6th - Three times a year I do back to back retreats and am able to stay during the "tween" time. Two of these are at Brazos House and one is at the beach. This week is the first of the Brazos doubles and I am fortunate to have Val staying with me. We said good-bye to the first group yesterday and are having a quiet day today. It's been a busy day, but one of few pictures. I decide to take a walk and get some air.
Even Fatsy Cline wants to say hello.
Throughout the day I have managed to take over EIGHT tables. Yep, that's right. My sweetheart is firmly convinced that I can't let a flat space go without putting something on it and perhaps he is right. I have even used tables that have Debi and Arlene's things on them.
Side tables are covered and I am rapidly stacking things up. Oh my. Am I accomplishing anything? Yep --- I have cut ALL the parts for 10 pair of slippers.
Around 4 in the afternoon, Val and I are off to "catch eggs." We have treats and the chickens have already figured that out. Here they come -- running to see whatever we have.
The bins are full of eggs and as we gather them up, the ladies have returned to see what we have.
I cannot help but laugh as they truly follow me back to the house. (Oh my, that's a lot of white hair.)
It's time to get some more work finished. I cut all the parts for the portable portfolios (4 more) and then start in on the clue for Garden Party. You can read and see all about it
HERE. That's it for today. I'm going to get some sleep and build up reserves for next week.
7th - Good morning. After sleeping in, I am quick to finish up clue one for Garden Party and take a peek at what Val has been working on.
In between her work hours (yep, she works from here - how I DON'T know as I would have all kinds of distraction issues) she has been working on this beautiful top. It's gonna be a beauty for sure.
I feel a bit chilled and move to my room so that I can sit in the sun. It seems like a perfect plan so I move a chair by the window and grab Roll Roll Cotton Boll. What a great place to sit and bind.
After a while, I remember that I have some "outdoor" things to do and set off to put together the soles of all 10 pair of slippers.
I'm starting to feel a little odd. My throat is scratchy and I'm sneezing up a storm. Oh please don't let me get what several of the ladies last weekend had. Onto clue 2 for Garden Party. You can check it all out at this
It's once again chicken time and we are taking our job seriously.
This time, I'm holding the camera and Val is doing the collecting.
I'm definitely getting sick. Drat. I'm off to bed early in the hopes of nipping this in the bud.
8th - Well guess what? No nipping. I'm just gonna be sick. Woohoo. My motivation level is almost nil but I really want to accomplish SOMETHING today. First things first - finish clue 2.
I head off to my room to sit in the sun again and both Allison and Ana arrive a day early so that they can work on a few projects while there is a lot of space available. Yes, I picked up my mess. AND I finished my Roll Roll Cotton Boll. TA-DA.
One of our projects this week is to get the nametags painted. I managed to drag the four of us into the kitchen and get ours out of the way. Yay me.
TA-DA - Left to right: Val, Allison, Me, Ana
We end the night with "The Best Damn Root Beer" floats. Between these and Nyquil, I'm off to bed for some hopefully sound sleep. A new group arrives tomorrow. I am praying for a miracle. Night.
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