Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 Finished Non-Quilt Items

Each year I try and create one post that includes all that I have managed to finish.  It's the only way I know what took place and have it in one quick and easy spot.  This post contains all that are not a QUILT or QUILTED Wallhanging.  That doesn't mean these aren't quilted as well, just my way of keeping things a wee bit separate.  Got it?

Here's the month by month:

January - With a granddaughter turning 4 this summer and a trip to Utah on the horizon, I want to deliver a finished tea set.  I can lose the worry of mailing it this way and I'll just hide it downstairs until the time is right.  Mister and I worked together on the box and it is now ready to go.

April - With the pandemic looming -- focus went to masks.  I didn't take pics of the multitude made, but a few were recorded just as a choice for grands.  Some had elastic and some had shoelace ties.  Personally, I prefer the shoe lace ones.

May - There was a real break in "other projects" but this month I completed a very old UFO quilt (from 1995) and had a couple of blocks leftover.  TA-DA-- two pillows to match.

July - A special "Christmas in July" retreat gave me time to make four jelly roll rugs as birthday gifts for the girls next month.

AND -- we had a mini-class in these cute little containers.  Perfect.

August - While cleaning out a tub in the studio, I came across these orphan blocks and quickly turned them and some other scraps into pillows.  These will be great for the Utah grands reading area.

Mister and I want to redo the outdoor chairs --- thus we went to work on them and this is the result.  I LOVE them so much.

Mister only has one mask and we are taking a trip next month, so a second one for him.

October - A new grandbaby arrives next month - so her ceramic bears are ready to go.

One more jelly roll rug.  I'm down to one to go now.  Another daughter having a birthday.

November  - Mairead is turning one -- her quiet book front and back  (Inside pages can be found in this LINK)

The last of the jelly roll rugs.  Whew.

A Noah's Ark toy for Utah grands - front

and back

Mariel's baby afghan - 

December - The annual ornament for the Christmas Party Cookie and Ornament Exchange

The front bench gets new pillow and bench pad covers in red for the holidays.

My BINGO card finish on the last day of the year.  These Judy Niemeyer place mats that were started in October of 2016 so it's nice to get another UFO off the list.

And that's it for this year.  I've had fun and learned some new things along the way.  The list for 2021 has been made and there are some non-quilt items on it as well.  Hopefully, you'll see their pictures in a similar post in one year's time.  Until then, Happy New Year to all!!

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