Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June 2020 Quilt Update

The 20's are Roaring Again and are you joining in with our own group ROAR?  I posted all the details in a separate post and here is the Theme LINK to get the details if you want to join in.

If you are new to the blog, you may be asking, "just what is a monthly update?"  I decided long ago that I just can't keep up with blogging daily.  I just can't.  Sooooo, what happens is I document a day in my life within one post and if something special happens, a separate post takes place.  See, you can stay caught up with a once a month check and then, if you're interested, see the other posts too.  It's a great system for me.

In years past, I have set goals for each month and I will continue to do that simply to keep myself on track.  I AM still in UFO mode around here and trying oh so hard to use or clean out the stash.  It will be an ongoing project this year.  If I want something to come in -- something has to go out.  That is one goal.  The balances change each month (hopefully) and will always show up at the bottom of the update if you read that far - and they are joined by links to the previous monthly updates for the year.

Now, grab a cuppa and sit back for a fun read and perhaps a new idea or two.   (P.S. I format on a computer, so if you are reading on a phone, well sometimes the pictures will be before or after the story.  It is what it is.)

So ---- here's June and all the special moments it provided.  Please remember that any links in here will  open in a separate window so that you can keep your place on this page at the same time and there are no ads or popups EVER

1st -  Did I do as I planned for last month?  YES!  Time with friends was immeasurable and we all ROARED with laughter and love.  I met another year with grace and feel as though a whole lot of life is still in front of me.  Projects were tackled with grace and although I didn't finish as much as I wanted to, I made great progress.  Now what?  Our world is such a mess.  Not only do we have COVID, but now we have rioting and devastation all around us.  Our city has a curfew at night and life is just so bizarre.  How can I take this theme forward into June?  Perhaps by literally ROARING.  I'm serious.  There are days when I want to just go outside and scream at the heavens.  Maybe that is cathartic.  At any rate, for June --- I am going to try some new things and ROAR into action with new life skills.  First up:  the patio furniture is being re-done -- by us.  Wish us well and we'll see what other ways we can enrich our lives and learn new skills at the same time.  That's the plan anyway.  OH --- and time with my ladies, of course.  Bring it on.

Each new month provides opportunities to move forward in our monthly quests.  In my own "need" to stay just a bit ahead of the gang -- July's Witch's Night Out blocks are laid out and ready for assembly. These REALLY look simple and that will be met well by others next month.

Since I found the long arm at the end of last month, I guess I should put something on it.  Unity --- you're up!  That's it for today though --- just loading is a step forward.

Back to my pumpkins.  A short time of stitching and they are done.  Woohoo -- I get a check mark on the first day of the month.  Can I keep this up?  Heck no, but I'm gonna try.  I also made some progress on Carolina Crossroads #1 and setting it.  Minimal progress, but some.  I moved it to the machine.  Doesn't that count?

At this point, Mister and I went to the front porch to relax with a drink and visit for a bit.  Music from my phone indicates that Kelly is calling and she wants to know if she can come visit tomorrow as there is a plane heading our way and she can hop it.  Absolutely!  The call ends with her stating that she'll let us know.  Five minutes later, another call that opens with, "Stop Drinking."  Well, okay -- we hadn't even barely started but she has a flight tonight and will be here in a couple of hours.  It is time for a power hour of house cleaning --- Once again, I can't even see the bed upon which she needs to lay her pretty head.  Go girl, go.  With my sweeties amazing help, we are ready to pick her up and arrive at the airport on time.

My first trip to a private terminal and I gotta say --- how peaceful and low stress.  It's wonderful!  Her flight is a bit late since, as I stated earlier, our city is a bit of a mess right now, but she does get collected and we manage to get home safe and sound.  It's late, so a quick visit and we are off to bed.  Tomorrow will be a busy day.

2nd -  Kelly is working on Easy Street by Bonnie Hunter and was a bit confused --- this is her reason for the quick trip.  It's lesson time and I'm more than happy to help. Our entire day is spent sewing and while helping her, I manage to completely applique my Row by Row block for the month.

Before -

And after -

Now for the big scare --- we are braving the elements and having dinner out at Cane Rosso - in the actual restaurant.  We can do this.

3rd - It's crunch time.  I really want Kelly to have two blocks to take home so that she can finish her top.  We barely make it and then it's off to the airport once again --- fast and furious time, but so crazy special too.

