Welcome to the Monthly Update. What does that mean? Well, it's just little ol me trying to recap what took place during the month so that I can keep track. I kind of use it like a journal. Please sit back and enjoy a peek into a month of my life.
The previous 2017 monthly update links are located at the end of this entry. I hope that you make it that far.
Easy Street (ES) - quilted, bound -
Garden Party (GP) - quilted and bound -
Midnight Flight (MF) - blocks made
BOM (blue) quilted and bound -
BOM (Thimbleberries) quilted and bound -
BOM (pink) quilted and bound -
1st - Summer camp sessions are still in full swing. With one week remaining before this one ends, the list of ideas still have some unchecked items. Today the DMA is on tap and while there, they have an exhibit by Iris van Herpen entitled, "Transforming Fashion." That sounds like fabric to me so we make a point to check it ou. I have to tell you that some of these dresses look dang uncomfortable but give it up to creativity.
I believe this one is titled "Up in Smoke" Apt.
2nd - A stop in one area of the Children's Garden at the Dallas Arboretum gives me the chance to sit and play along with the boys. Obviously we all know where my mind goes ---- quilting reigns supreme at all times. (To read more details about the past two days, please click on this
3rd - The sewing machine is out and we are using it. Woohoo. Today's task is to make three pair of pajamas out of the fabric we cut last week. It's a very successful day and we end with exactly what we were aiming for. One happy Gammy and three happy boys.
4th - Happy Independence Day!!! I hope that you are all taking some time today to appreciate the country (no matter how messed up it is) we live in. We are still very blessed and need to remember that. Our day is filled with history and celebration. We start at a great event that warms the heart and takes us back in time and end with a magical display of fireworks. You can read all about the past two days in
Sewing and July 4 LINK. I also did a separate post of all the cool stuff we saw while taking our trip back in time - you can check that out in this
Heritage Village LINK. Please take a peek.
5th - With boys in the house, trips to jumpstreet and movies, and all that life entails, I am please to announce that I actually spent a bit of time this evening working on the front and back pages of the quiet book front and back. No actual sewing took place, but my scissors got a definite workout.
6th - We are back to the sewing machines today. ALL leftover fabric from the pajamas is being made into pillowcases for the boys. They are excited and we are definitely in patchwork mode to make it work out. All the details can be found in this
LINK. Yep some are reversible --- no not inside and out, but flip them over for a different fabric. Happy and clean boys.
7th - We are in Fort Worth today visiting the stockyards and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. That's right -- we're gonna go where the money is made and learn today. Not even remotely quilty related, but it's my life.
8th - After a whirlwind morning that involves laundry, packing, and making cookies, my boy are on their way home. You can keep up with us in our
LAST TWO DAYS LINK. It's been so great having them. Now - the rest of the day to relax and then I have to get to work bigtime.
9th - Worked on first and last pages for the quiet book -- they had to have some adjustments to make everything fit on the two pages.
The batting for the pages get cut and then Mister and I drive halfway to Abilene to pick up Jon. All the way there and back I am stitching parts together. It's all handwork for awhile and a lot of it ahead of me.
10th - I am Boston bound with my grandson. We get three days all to ourselves and I'm excited about it. My kitted up quiet book parts and I work all the way there while Jon sleeps beside me. Who has time for sleep? Our whole trip is available for you to follow along with by clicking on this
LINK. Oh, my parts are starting to look pretty cool. Hahaha - that even sounds bad writing it.
11th - Cambridge and more Boston today. That is all.
12th - On our way back to Dallas. I, once again, have my quiet book parts out and am trying to get as many finished as possible.
After dinner, I am able to say that all parts kitted up are now finished. Yay me.
13th - My grandson has been picked up and the day is spent working on quiet book pages. Camera slept in.
14th - Still working on quiet book pages - camera still sleeping.
15th - Third day in a row of doing the same thing, however my camera woke up. Perhaps you'd like to see my crazy mess of a house while I do this project. Pieces and parts are EVERYWHERE.
While I stitch away, my sweet man is making pickles. Yep, you read that right. Apparently pickling has been something he has wanted to try for quite awhile.
By the end of the day, I have all the main parts of the book completed. All pages have been appliqued, leaving me the assembly of the book and finishing up all the little bits and pieces that go to each page. I fly on the 18th and this needs to be done. Could time please slow down a bit?
16th - Today's task is to bind all of my quiet book pages. I feel as though I have sewn a mountain o binding and yet, part of me worries that it will be enough. Mister starts working on the grommets as I finish each page. I am so very thankful for him and the amazing support he always gives me. I have been keeping a separate post going on the making of this book - if you want to peek at it, please click
A quick trip to JoAnn's for the last needed bits. That's it for today.
17th - I did it. The book is together and all the inside parts are complete with the exception of 5 monkeys that need to jump on a bed. They are for tomorrow. Mister helped get the video finished and I set about cutting 5 pair of slippers out so that I can work on them in Provo.
I even manage to get most of my mess cleaned up so that my sweet man doesn't have to deal with it while I am away. To see this wonderful quiet book, click on this
18th - I am airbound again today. Utah is rapidly approaching and I am finishing up the last of my gift. By the time we land, I have achieved my goal. The book is ready to gift.
