Saturday, October 10, 2020

Journey - Clue 6

It's my anniversary!!!  Where am I?  Such mysteries abound, right?  After last week, y'all should be caught up and ready for some real fun.  We're going on fast forward this week.  Please make sure to READ ALL THE WORDS before starting and so on your mark, get set, READ.

Sometimes it feels as though life is just going in circles.  While traveling, we run into roundabouts now and then and this week, we're going to be circling.  Hey, it's a reach but a definite method of travel --- vultures do it all the time.

Welcome to French Silk Pie.  Yep, that's the name of our block.  Sounds yummy, I know.  Well, it is.  Even with fabric.

Block A - make 41

First up, we need to cut the center squares.  From 3 1/2" neutral strips, cut 41 - 3 1/2" squares.

Just like this, lickety split.

You will need Units 3 and 5 from previous clues.

Here is your layout --- gray squares in the corners, red bricks out.

I stack mine all up on a small design board so that I can just work one right after the other.

My normal method of putting together blocks is to web - however, this time I opted to work in rows due to REALLY watching my points.  I could turn the pieces the way that was best to see what I was doing all the time. Press top and bottom rows to the center piece  and the center row towards the outside --- I know, it stinks for the flying geese.

Now it's time to sew the rows.  Here is a HINT!!  In order to watch all three points as you sew the top row to the center, one has to be on the bottom.  I hold it up to the light so I can see just where that seam needs to go and pop a pin in there.  Yes, it takes time and I'm not usually this careful, but . . .  it does help.

The top and center rows are together.

Now to add that lower row.  I laid the new section on the bottom and did the same process as above.  There is NO hard and fast rule that the smaller piece has to be on top when we sew.  Press each row to the center - this time it stinks for the middle row geese, but there really isn't any way around it unless you prefer to press everything open and then you'll still have some interesting spots.

Measure time -- do you have a 9 1/2" square?

If so, have fun and create this lovely stack of beauty.  I'll see you next week and I hope to see you posting how much fun you're having.  If you haven't joined the Facebook Group yet, here is your LINK.  See ya on the 17th.

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