Thursday, July 25, 2024

Missouri Star Retreat and Girls Trip - Actual Retreat Days 3-5

 So, this post will cover the highlights of our retreat and it'll be long.  Settle in.  We start out the day with breakfast at the event center.  I spot this quilt in the corner and it is now on my "want to make" list.  I have even remembered some fabric I bought a couple of years ago that has been waiting for just the right project.  This is it.  Now to find the pattern today and some background fabric.  Off to the Scavenger Hunt we go.

There are three new shops for us to check out this morning and the Farm Market is the first one we get to.  This shop is sooooo cool and I took a ton of pictures to share.  Entryway, on the left side -

Looking straight in - 

On the right side - 

Closer look at the butcher shop on the left - so very fun.

Here, the fabric is weighed out and packaged up with butcher paper and all.  Super creative.

Rounding the corner to the second side of the store - straight ahead - 

It's a true little market with kisosks that are soooooo perfectly themed.  I am in awe.

The wall of notions - like a candy store - all coded by color.

Even the ice cream cones are made of fabric.  Sheer genius.

THIS!! --- Just this!!  Front - 

and rear -

Inside, there is even an authentic soda shoppe.  We will be back to try this out.  Upon leaving the store, we all had matching shirts cos that's how we roll.

Along the Scavenger Hunt - this was on a wall in a store.  I want it.

In the new Home Store - embroidery makes an appearance.  I bought this kit when it was first released and can't wait to try it out.

Oooooh - I wish, I wish.  Too pricey this time.

The Home Store and the new Christmas Store are connected so we journey from one to the other without going outside.  Now, our view is from the rear instead of the front window, like yesterday.  I think I've found my ornament for this years Christmas party.  Yay me.

Yes, there is Christmas fabric too.

Isn't that the cutest apron.  I wanted one, but they were sold out of the panels.

Jen and I spot this pillow and decide to purchase the book for it.  I guess I'll give yo-yo's a try, but I have plenty of fabric at home.

Scavenger Hunt is complete, time for that soda back at the Farm Market.

Dinner is served at 5:30 and followed up by a presentation from the Doan Girls.

They share some great quilts from past Triple Plays and I only captured a few to share . February Half Rectangle Triangle

Starlit Path

Spinning Star

June's Triple Play - Fence Rail and one of our class quilts for this retreat.

String of Pearls

Drifting Dresdens

At the end, we received a packet of the patterns shown.

It was another great night.  Time for sleep as class begins tomorrow.

24th - The supplies for our first class greet us upon arrival.

Jen, stayed and sewed last night, making the wallet she picked up during the Scavenger Hunt.  Where is MY motivation?  TA-DA

This morning's task.  No way, but I'll give it a valiant effort to get the half square triangles done.

After lunch, the supplies for our second class arrive along with a gift.

Afternoon class is Floral Fence Rail

We are ready for the evening's presentation.

Tonight, The Doan Girls are presenting on the Half Square Triangle and all that can be done with it.

Tranquil Triangle Quilt -

Chevron Quilt

With a quick change of the layout - Herringbone Quilt.  Watch Jenny in the background on these pics and you'll see her change the block layout around.

Missed the pattern name here.

Around The World made with HST's

Four Seasons Quilt

Blocks being changed and a couple of solids added.

Jumping Jack

Disappearing Pinwheel - again, check the back board.

Disappearing Friendship Star

I love this one and can't the name but I can make it with what is on the board.  I know it is a Disappearing Pinwheel, but don't know the number for the pattern.

Disappearing Hour Glass Two

Disappearing Hour Glass

Disappearing Hour Glass Medallion

Now, we have some group TA-DA's for today - well at least the "pre-embellishment" part.  Frieda and Sherri.

My top AND label are done, pre-embellishment.  Calling it a day.

25th - Good Morning!  Today's class is a table runner, BUT they are presenting a whole quilt version as well.  So pretty.

More finishes from yesterday - some with and some without embellishments.  Jen and Frieda

Getting started - 

I haven't really showed this much, but each day, after the lesson, if people need to shop we head back into town for a bit.  Yep, we're all dressed the same today.

Break time over - back to work.

Some more embellishments are ready to be stitched down.

Time out --- Group Photos please!!!


Fun times - 

Show and Share - Ron and Jenny's Winter Wonderland

Ingrid's Flowers - 

Ron's Quilt - 

Jen shared her Nature's Bounty Quilt that she is dropping off for quilting.

Closing night is always emotional and tonight the tears were freely flowing by all.  It's been another great retreat.

Three of us decide to check out the local brewery.  There is a town jam session going on and it is just so fun.  Wish we had arrived earlier as they close in a short time.  And that closes out this post.  We head out tomorrow morning for the trip south.  Our souls have been nurtured and hearts are full.  Love, love, love this trip each year.

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