I used to teach a class once a month. I was always shocked at how quick the month went by and it was time to teach again. I'm feeling the same thing with these weeks. Is it really Saturday already? Of course not --- this is an EARLY release but still ---- tomorrow is Saturday right? Onto week three. REMEMBER TO READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH BEFORE STARTING.
On your mark, get set, cut --- (When I say LEFTOVER, I mean the little ends that are left from cutting previous bricks and squares, not strips that are still remaining to be cut.) These cutting directions are for everyone. If you are doing scrappy, remember to mix it up.
White (color 1): From 1 1/2" strip, cut 6 - 1 1/2" squares
Yellow (color 2): From leftover 1 1/2" strips, cut 10 - 1 1/2" squares
Orange (color 3): From the leftover 1 1/2" strips, cut 8 - 1 1/2" squares
Red (color 4): From the leftover 1 1/2" strips, cut 8 - 1 1/2" squares
Pink (color 5): Subcut 32 - 1 1/2" x 6 1/2" bricks from your 1 1/2" strips
Pink (color 5): From the leftover 1 1/2" strips, cut 8 - 1 1/2" squares
Lavender (color 6): Subcut 32 - 1 1/2" x 6 1/2" bricks from your 1 1/2" strips
Yes, this is an easy clue. I am at the beach retreat and pretty much unhooked from the internet leaving me unable to answer many questions. As a result --- you get an easy week.

One brick will go on each side as shown in the graphic. Your finished unit should measure 6 1/2" square.
Ooooh, yes!

Your units should now measure 6 1/2" x 8 1/2". Yes, my sample is crooked. It's square but wonky. How did I do that?
Simply wonderful.
Unit E (make 4)

Your finished units should measure 1 1/2" x 5 1/2".
UNIT F (make 4):

Onward and upward --
UNIT G (make 1):

Even when making four-patches and even if there is only one, I web. It's a habit. What can I say?

Now, flip that sweetheart over and spin the seam. Nice.

I'm a bit behind but still loving these clues and looking forward to a finish(maybe a bit later than sooner).