Sunday, August 1, 2021

Red, White and Boo Brazos House Retreat

 July 29 - After the success of last year's summer retreat, we have decided to stay with it.  It's a perfect little break in what seems to be a very long break between gatherings.  This time we are going with a Red, White, and Boo theme --- why not?  If there can be Christmas in July, why not Halloween too?  Or at least something a little eerie?  Stephannie has decorated the place once again and I'm so thankful to her and all of her amazing help.  As I've said before, I could not do these events without the magnificent help of my quilt sisters.  Take a peek around.

Now ---- I'm going to be super honest here.  I am not really on my game right now.  Seriously.  I have been struggling with motivation and just about anything remotely resembling productivity.  In fact, Mister even told me not to bring a machine, just some hand work.  I didn't listen and have set up my station, but I'm just not feeling it and am focusing on the name tag charms first.  

Val, however, has been productive and has her TA-DA --- look at these great photos.

I haven't even wandered outside the house.  Pitiful, right?  However, Stephanie comes to the rescue and brings the outside in for me.  As I said --- magnificent help.

Getting set up and starting to work on name tags.  That is my big project for the day.

Set up has happened for many and by the time I'm ready to take pictures again, the room is full.  Virginia has a beautiful TA-DA --- fits the theme and all.

Around the room - 

I am off to bed early - which fits the modus operandi right now, but Lana and Stephannie make sure a Last Ladies standing happens.  Woohoo.

July 30 - It is birthday time for two ladies and after Jen and I make a trip to town --- we have balloons for them!!  Happy Birthday to Mindy and Terry.

Still unable to even think about sewing, I spend time in the library reading and visiting with all who wander in to share some moments together.  Sometimes, a retreat can be just that too --- an uplift from friends.

Mindy even brings in her TA-DA to share.

As I'm watching outside, a very large motor home comes in and is attempting to park beside the house.  Well, that just won't work so I go outside to speak with them about it.  As I go to make a second attempt to go out and talk with them, that pesky step into the main room sends up a signal to my ankle that it should roll upon landing.  ARGH!!!  Perfect.  Now, I'm off to bed to try and keep the swelling down.

Hobbling the best I can later on, we do birthday time for the gals.

And follow that up with game night.  For the first time ever --- I sit the entire time.  Thank you, thank you to Debi for taking over.

Duo pictures - Stephannie and Terry

Lana and Stephanie - 

Amy and Kelly - 

Frieda and Gwen

Mindy and Marcia

Debi and Paula

Lydia and Val

Jen and I

Some costume spotlights - 

Door prize winners - Stephannie, Jen, Stephanie

Lydia and Terry ---- Congrats to all.

Fat quarter goodness waiting to be won.

And they go to TERRY --- this is such a good birthday for her - balloons, cake, door prize, and now the fat quarters.  Wowsers.

First jelly roll/strips go to Val

So I usually don't spotlight myself much, but my costume is cool.  Several didn't know who I was at first and I drove Kelly bonkers with the mask.  

Time with my daughter --- always the BEST!!

The second jelly roll went to Jen and she later traded it for the patriotic fat quarters that Terry won.  Everyone went away happy.

It's back to bed for me --- that was a lot on a sore ankle, but I have the best nurses on the planet and FRESH SORBET to boot.

Around 10, I make my way to the library for a bit.  Some are already there and others arrive to visit a bit.

And that's about what I have in me for the night.  Sleep time.

31st -  I cannot believe it is already the last day of July AND our third day here.  Time is flying, as always, and I want it to last a bit longer.  

Marcia has her lime and black TA-DA --- so cool

Our stack of pillow cases for donation are ready to be packed up.  Thank you so much to all those who participated in this.

Amy has a TA-DA

More library chat time --- feet up for me.

Group pictures --- these silly girls as we get ready - stories to tell at future retreats.

So many smiles, so much love for these women.  I simply would not have a complete life without them in it.  Back row:  Val, Lana, Paula, Amy, Lydia, Jen, Frieda, Mindy, Gwen, Terry, Stephanie, and Marcia.  Sitting from back to front - Virginia, me, Kelly, Stephannie, and Debi.  Hugs to all.

Gwen with a Farm Girl block TA-DA

Off to feed the chickens and collect some eggs.  Tradition.

Kitchen chats are the BEST!

It was another early night for me but others played into the night.  Well, at least until late evening.

Aug 1 - Drat, Sunday has arrived and it's time to pack up and go.  We have a few more TA-DA's to share first, though.  

Frieda with a Mondo bag TA-DA

Debi's Farm Girl blocks - TA-DA

I have goodies to pack up and a cute turtle pincushion from Frieda (a belated birthday gift) that is just too dang cute.  Thanks to all.

And that's it --- the work is done, we are on our way home from another wonderful time together -- yes, even with a wonky ankle.  I will not give up this time without a huge battle, I promise.  Until October, stay safe, my friends.  Love ya tons.   Brazos Out! 

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