Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Jailbreak - Brazos House Retreat

 All my bags are packed and I'm on the road.  The sun is just rising and I'm late --- so late.  With crazy traffic and so many trucks, it takes me until almost 9 to arrive.   Goodness. 

Turning on 200, there is a wonderful meadow that is just alive with color.  What an abundance of Indian Paintbrush.  I stop for a couple of quick pictures to send to my daughter - it's her favorite flower.  Here's one to share.

The retreat gets underway quick as I'm late and so much to do.  One of our projects this year is to make pillowcases for the Yahweh Mission.  Lori and Angie get after it right away.  Way to go girls.

A quick trip down to the river just to say I did happens next.  While out, it appears that the chickens are free range this weekend.

Isn't he pretty?

Muddy water, but spring brings that - 

It's still a great place to sit and just watch time go by.  However, my time has to be back at the house with a really long list of things to still do today.  

The girls have been busy and more pillowcases are added to the stack.  There's no way I'll keep up with all of them, but it's a start. Lori, Amber, and Karen

Soon - Lori has her first TA-DA

Followed by Angie with a TA-DA and another pillowcase - these two are cooking.

The day is flying by and before I know it -- dinner!!  Our group did a salad bar with all the prep done at home and brought here.  It worked sooooooo well.

The chickens have made it to the front porch.  I had to giggle as someone thought perhaps the gate had been left open.  Nope -- chickens can get over the fence.

Karen with another pillowcase - 

We discovered that there are two sets of twins at retreat.  So, so fun.

Scenes around the room - 

Crystal's pillowcase - 

I have been cutting Farm Girl blocks ALL DAY and it's now 1 in the morning and I'm still not done.  Tomorrow is another day and I'm off to bed.

9th -  I'm woken to singing.  Lots of it and a very happy crew.  In fact, within moments Lori is singing right behind me and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a video, but sometimes, what happens at retreat - stays at retreat.  Other times, no.  I may add it  - we'll see.

Lori also has a TA-DONE to show and share.  This is her Wild N Goosey by Bonnie Hunter.

She asks me to go outside with her for a nice pic --- not too shabby, but as I did this, I messed my knee up again.  Drat it anyway.  

Check out the back as Lori and Sam fold the quilt up.

We have April Showers Skinnies this week - with charms to be earned.  Brenda is the first to finish.  TA-DA

The theme is Jailbreak --- so much fun.  Instead of twosies for game night, I went with mug shots - well Wanted Posters at least.  Smile y'all, some of these are just so fun.

The only one smiling --- our resident Prison Guard - not sure why she is smiling -- all her prisoners have broke out of jail.

I was the only one not in prison clothing.  I went a whole different direction with the Jailbreak theme.  Click on this LINK to see my interpretation of the theme. 

It's game time!!!!

I think the only two I missed are Amy and myself.  Always something - ugh.

Door prize winners:  Karen and Angie

One advancement --- Terry is RUBY!!!!

Shenanigans during the game - 

My.  Third.  Boob.

The Chain Gang girls - 

VERY unique handcuffs.

And the fat quarters go to Crystal!!!

A jelly roll for Karen  is next - 

This is another great moment -- slow understanding of the situation.

Round three and the jelly roll goes to Terry - 

The Brazos Chain Gang - not sure why this picture didn't turn out -- argh.  Back row:  Angie, Lori, Terry, Karen, Val, Gwen, Kelly, Amy, Brenda, Janet.  Middle:  Paula, Mindy.  Front: Sam, Amber, Crystal.  So much fun with these wonderful women.

Oh, and yours truly.  Sorry about my hair, Crystal.

I had a few boards left from last months project and wanted to be able to take all the paint supplies home.  Four takers now have the chance for small barn quilts.

And with that, I'm off to bed early tonight.  Everyone else can keep the place going.  Oh, what did I get done today?  I finished cutting my blocks and manage to even get quite a few sewn, but I have a lot to do tomorrow as well.

10th - Good Morning!  I think.  Hahaha - it's quiet this morning and I'm moving slow due to my knee, but the fun is quickly ramping up.  Angie with a TA-DA

Skinnie TA-DA's are happening -- Paula and Karen

Angie and Sam

Amber and Crystal - 

I have finished my FG blocks for May and June!  Whew.  With my upcoming schedule, that is the only way I would have them on time for the quilt-a-long.  I can't show them yet, but how about a wall of Skinnies?

Mindy's TA-DA - 

Val's TA-DA

Paula, Gwen, and I with pillowcases - 

We have managed to fill a bag for the mission.  Thank you so much to all who helped.

Brenda's TA-DA -- all free-motion quilted for her very first time.  It's so cool.

Barn quilt TA-DA for Lori and a Skinnie for Terry 

Barn quilt TA-DA for Mindy and a pillowcase for Sam

One last barn quilt TA-DA - Angie

I'm clearing up my area this evening and here is the goodie haul - thank you so much to all who treated us.

Sam with a TA-DA

I even found time to iron on my future Skinnies -- all except a few leaves as I forgot the black rick-rack.  I'm ready to applique and you'll see these at future retreats.

And that's it for tonight.  Bed is calling, but a quick last night, last ladies standing seems right once again.

11th - And just like that - this retreat is over.  For some reason, the place is packing up early today and I guess we'll be home sooner than expected.  It just happens that way sometimes.  Until May, Brazos Out!  (Psst -keep going for just a couple pics.)

On my way down the road --- wildflower beauty.

As I came to the end of the road, these cows were all laying with the flowers in the background.  I stopped the car to take a picture without poles in it, but the little one felt the need to rise as did mom.  Drat it anyway.  Well, that's it for this post.  What is next?  Stay tuned.

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