Sunday, May 8, 2022

Brazos House Retreat - Get Your Kicks on Route 66


I cannot believe that the May retreats have arrived.  Our retreat season has gone WHOOSH!  We have back to back's this week and I have a list a mile long of things to accomplish.  Fingers crossed BUT I still want to visit and spend time with others - treasuring each and every moment that I can as it will be a bit until our Mid-summer gathering.

Fortunately, for me, Debi and Gwen came in last night as a birthday gift and did all the set up.  As I arrive, I am able to finish with the small items and settle in.  Let's have some fun.

Fawn arrives and I have her finished Round Robin to give ----

She's smiling --- that's always good.

Babes Chicken House for lunch ----- it's just so dang good.

When I arrived this morning, my very first task was to get the bread rising.  Upon our return, I notice that we have an over-achiever in the bunch.

But ---- later on, some catch-up has occurred.

Kelly's daughter has been trying to send her flowers for her birthday (TODAY) and it turned into quite the story.  Finally, they were delivered.

Dinner is AMAZING --- fish also.

Scenes from the room - 

And my room ---- argh.  Trying to get a project done without anyone seeing it, had me sitting on the floor.

Birthday night - 

Birthday drinks and visiting.

The first night is a wrap ---- lookie how many of us there are for last ladies standing.

My TA-DONES for today --- a batch of Paula's skinnies that I've added hanging sleeves onto.

Our Ms. Frieda has had a bit of a rough start at retreat, but with Nurse Gwen on hand, all is good, including a ride to game night.

One of the MANY Route 66 costume ideas - 

Crystal is RUBY!!!

Kelly is PEARL!!!!!  (Psst, I sneaked one on her tonight, too funny, but what happens at retreat sometimes stays at retreat.)

Round one of LCR goes to Fawn - 

Twosie time - Ramona and Linda

Lisa (our Newbie) and Fawn - 

Stephannie and Kelly

Yours truly and Stephanie - 

Gwen and Frieda - 

Amber and Amy - 

Lana and Samantha - 

Crystal and Cindy - 

Debi and Janet - 

Stephannie takes the second round - with a little photo-bombing.

Last ladies standing for Friday night --- fewer in number, but loving the laughter.

Starting the day out right ---- we have moved into Frieda's room for our group picture.  Love at it's finest. 

SO happy to welcome Lisa to the fold.

Some Stephanie cross-stitch TA-DA's

Mug rug challenge is on -  Fawn is done - TA-DA

Ramona and Linda are next - TA-DA

Followed by myself and Sam

I'm off for a phone call to mom -- sitting in the road talking and taking pictures.

Amber and Cindy - TA-DA

Stephanie and Lana - TA-DA

Just one of those moments:

You've seen cross-stitch and quilting - add in some crocheting of plastic bags as a sleeping mat for the homeless.  Janet is making headway.

This weekends mug rugs --- I didn't get a picture of Crystal with hers since she left early.

Debi and Stephannie - TA-DA

Lisa with her first TA-DA

Ramona has a larger TA-DA ---- but wait, maybe not as there is border talk.

Last night, last ladies standing.  It's been a wonderful weekend - not big on finishes, but huge on fun and laughs.  Priorities, right?

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