After dropping her at the airport, made my first non-grocery shopping trip and picked up some fabric to recover the patio chairs and a few skeins of embroidery thread.  Yep, a bit scary, but I got 'er done.

4th -  ALL morning working on cruise stuff -- both cruises and so much to do. Keeping everyone up to date on information just plain old takes time.  It is what it is.  My fingers are crossed so many times in hopes that we will be able to take these trips.

5th - More cruise stuff today -- booking excursions, emails, etc.  I also brought in all the batting scraps from the studio to make some sense of them.  Any remaining QAYG pieces are now cut as well as some 2 1/2" strips for rugs.

I brought out the last two Christmas Whimms blocks and they are now sandwiched and ready for quilting.  Go me.  It's also Friday so the Quarantine Challenge has released and this week it is the Variable Star.  Cutting took place and I'm ready to sew.

6th -  Well, there is still a machine set up in the living room from Kelly's visit so I might as well put it to use.  The Variable Star block goes together quick and I'm really starting to get excited as to how this quilt will look when it is all put together.  This is not the layout, just the completed blocks so far.  My leader/enders for today are the sashing strips for my Whimm's project.  It's starting to have a real possibility of coming together and that makes me kind of excited.

My love and I opted for a cheese board for dinner and these are some of my favorite nights together.  After our dinner, he decided to go and work on the yard for a bit and I took advantage of the time to put in a movie and work on my pillow for next month.  Lots of stitching still ahead, but each time gets me a little closer.

7th -  It's one of those "in the mood" days.  That means baking.  Biscotti and chocolate chip cookies along with some cranberry scones takes center stage.

I didn't leave sewing out entirely --- I started working on the next pillow block.  What was I thinking?

8th -  With the machines still set up in the living room, I  might as well put them to good use.  Carolina Crossroads #1 is up.  Now I COULD go check and see if I've got that right or if I changed it once again, but for the rest of the month, the orange/brown top will be #1.  Setting has commenced and I'm finally starting to enjoy the process of an on point quilt top.  I can't web, but there is a certain peace to this method as well.

One full half and a start on the second takes place before I call it enough for today.  This is really looking wonderful and I can't wait to see a grandson wrapped up in it.

9th -  There are times when you just have to drop everything and go with the creativity that decides to flow.  This morning, I had to give in and finish up the design for this years mystery.  It was just pulling me to finish and I feel so much better with the task done.  Now for some behind the scenes sewing to begin.

But wait --- first I need to finish up a few items already in progress.  CC #1 is a completed top

AND it has the backing, label, and binding just standing by too.  Now to quilt.  Yay!!!  I have a good feeling about this one finishing this month.

My leader/ender blocks make an appearance as well and although I only finish a couple, more are laid out and in the "ready" stage.

And then --- I picked up my new specs.  I don't like them.  I know I'm smiling here, but I really don't like them at all.  I've agreed to give them a two week try before going back in.  I'll do my best, but these really are not my cup of tea.

Mister and I decide to give a new brewery in our neighborhood a try.  Yes, even with COVID making life miserable, occasionally we venture out and huddle in the corner of a restaurant.  The beer really is good and the pizza too.  All in all, so glad this is here and we will go back at some point.  For now, it's back to the house and our wee world.

10th -  CC #2 is in the queue for today.  Same process as before and I'm just chilling out to some music and happily stitching away.

One corner is underway and that's about it for today.  My mind is on all the many things I need to do in one weeks time.

11th - I have laid out a busy day for myself today.  First up - while it's cool outside - is time in the studio quilting Unity.  It really is time, right?  I opt for a simple loopy pattern, but throw in the word Unity fairly often.  I'm loving that with each attempt, my friendship with the Babylock machine is growing.  I'm still waaaaay in baby steps (hahaha) with her, but improvement does happen with each quilt.

OFF the frame she comes --- woohoo.  All in all, it went very smooth today -- not even noon.

Before leaving the studio, I quickly reload the frame with CC #1.  See, I told you I had a good feeling about this one.

It's also an exciting day because I announce the colors and yardage for Journey - this year's mystery.  Click on THIS LINK if you are interested in playing along.  I'm super excited!!!  Fun, fun colors and fabricss.

My sweet man has been asked to make more pedal helpers for me to take to the July retreat and I suggested that he use some of his work points to get himself a drill press.  It arrived today and he's playing a bit.

