I arrive with enough time to get fabric out and the class begins. Allison is here today and I am thrilled to see her. It has been a few months since we have had a class together and I certainly do enjoy her experience and kindness.

Next we take those beautiful squares and cut them into two triangles. This makes me very nervous, but I managed to do it correctly. I am having so much fun visiting with old acquaintances and new friends. The morning absolutely flies by with tutorials on our rulers added in. If you look at my fabrics below, you will see one in particular that has words all over it. It was a treasure I discovered in a box of scraps that I picked up at an estate sale. I have tried to put a few pieces of it in everything since then. I LOVE it, but only had about 1/8 of a yard of it. I think it was a sack of some sort in a previous life.

I think she does a great job, but gets called away 3/4 of the way through it to help another student and I finish up. Can you tell what I do wrong?

What do you think of my block? I am excited to put this one together as well. I have a goal to do one large block a week and 6 of the string ones. Perhaps in 6 months I will have this top together and ready to quilt. I sure hope so. 2014 is the year of the quilt for me. I AM going to finish soooo many UFO's.
What a fun day, but it always has to end. Once again, I leave everything set up as I am back again tomorrow. There is fabric back home waiting to be prepared for tomorrow -- time to hit the road.
Mister has been in the studio all day and when I arrive home, the first thing I see are the drawers to the Memphis treadle. He has been working on them and they are beautiful. I thought they were pretty before, but now they are absolutely glorious. Look how those handles shine.

Mister lets me try half of the foot massager before it is soon set up under his desk. He is one happy camper.
I need to get to the studio and cut fabric. Another class tomorrow. No whining her though -- I am absolutely loving it. Oh --- it is New Year's Eve --- I hope you all have a very Happy New Year and that all your wishes are met. I have been told that the way you start the year will indicate how it is going to play out for you. Me??? I will be quilting.