After a drive from Salt Lake City to Provo, I arrive at my daughter's house. A quick unpack soon gives me a mini sewing center in which to create some amazing slippers. Okay, I'm ready for the day. Let's go play. All the glorious fun can be viewed in this
19th - During the afternoon nap time, I do some work on my woolie samples and manage to finish one. Woot woot. My evening entertainment consists of making 5 sets of slipper insoles,
20th - Amidst a trip to the zoo and regular life with two little ones, I take some time to work on O's replacement slippers as well as a second pair for Ava as there is no way the first pair will fit. By the time my back gives out, they are almost finished.
Trouble is -- I am not able to sleep yet. I grab the woolies and guess what? I have four more FINISHED! To read all about the last two days, please click on this
Zoo and Birthday Link.
21st - First thing in the morning, I finish both pair of slippers. Yay. Deadline met and another couple of things marked off the list.
After the birthday party, I still have to pack but am not quite ready to sleep so I sew for awhile. I get some of the strings onto another pair of slippers before giving up and packing everything up. Tomorrow is another fly day.
22nd - I am back from Provo having worked on the mystery clues.
Recovery mode is in full swing so I just sit and stitch away on the last TWO woolies and I can say with absolute glee that they are DONE!
23rd - Having been gone for awhile, I am devoting my entire day to my sweet Mister. We have a yummy breakfast at Dallas Diner, then Dunkirk at the movie theater and ending with a trip to Costco.
24th - I slept in til 11. Must have been tired. This rarely happens. The rest of the day is spent working on the blog and my evening is devoted to my sweetheart.
25th - Another morning of blogging and now I am onto working on a project for a friend. I have beach blocks to cut out as well as the project block to build and mail. I know what I want to do so I cut all parts and discover I am a bit short of the fabric we were sent to use. Seriously? I put out a quick help to see if anyone else has extra but that's a no go so tomorrow I will try a local quilt shop as right now, I have to take the train and meet Mister to do some shopping for his mom. The night ends with pho and treasure time together.
26th - I keep saying that I want to spend more time in the kitchen so today is started out that way. Fresh scones and a fruit salad for breakfast. I even make Mister smile.
As soon as it is 10, I head off to Rocking Bobbin in the hope of finding the exact fabric I need. Unfortunately, they have every purple but the one I need. The owner, Staci, calls the MODA warehouse to see if it is in stock and then offers to go and purchase an entire bolt so that I can have a dang 2" strip. I follow her over there, she cuts off a strip in the parking lot, and I'm on my way home to sew my block together. What a perfect gem she is. That is definitely going above and beyond for a customer.
A few minutes of cutting and I am at the machine as soon as I return. Step one is to make all the half square triangles and I am using the beach block parts as leader/enders.
A final layout and start the web.
TA-DA --- It's not perfect but then neither am I. I can live with it. Now to get it in the mail.
During the process of building my block, all beach blocks parts are put together through the leader/ender process.
Why stop now? If I just keep going, I will be able to knock two things off my list today.
My sweetheart shows up with reinforcements. Beer and pretzels. Perfect. In no time I have all the blocks finished. What a great and productive day.
27th - It's another day of checking things off my to-do list. I sew two pair of slippers, mail one along with my project block and August's birthday fat quarters.
28th -My unexpected bonus trip to San Francisco starts today and we begin with a delayed flight. Oh yay! My busy bag came along and so I sit down at a table and work on writing the upcoming mystery clues for over an hour. I also am blessed to watch as two bags near me become abandoned and security is called. OH PLEASE let this flight take off. No one shows up with the bags and we are soon boarding. Yay -- sorry, no idea what happened after we left BUT I did call my sweetie and tell him I loved him in case the whole airport blew up before we could take off. The rest of the evening is spent with my darling daughter. You can follow our wonderful trip in it's entirely by clicking this
San Francisco LINK.
29th - A fun day in San Francisco. I am able to give my daughter her birthday present in person and they fit perfectly. Yay.
A manicure and pedicure make the whole world better - don't you think? I haven't had nails in years and will only keep them for a bit as I know what they do to my own nails, but it's fun every now and then.
30th - We spend the day in wine country just having a bit of fun and talking. This is indeed a treasured trip for me. I hope she knows how much I appreciate her taking time from her own crazy life to be with me.
31st - We are up crazy early to try and get tickets for Alcatraz. SCORE! It's an amazing tour and keeps us busy until after afternoon. We get a late lunch and then trek MILES back to our hotel. We are beat and and opt to rest until a late night snack of french fries and milkshake next door while waiting for Amanda's sweetheart to arrive.
It's the end of another month. Wow. I feel as though I was on the go the entire time and accomplished not a thing. Then I look back and feel better. I didn't check anything off the big list at the top, but I did get things finished. Onto August. (keep reading - this isn't the end)
As always, t
hank you so very much for checking in with me again this month. I do this for ME and appreciate you so much for peeking in now and then. Since it is for me, I keep it ad free and hope for it to stay that way. It's just a way of holding memories tight. Check back in now and then (or sign up for email notifications and you'll never miss a post) and please check out the link to OUR QUILT BLOGS at the top of the page for many of the quilt groups are starting to restrict the posting of blogs into the groups. If you want to still have a long monthly read and time for your tea, join the group. Thanks for sticking around this long -- I am grateful for everyone who reads each month.
Links to Previous 2017 Monthly Update Posts:
January 2017
February 2017
March 2017
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
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