12th -  The studio beckons and as soon as I walk in, I spot Mister's new toy and the beginnings of a dozen foot pedal helpers.  Woot woot.

He is such a gem to do these for all of my vintage machine loving friends.  I asked about his drill press and just received a huge smile back.  Yes!

Prior to the new tool, he would make these small circles by hand and it took forever.  Now, not so much.

I am out here for a reason, right?  Let's get to it.  Swirls are the plan and it all goes fabulous until the very end.  The thread breaks several times and I use up the last bobbin just short of the end.  I'm frustrated at this point and the day is starting to get warm so enough is enough.  Perhaps tomorrow morning will be better.

Turning to food, a yummy pasta salad is made and thoroughly enjoyed.  Ooooh, I haven't made this one in a long time and it's just soooo good.

Settling in to finish setting CC #2 results in success and it's been a good day.

13th -  We have finally snagged a reservation at the zoo and are off for a nice morning walk.  Com along with us in THIS LINK and let your mind absorb something different for a change.  It helped me, for sure.  The one picture I'll share here reflects how very sad it is right now to be a child.  There were a few at the zoo, but as we passed this area, many were crying.  It is a highlight to climb on the elephants and get that perfect picture --- the place is always packed.  Now, it was almost eerie.

Back home and I settle in to finish setting CC #2.  That makes it sound like a ton or work, but it was just borders and they were already made.  TA-DA

 It goes with the backing, label, and binding (already made at retreat) and I'm ready to quilt this one too.  This month as well???  Fingers crossed.

Yesterday, the Quarantine Challenge block, Coronation, was released and I'd like to continue staying relatively caught up.  A few cuts (seriously took about 10 minutes) and I'm ready to sew.  I really like this block and am happy with the way it turned out.  It's not perfect, but we are in an imperfect world, right?

A few leader/ender blocks were finished along the way and now, it's time for a cool drink and some porch sitting.  The Boy Scouts have been by already and the flag is up for tomorrow, Flag Day.  I will say one good thing about this year so far and that's hard to do for 2020 but ---- no mosquitos.  What can I say?  Maybe with everyone staying inside, their food supply has diminished.

14th -  Happy Flag Day!  More porch sitting to enjoy the day and then Mister is out working on the pedal helpers and I set about locating ALL the supplies I will need to make the quiet book.  He has been varnishing away.

I've found most of what I need and have a list for a trip to JoAnn's to finish up.  It'll happen before I go to retreat as I'm hoping to only have hand work while there.  The problem is that the handwork list is getting pretty large.  A movie and some embroidery nets me the second large block finished.  Do you feel as though this is deja vu like I do?

While I'm stitching away, my sweetie comes over to put the finishing touches on the pedal helpers and they are in the done column.  I quickly sneak several into my own cases as I have sold all of mine as well.

15th - Good morning.  We are halfway through another pandemic month and I am going to revisit the finishing of CC #1.  A quick bobbin fill and all is right in my world again.  She's coming off the frame.

I instantly load CC #2 as it's just sitting there ready to go.  Some bobbins get wound and I'm off and running with this one as well.  Just a few hours later, back into the house I go with two quilts ready to trim and add binding.

That becomes my first item of business and once they are both trimmed I break down the machine that was up in the living room, clean the area and set up my 301 longbed in its table and prepare for some walking foot action.  I have learned that my bindings go on better this way and since I need it for another project anyway, it makes sense.

Unity is first and I discover that I barely made enough binding.  I also don't think I have even a small bit left of the yellow, but maybe from trimming the quilt . . .

Both of the CC quilts receive their binding as well and I now have a large stack of quilts to take to retreat for binding.  If I can do one each day, I'll be happy but am not sure it will allow for much else.  At least these are smaller quilts???  Is that helpful?

Both Whimms blocks for the month get sandwiched and I also have the parts for my slippers ready to go.

16th -  Part of the big push to clear the frame yesterday is because Jen and Jon are coming over today and will be here around noon.  That means this morning is for cleaning house.  My grandson is now selling Cutco knives and wants to do a presentation for me.  Grandpa and I oblige and purchase a knife or two as well.  Jen has brought a quilt top that she wants to work on and after a short lesson, I leave her to it and go inside to visit with Jon, taking my slippers apart as we talk.  I start thinking that Jen hasn't even asked for help once and go to check on her.  As I walk in, her face falls and she has just discovered that the tension on the back has messed up, spotting it as she rolled the quilt.  No worries, we'll just take out that row and she can go again.  We start in and discover that it messed up a LONG ways back and she just didn't see it.  DRAT.  I help her get all but the first three rows unstitched and she takes it back home.  We'll try again another day.  It REALLY looked great on the front though.

