Friday, September 20, 2019

Surfside Beach Retreat - Session 2

Let session 2 begin.  We still have Sharron with us as she cannot get home due to flooding in Houston.  We have at least three cars on the road heading this way and everyone is fairly worried about them.  It is raining buckets!  Seriously.  Typically on this day, we go out to dinner as a group, but the vote is to have one of the already stressed cars stop and get pizza.  I know it seems harsh, but they have to go right past it.  The Jennifer's come to the rescue -- drown to the core, but with dinner in hand.

Cards are the evening entertainment.

When the rain finally quits again --- we are blessed with an incredible sunset.  Gotta take the good with the bad right?

Rocky is standing behind me and send me this picture.

Snacks have been purchased and Sharron is serving any and all who are interested.

Group visiting.  It's perfect.

More scenes from the room

Lori is being brave.

Gilley shares a TA-DA - quilted by Maria.  So amazing.

A second TA-DA by Gilley.

I'm wanting to walk down to the store this evening and Lori offers to walk along.  I have on a dress and flip flops.  She has jeans and tennis shoes.  We had to walk through 4" of water all the way down and back.  One of us is wet.  We also took a walk along the beach and it was so nice to walk at night.  Loved it and the time with Lori.  And that's it.  I'm done for the day.  Off to bed but a thank you to Rocky for the last ladies standing picture.

20th -  There is a bit of sunrise this morning.  I'm late to the party but . . .

Paula and I make a run into Lake Jackson to purchase the supplies for our dinner tonight and while there, stop in at Creative Quilting.

This is a "new to me" shop and I wander around trying to see the whole thing.  The lady working keeps trying to get out of my pictures and I think it's rather humorous.

Look at these pretty colors and neutrals.  Oooooh

I love visiting little shops now and then.  Paula is after a new neutral for her Sapphire Blues mystery but we don't find just what she is looking for.  This store is well organized and bright.  I love it and wish I could shop but between behaving with money and truly mentally somewhere else, I'm content to just take pictures.

Upon our return, Lori shares a TA-Da with us and I adore the panel in the upper right.

This is just such fun and since I already have the one in the lower left (from last year at the beach retreat) and some coordinating fabric . . . . well . . . I may have to hunt this one down too.

Gilley with a HUGE TA-DA  I don't even know how she finished this here --- I would need so many tables around me.  Go girl go.

Val with a TA-DA from last night.

And one from today - TA-DA

At this point, I have given up the battle.  I am going home today and leaving this wonderful group of women on their own.  I so didn't want to do this as it is the last year I am hosting a retreat down here, but sometime big girl panties are required.  Packing up and heading to Dallas, I get there around 10 in the evening and meet up with family.

The ladies back at retreat have more days to enjoy the ocean and one another.  They are kind enough to send me a group picture.  Back row:  Paula, Kathy, Lori, Val, Maria, Mindy, Angie Frieda  Front row:  Debi, Betsy, Jennifer S., Rocky, Gilley, Meri, and Jennifer M.  Truly a magnificent group of women and I am so sad to have missed out on time with them. (one more pic after this one)

I left Debi to shut things down and along with the help of these women, they did so.  Here is the Beach Out picture.  I love you all so much.  Keep those smiles in place.

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