Our first task is to pair up darks and lights but Eileen gets final approval. Seems fitting.

These classes are designed to allow people to choose their own patterns, thus everyone is working on something different. As we wait our turn with the teacher, well dang if it isn't a perfect selfie moment. "We are waiting to cut."

A wonderful advantage (disadvantage?) of taking a class in a quilt shop is the CLEARANCE table. Oooooh. I forgot to mention that earlier we found mystery grab bags on it and actually put some into our projects instantly. Fun, fun. Well, this time we have found latte mugs filled with wonderful fat quarters. The decision is made to gift each other with one. "No, Sweetie, Allison GAVE it to me."

We get back to the cutting task at hand. Will it ever end? Eileen lets us know that we are now going to sew. What? Crazy thought.
This is paper piecing to extreme. It's slow. Painstakingly so. Can I fall in love with it? I am giving it a valiant effort but am just not sure of the outcome.

Chapter 2 -- 9/30 I have the car today so am leaving from home just as the sun is making it's way into the beginning of a new day. It is glorious. Honest. Trying to snap a quick picture while at a stoplight is the not best scenario, but here's what I got.

Must stop and take pics. Right? Of course! "Memories, light the corners of my mind." Who can go there with me?

Now to tackle the rest of our blocks. We are doing them in sets of nine so that is how many we are ready to dress.
Allison is playing with arrangements already. How does she do that? My brain is still in "add the next piece" mode.

Okay, smiles everyone. Well, that worked well.

Okay, okay. Back to the circles. Once can only avoid for so long. I settle in and try to put myself back in dressmaker mode. Sleeves, think sleeves. I can do this.
Amazingly enough, it works. They go together quick and soon both Allison and I have our 9 units completed. Major TA-DA. Mine are the top row, Allison's the bottom row. Well, that was probably obvious after I said which ones were mine.
A quick picture of what Cynthia is working on: (Isn't it beautiful?)

Now to finish out my day. I do not wish to start another set of 9 blocks. I do not wish to start the second project I have brought. I know, I'll pick up some of the waste from the first nine blocks and start in on a label. I think it's pretty dang cool, if I'm being honest. Loving, simply loving these colors. (I still need to trim the last few and add the muslin triangle along with a top binding but . . .)

Two vanilla lattes and a lactose free/sugar free chocolate. What a pretty picture they are.
As Elisabeth and I are talking, Allison grabs my camera. It must have been a good conversation.
Oh, what did you say? "Smile?"
I would like at least one coffee shop pic of the three of us so I approach a young lady who is with her mother. I ask if she would take a picture and her response is, "Why?" I look at her for a second before realizing that she thought I wanted her picture. After explaining, she is more than happy to oblige us.
As we are chatting, our lovely teacher comes in to join us. Good morning Eileen. We are delighted to share company with you this morning. Thank you for including us in YOUR day. It's a great start to the day but ends as perhaps the teacher should be in class before it starts. Hmmmm . . . I guess so.

Oh, that's mean. I take it back. She has worked super hard and perhaps that is why she has a gold star and I don't. TA-DA. Once her blocks are complete, she lays them out in the shape of an "S", which will be her layout in the quilt. Super cool for a Stillson.
Allison and I do meet our goal for cutting and sewing on the placemats. We also gift Elisabeth with a latte mug and fat quarters so that we can now officially be the "three mugstateers". Yes, silliness runneth amok.
Our time here is coming to a close so one last picture with Eileen seems appropriate. The problem is that Janet is the photographer and we don't stand a chance at "appropriate" with her goading us on. Here is what ya get:
What a truly fun three days we have had. Thank you, thank you, thank you Eileen, for making this oh such a great time. Can't wait to see you again.
It was fun to peek in, meet Allison & drool over your projects!
ReplyDeletesuch fun and fantastic blocks