That is about it except blogging and resting.

Oh - this caught my eye.

21st - Actual sewing took place and two August DJ blocks are the result.

22nd - My last medical appointment for this go round and it wasn't fun at all.  The doctor screwed up labs last week and ordered and more blood for today.  Went to the lab and she had to hunt in my right arm for a shy vein as my left arm had a hematoma from last week.  AFTER, she is done and has me ready to go, she discovers that she didn't take enough and had to go back into the sore left arm.  I am so unhappy.  Home to let Mister have the car and go to the office.  Mailed another Chuck to trade and worked on blogging and pictures until more quilts arrived.  I instantly got them trimmed up and then worked on the trimmings the rest of the afternoon.  Loyal Union - 

Anna's Baskets

Oh Happy Day  I am down to one quilt remaining to be delivered.

The stack cleaned up from three quilts

When Mister got back home -- out was what I wanted.  

23rd - I spent quite a bit of the morning working on our upcoming trip to Bermuda and then mail arrived.  My MSQC order, complete with 5 Gold Medal Chucks.

That meant updating the list and I'm down to just two that I need.  These will be HARD, I'm sure.  I also sent out another Chuck Trade for a magnet.  Why not?

24th -  Up and working on blog.  One of these days I will be so organized that I never am behind.  Is it a pipe dream?  Since it is Saturday, I'm with Mister and we watched a dvd of a Leonard Cohen concert and just enjoyed the day.  Also, we started finding objects for our upcoming trip.

25th - Still working on blog and pics from June.  Yikes, I'm well aware that it is almost the end of August.  Mister found a new place to try for breakfast and it is on the lower level of this office building.  

Marie's Kitchen is very unassuming and appears to have a great customer base.

Food is good and we're both content as we leave.

 The rest of the day focused on trip planning.  The days are clicking by so fast.  I've made the decision to NOT take any projects with me.  A book is about all I will actually get to, so I'm saving the hauling.

26th - More blog work and picture developing happens along with the rest of the trip planning and printing of all required tickets, etc.

27th - Typed, typed, typed like crazy.  The September posts are ready and June is finally done and I'm less than two months behind now.  Hahahaha, I'm so funny.  Laundry gets tackled and packing begins.  A couple of Chuck trades arrive in the mail. These were made before my package arrived and so now I have quite a few Gold Medal Chucks.

28th - Spent some time working on the July retreat pictures so the ladies can have access to them.  By the day's end, they are all uploaded.  Looking around our house, various stages of packing are crazy messy.  What ARE we doing? 

29th - Vacation has officially begun and we are off to New York City for a couple of days before boarding our cruise to Bermuda.  Here is a LINK to Day 1 if you wish to follow along with us.

Welcome to New York - at least that's what the sign says.

One of my favorite pics of the day - how creative is this guy?

Inside Central Park - 

30th -  Our second day in New York (this trip) and we have been waiting for this since March.  I purchased tickets when we booked the cruise and we are sooooo excited.  Here is a  LINK to our most magnificent day and it contains some very cool pictures and a ton of information on ours many stops - way, way more than shown here.

Lunch is at Fraunces Tavern and look what I spot in the windows:

Little Island - pretty cool looking, right?

Ending the day at The Campbell Apartment - 

31st - The end of August arrives and we are boarding our ship to visit Bermuda.  It's a pretty cool itinerary as we stay put for 3 days in the same spot and have 24 hour access to the ship.  I can't wait to see how it plays out.  Day 3's LINK is there for you to follow along.

See ya later New York.  Love ya.

Its cruise time!!

That brings us to September.  How about some calming joy this month? Find a way to incorporate the sea (ocean) into your life. I'm starting out on a cruise and then spending a week at the beach with girlfriends. I've got this covered, but there are other ways. Listen to ocean waves while you sleep, sew with "beach" inspired fabric, plan a trip for the future, just do something and let yourself be grounded with the magic of seas and oceans.

Thank you for reading this far.  If you made it here, kudos to you.  Hope you have a great month and find a way to bring joy into your life.  Stay creative Y'all.

I've tried to make a COMPLETE list here so that I have only one place to look it all up.  I apologize in advance for the boring nature of this to y'all, but it helps me.  I've made quite a few category changes this year - anything to help stay on top of things.

Projects ready to quilt by me:   

UFO's to finish:  *means on UFO Monthly Challenge sheet

Alphabet project from MSQC 2022 - 
Second Half Moon Rising project from MSQC 2022 - 
BAD blocks as leader/enders - 
*Rhododendron Trail - 
*Sandcastles - set, backing, label, binding, quilt and bind
Midnight Flight - 
Daybreak -
Row by Rows - 
*Rachel's Sewing Room - quilt borders and attach all parts
Desert Sky - 
*Ruby Jubilee - Loaded and ready to quilt
Feathered Star BOW - 

Current Projects:

Dear Jane - 
One Block Wonder - 
Looking Through the Lattice - 
Periwinkle Squared - 
Sophie-Claire Block Exchange - 
Paper-piece Project each month - 

New for this year: 

Turtle Items
Pillow Exchange
Penguin Mug Rugs

Items dropped with MSQC for quilting

*Anna's Baskets -  Received back, trimmed and ready for binding to be attached
Barbara Brachman Civil War Sampler -  Received back, trimmed and ready for binding to be attached
Oh Happy Day -  Received back, trimmed and ready for binding to be attached
Forever My Valentine - Received back, trimmed, ready for embellishments and binding to be attached
Summer Moon - Received back, trimmed and ready for binding to be attached
Loyal Union -  Received back, trimmed and ready for binding to be attached
Merrie Halloween -  Received back, trimmed and ready for binding to be attached
Country Christmas - 
Project of Doom - Received back, trimmed and ready for binding to be attached
Designer Mystery 2022 -  Received back, trimmed and ready for binding to be attached
Designer Mystery 2023 -  Received back, trimmed and ready for binding to be attached

UFO Handwork Items:

Hand Quilting -- 
Stocking - in Montana, will work on there
Wool Wall Hanging - 

Links to Previous 2024 Monthly Posts - 


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