17th -  It's a gather everything for retreat, do laundry, get groceries, pack kind of day.  No pictures or much else.  I've also managed to start a new book and, well, that always means I get lost in the words.

18th -  I am up early and ready for retreat but we can't arrive until around noon and it's only abut 45 minutes away.  Mister comments on my slippers so I settle in and put the new soles on and make the inserts.  I just have a tiny bit of hand stitching to close the seams on the insoles and they will be ready to wear.  Yep, this was needed.

I'm off to retreat and arrive before anyone else, allowing me to walk around a bit and I find this tree filled with white birds that keep taking off and landing after a circle or two overhead.

People start arriving and we settle in.  First up are the few stitches to make my slippers finished and I'm happy, but no picture.  I'm not in charge here so my camera is not my top priority.  It is what it is.  From there I move onto a Row by Row block that I've brought along.  Step by step, drawing, ironing, cutting, ironing and it's ready for applique and hand embroidery.

Now for Unity.  A spot on the sofa and I'm quietly stitching away, visiting with whoever stops in and just before we lose the beautiful light outside, I am finished.  It is TA-DONE.  The rest of the evening is a start on another embroidery block.

19th - Day 2 of the Kaufman retreat and I'm back on the sofa binding CC #2.  Sherri is receiving a lesson in webbing on her Talking Turkey top while Paula is working on Witch's Night Out.  Group events all around me.  I'm just loving this time with friends.  I have another TA-DONE and head outside for a picture once again.  I really think I adore these blues.

Now, what to do with the rest of the day.  How about some outside reading time?  This really is relaxing for me right now.  A little bit of embroidery takes place too and I finish a small block.

It's game night and we are stripping.  I have brought a bunch of bright teal/green strips and the game will determine just how many different ones go home with me. Lights/neutrals win and I am super happy.

20th - Day 3 and I'm back on the sofa once again.  This time CC #1 is up and all of my focus is going there.  Once it finishes, I am wanting a picture with some local longhorns and they don't disappoint.  The herd is right up by the fence and appear to be interested in me as well.  Several make the trip to the fence to check things out.  Of course, the possibility of me trying to spread out a quilt resulting in fabric blowing in the wind like a cape wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it?

I truly am fascinated by longhorns.

Oh yes, the reason I am here.

Ahhh --- it's time to go but I could stay here for a long time.  I'm cooking dinner and need to get things started.

Across the way --- a few more stops trying to get a good pic but the wind is not cooperating.

Isn't this wonderful?

Sherri completes her webbing and it looks great.   She's onto more parts and leaving the rows for later and I'm off to the kitchen.  Baked potato bar coming up.  I really don't accomplish much else today as I want to finish my book so Sherri can take it home with her.  Task accomplished.

21st -  It's the end of retreat and I am packed up and headed home to arrive around noon,  It's Father's Day and I want to spend the rest of the day with my sweetie.

22nd -  I wish I could say that today was a wonderfully productive day, but, alas, it is not possible.  I did manage to locate my Kindle, load some new books and settle in.  Yep - I can see where this is leading.

23rd - Another whole day of reading and I finished my new book -- Origin by Dan Brown.  I liked it and will reread it again because I know there is so much there that I missed.  For now, I'm onto other things.

24th - Before I went to Kaufman, my daughter had called and asked if I could make some scrub caps for their dental office as the ones they use are back-ordered until some time in August.  I have found some fabric that will work and after my 8 a.m. doctor appointment, set to cutting them all out.  I have enough fabric in the colors she asked for to make 8 caps.  Yes, if I had had my act together the last couple of days, these would be done by now.  Focus is a challenge.

A little bit of time in the studio late in the afternoon and I have the first BOM loaded on the frame.  Are you shocked?  I know I am --- these have been in the "to be quilted" area for 3-4 years now.  Crazy.  This is one way to make it happen though.  In order to get anything else finished, I'll need to work on this.

