Saturday, February 22, 2020

Antiquing to Sherman and Back

It's Mister's birthday and we are driving north towards McKinney, to start.  Parking on the square, antiquing is something he dearly loves and one store draws us in right away.  As we wander around, I see these little peddle carriages for children.  How fun!  It would be grand to restore one of these and gift BUT kids just don't play outside anymore. 

Another treasure is this piece.  Do you know what it is?  It's beautiful and if you lift the lid, it's easy to see that it is a desk. 

But where would your knees go?  Ah-ha, there is a secret release on the side and the front moves forward.  How cool is this?

A little further down the street, there is a pop-up flea market and I spot this giant Q letter.  I have something on my mind but can't quite figure out how to work this in so it stays behind.

Next up the road, a stop in Van Alstyne nets me this picture.  Too funny.  This shop does provide us with a few Red Hat finds and some key chain gifts.  (No pictures.)

Our last antique stop for the day is in Sherman.  This HUGE shop presents several items worthy of a second look.  Love, love, love this sewing chest.

Pretty lady.

Quilts and a Red Hat Minnie. 

Out in the open.  The bench doesn't truly go with, but the cabinet is in great shape.

Why are machines displayed backwards?  Argh.

Quilts hidden here and there.

On the third floor, in the window, a vintage ironing board.  I may have to get one of these some day.

There always has to be one item that merits a closer look.  This Noah's Ark lamp is actually dang fun.  Those are the highlights for today but it's antiquing season, so I'm sure we'll be at it again soon.

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