Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Brazos House March 2022 Tweeners

 Well, I am still in D.C. so don't have a lot of commenting on theses pics until the end of the post.  That means just enjoy the fun and make a decision to come and play with us sometime.   Oh, in case you are new to the blog ---- Tweeners are those that travel quite far to retreat (and sometimes others) and pay to stay for the "between" days.  It's quiet time and no organized anything, including food.

Ramona's Summer Moon blocks - 

Good Morning - 

Carla's rug

A meal out. 

A meal in - 

Ramona's TA-DA

River time -- always a hit.

Pouch bags TA-DA -- I think Debi's

Another river trip - 

Life is not always easy - but it's worth the adventures.  Some are coming down -- some are going up.

I've arrived back in Texas and am on my way back to the retreat.  The moon is setting in front of me.

And the sun is rising behind just a short time later.

Once I arrive at the center, I gather up some friends and we are off to Gatesville to tackle more of Paula's shed.  Today, the fabric comes back.

Jen and Sherri meet Linda, Gwen and I at the shed and help me to FILL four vehicles with items to take back to the center.  For that --- lunch is a welcome reward.

After working all afternoon to sort and set up the sale table, we decide on dinner out.  There is a slight wait at the restaurant, so some wandering in downtown Glen Rose takes place.  I've share some on this before so take a peek at this LINK.  I went into a lot of detail on the town in that post.  For today, we've discovered this little gem at the museum..

Dinner with the gang --- in a back room at the Italian Restaurant.  Love and laughter all around.

A little square walking after dinner.

Home to this and ready for the second session of retreat to begin tomorrow.

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