So where should I start? My Allietare quilt is beckoning. All I have left is to sew down the binding. I have a wonderful chair in my corner of the room and settle in with a needle and thread. This is so nice.
Ana has our first TA-DA as she shares her Patches and Pinwheels by Bonnie Hunter.

Towards the end of our meal, I discover that Allison has brought a bottle of Goldschlager and within minutes I remember that we have shot glasses brought from the beach retreat. Let's get this retreat started. (I will admit that this shot gave me a bit of the shivers -- all the way down.)
After dinner Allison, Debi, and I do the Chasing the Sun reveal one day early so that the ladies here that are working on it will be able to finish this weekend. TA-DA (My constant version)
And it's back
My scrappy version
And it's back
Allison's constant version
Allison's scrappy version
And her back

Allison has a TA-DA as well. Isn't this just fun? I love the modern look of it.
I have now finished Allietare and am able to have my TA-DA.
And the back
Glenda also has her Allietare top to share -- TA-DA. I love her colors too.
Brenda has also finished a top --- isn't this sweet?
Apparently a shot of Goldschlager and a couple of glasses of champagne along with a week of no sleep has finally gotten to me. Stick a fork in me. I am done and off to my room for some sleep. Here's a peek back at the room.
While I am sleeping away ---- here is the "last man standing" shot. See ya'll tomorrow.
Good morning! It is a GORGEOUS day.

Maria has arrived this morning and with her came a jar full of what she calls "grapefruit wine." Or at least I think that's what she said. I've dubbed it "Maria's Lemonade" and it will definitely make the evening interesting.

Maria has a TA-DA - Allison quilted this for her with wonderful Halloween designs. Look close.
Glenda also has a TA-DA with her wonderful woodland animals.
I even manage to make my mug rug and am happy with it. TA-DA
Janet shares a family heirloom quilt that she has been lucky enough to be the recipient of. Isn't is beautiful?

Stephanie, Janet, Maria, Leanne, and Ana have parts and pieces all over the place.
I even spot Stephanie's center medallion and can't resist a picture.
Soon, we have our first CTS TA-DA -- Oh Stephanie, it looks wonderful.
Glenda is just cranking things out. Another TA-DA for her
Jennifer has brought her camera to retreat and I ask if it has a timer. Score! it does so we set up a spot for a group picture and she does the "set and run". I think these turned out pretty dang good. These ladies are indeed golden to me: Back row - Maria, Allison, Doris, Glenda, Stephanie, Janet, Elizabeth, Brenda Middle row - Janet, Leanne, Debi, Valerie Front row - Ana, Jennifer, Deb
And a fun one with a pig tribute of course
The rest of the day/evening is spent working on projects and tasting Maria's "lemonade". That means we MUST play LCR. Let's go.

Where on earth did that come from?
Round two and the jelly roll goes to Allison, who will love it dearly.
And the final round is won by Maria.
She is just a bit overwhelmed. I love how Glenda is right on the spot to help her.
Aha -- there is a reason for Glenda's concern. A petition has now been presented to Maria.
Legal aid has come into play and I'm not sure Maria is happy with the way things are going.
Enter Elizabeth and Debi --- Oh my. Confusion runneth amok.
Meanwhile, at the sane side of the room, Jennifer has a TA-DA. My sweetie would love this one. These are his colors. Sew, sew pretty.
Allison has been busy too. It's amazing what one can do when they are not involved in a lawsuit. TA-DA (Only pic I got. Sorry Allison.)

Good night -- see ya tomorrow.
I sleep in a bit today and after a shower and attempt to get my act together (too much lemonade last night), I discover that there is a de-papering bee taking place on the patio. I might as well join in. It's a great start to a day --- friends working together to get a task finished.

And, of course, it is all notarized

We also have another Chasing the Sun finish. Maria wanted to finish last night but we forced her to go to bed. She started right back up this morning and . . .
Everyone is busy with Beads of Courage bags, mug rugs, and personal projects and the day passes before we know it. It's dinner time and also -- chocolate martini time. WE must use those lovely martini glasses we were gifted at the beach retreat.
It is also Debi's birthday party tonight. Happy, happy, my friend.
The song must also be sung in according to our theme.
After dinner, I have one task still remaining this weekend. There are THREE rubies to be given out. Five retreats earns one a crown with a ruby. This weekend we are crowning:
And Janet. Congratulations to all three ladies.
Janet also finishes her Chasing the Sun (under peer pressure I believe) and uses a slightly different take on her big blocks. It reminds me of a God's Eye.

Most of the are pictured below though. How fun are these?

As the evening winds down, I am once again beat. What is up with that? I head off to bed and after a brief rest, wake desperately seeking water. As I walk over to the lodge, these four are the only ones still up. They are definitely the late night crew.

The moon is again up and peeking through the trees. Simply lovely.
See ya in the morning for the good-byes that must take place.
As I walk into the main room in the morning, these pigs are the first thing I see. Oh dear -- last night must have been epic.
We quickly gather everyone together that has a completed Chasing the Sun top for a fun picture. Janet's top is laying on the ground and really doesn't show too well. I must plan this better in the future. Maybe our photographer needed to be higher up. Things to think about.
The room has greatly emptied out but some just don't want to leave. Who can blame them. This has been a magnificent weekend.

My last view while leaving are these mushrooms in the grass. They are absolutely huge. Must be happy here too. Thanks to all. I am going home with a calmer heart for sure.
Thank you for the marvelous post of the Briarwood Retreat Center. So glad the retreat was salvaged and all systems go for our planned fun and impromptu fun as well! Hugs, Allison in Plano
ReplyDeleteJust a quick ?- what are the "Beads of Courage" bags?
ReplyDeleteOh and I forgot to mention I love all the CTS quilts