The other end of the table has jewelry lessons going on. You see --- we are not limited here to just quilting although some seem to believe that. Creativity abounds in many directions.

Meanwhile, Sherri is attempting to come up with a layout for some blocks she has made. I am voting for the one on the right but there is some dissention in the group. We'll see how it goes.
I want to take a wee bit of advantage to this time in in two different ways. I REALLY want to thoroughly enjoy the location and thus am taking every opportunity to walk on the beach and see just what nature puts into my path. Today -- this lovely beauty posed for a picture. Too bad my hands were not quite as still.
The lovely ladies that are here for the between days are full of love and laughter for each other. Tears are flowing and I promise there is not a bit of sadness around. I think this is one of those "what happens at the beach, stays at the beach" moments. You'll have to ask those involved.

I have achieved layout with my Allietare top now that the floor space is available. The rest of the day is spent setting this lovely top. I do have to admit that I am tiring of "on point" settings. It's time for just some plan old webbing. Anyone agree?

9/14 Good morning! I am not the only one enjoying the early morning on the sand. Walks on the beach are one of the high points and it doesn't hurt that since it is midweek now, the beach is pretty dang empty.

Sherri has finished her flimsy and guess what? I chose wisely. The right layout won and I really do love this. TA-DA

As we all work on various projects, take naps, or just sit and visit -- the day passes much too quickly. Sherri and Ana have been preparing dinner for us and the whole house smells divine. I should stop sewing for a bit as I promised a dessert for tonight.

After dinner, I look out the window and start to see colors in the sky. I would really like to get a picture of the sunset but know that it means a walk down the road as our house points the wrong direction. I take off running as quick as I can but the sun has gone down by the time I get to an open area. This is the best I can get after literally "chasing the sun."
Once I am back at the house, I point the camera down the beach to get the reflective colors as well.
Group selfie time as we definitely need a "tweener" group picture. From left to right: Debi Kendrick, Theresa Irving, Val Venable, Lydia Blalock, Maria Hall, Marcia Eich, Sharron Evans, Deb Hayter, Ana Earl, Sherri Miller.
After dark, I ask if anyone wants to go out crab hunting. I have three yes responses so armed with flashlights we are off and running. Well walking at least. The crabs are not as abundant tonight as other nights, but we still have fun and find a few. Hearing Maria's giggle each time makes it all worthwhile, I promise. As we are returning to the house, we spot two crabs in romantic mode. Perhaps we should stop watching and continue on our merry way.
From the deck, our view of the moon tonight is pretty dang sweet. But from the water it is even better. One last shot before putting the beach to bed for the night.

I DO manage to get the borders on Allietare as well as the back made and feel good about that at least.
Apparently toys are required tonight as well.

9/15 Hello world! It is another glorious Surfside morning and I am thrilled to be a part of it. Check out the sunrise.
Well it was a wonderful morning -- that is until the clouds started flipping me off.

The decision has been made to have a second tweener group shot with food. Is that all we are doing? Eating? Hmmm. You need to know that we even worked super hard to stage this one. Some of you think I'm joking. Oh stop that.
After lunch, the next group of weekend retreaters will start arriving and that means that my "tweeners" are starting to pack up already. This makes me so very sad. Maybe I need three weekends down here next year. To lighten the mood --- bubbles are out once again.
Ah, saying good-bye is never easy.

From the "Tweeners" and Surfside --- Piece On.
Love, love, love - wishing we were still there!
ReplyDeleteToo fun!! I definitely want to reach TWEENER status next year! Hugs, Allison