25th -  The ENTIRE day is spent at the machine working on scrub caps.   I'm also behind on the Quarantine Challenge and get it cut out to work as a leader/ender throughout the process.  The block is called Next Door Neighbor.

It's laid out and ready to go as I start in on the caps.

Anytime you start something new, it has a learning curve and I'm back and forth with the pattern quite often.  Progress does happen though and by late afternoon I'm almost there.  One of the steps calls for a zigzag on the seam if you are not using a serger.  Pulling out the serger seemed like a lot of work today and then I don't even want to set up my regular machine to do a quick zigzag.  Instead, I decide it's a great time to learn how to use the zigzag attachment for my 301 and use it with confidence.  All goes great and I even managed to get a little video clip for you.

When it's time for the final steps, I just chain, chain, chain.  Only one more seam at this point.

TA-DA!!!  They are finished and in the mailing package.  They will be on their way to Colorado tomorrow.

My block --- yep it was finished as well.

26th -  I have things on my list to work on, but that's not keeping me on track.  A second Row by Row block does manage to keep me going and soon I have it ready for handwork --- lots of it.

I cut today's Quarantine Challenge block - the Sawtooth Star. -- and get it laid out.  Showing the blocks to Mister helped me to determine whether I need to make an extra two blocks or put two on the back.  Onto the back two of them will go.  He's a gem and today, I think I'll keep him.  Tomorrow - who knows.

The afternoon consists of dropping my package at the Post Office and then my annual mammo appointment.  I am back at the facility I used to use when I first moved to Texas as our insurance changed once again this month.  So much fun.

27th -  Not a great day --- lots of discussion -- reading -- and that's really all I have to say about it.

28th - More early morning reading and then we drive to pick up some kolaches that Mister ordered yesterday.  Picking up some drinks, it's a small brunch picnic sitting by the levee - where I left my camera in the car.  See - focus is an issue.  A drive around the city follows before returning home to watch a move together.  It was The Master and okay --- hate those kind of endings.  At any rate, we end the day by picking up curbside pho.  Seems reasonable.

29th - I have finished another book, participated in a tiny amount of red work and finished my last QC block.  It doesn't seem like much for the day and the last part of the month, but in all honesty, I'm just trying to keep it together these days.  I know that's not exactly upbeat, but it's real.

30th -  Reading, reading, reading.  The weather is gorgeous and I want to be outside as much as possible since the bugs aren't.  As a result, most of my day is again spent that way.  However, I do manage to come in occasionally and work on my Whimm's blocks.  One is finished and the other is under the needle and in the process.

With the end of June, I am really struggling.  In so many ways.  There have been days of tears and fear and days of outrage and frustration.  Days of productivity and days of hiding in the stories of others.  Coping skills are really being taxed and I'm tired - always tired.  I know that's not what you want to hear, but it is where I'm at.  I didn't do much roaring this last month -- didn't even tackle the project I had planned.  It's still there and will be for another day.  I really don't care.

So, that takes us to July and the hope of finding some way to reach out and help others as well as  myself.  I came across Katy Perry's song ROAR and although I know it was written in 2013 and for a different topic, it seems fitting for me right now.  I feel as though the world is definitely trying to break me and the divisive vitriol I see each day is devastating.  I guess what I am saying is that I've decided enough is enough.
Click on this ROAR VIDEO link and let it inspire you too.  In the meantime, here are some words to help.  See you next month.

UFO's to quilt:

BOM #1 - quilted and bound - loaded on the frame
BOM #2 - quilted and bound
BOM #3 - quilted and bound
Winter Wonderland - quilted and bound -

Current Projects:

Witches Night Out - Monthly Assignment Finished - July ready to go
Quiet Book - Supply list determined and collected - yes
Stash Buster project -
Red Strings -
Unity - quilted and bound - Done
Quarantine Challenge -  9, 10, 11, 12
Carolina Crossroads x 2 - 9, quilted and bound Done
Pillows for July retreat - worked on embroidery - three blocks completed
Lawn chairs recovered -
Slippers re-soled - Done

UFO Items for This Month:

Two Whimms blocks (QAYG) - 1 completed/1 started
1 Row by Row block -  Done and 2 more prepped
BAD blocks as leader/enders - several made

UFO Handwork Items:

Hand Quilting -- roll the quilt once -

Links to Previous 2020 Monthly Posts:

January 2020
February 2020
March 2020
April 2020
May 2020

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