Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Off Grid With Friends -- Retreats 4 You, Kaufman, TX

When your week is just not going well --- the best of friends find a way to make it better.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by the most amazing women on the planet.  An opportunity to attend a small retreat about 40 minutes from my home presented itself and away I went.

Retreats 4 You in Kaufman, TX is a cute little center that sleeps 14 and provided me with the needed time away -- to think, to talk, to laugh, and to cry.  I also was able to get grounded a bit and find the motivation that has been missing for a bit now.  The view from my corner --- yep, love the corner positions.

My table mate is Paula and she is working with bright, happy colors.  If I just peek at them now and then -- my smile comes through.

The game on Monday night was Traders Dice and we used 2 1/2" strips.

What a fun game and look at the lovely neutrals I was able to trade for.  I had brought a bunch of teal strips that were also in high demand.

A late evening excursion to Dairy Queen -- of course.

And . . . . drumroll please --- my finished product for the day.  I bought the pattern and material for this cork purse back in November at quilt festival.  It is now TA-DONE

There are four open pockets inside along with a hidden zippered compartment. (I see a thread that didn't get snipped_

Once my purse is complete --- I quickly trim and square my Jelly Roll Race quilt and attach the binding.  This is my hand work for tomorrow night's movie.  (Psst --- that is ALL the binding I had left.)

Sleep is still not desired, so I set to work on my courthouse steps blocks for Smith Mountain Morning.  I threw this box in at the last minute, just in case I finished the purse and binding.  Whew --- glad I did that.

It's after 1 a.m. and I'm calling it done.  One last look back at the empty room.  See ya in the morning light.

Paula and I are doing lunch today and since she purchased it all, I'm a cooking.  It's a baked potato bar with some leftover salad from dinner last night.  Foods on, y'all.

ALL of my courthouse steps blocks are complete.

Now for some air --- a nice walk down the road lets the muscles stretch and clears the mind a bit.

What's next on my project?  Pinwheels.

And soon they are all put together.  Naturally, the one on top of the stack does not have a good center.  It is what it is.

Catch Me If You Can is the movie tonight ----- and my binding is complete.  This quilt is TA-DONE!!

After the movie --- I have moved onto the triangle in a square units.  I love these units and can remember how much I used to dread them.  They are ready to have the other parts added and become blocks.  It's once again after 1 --- bed time.

First thing this morning ---- an outdoor shot ----

Paula has finished one of her tops that she worked on all retreat.  I LOVE it so much and she did such a great job.

Before packing up --- the rest of my triangle in a square units are finished.  There are not anymore small parts left for this quilt.  I wonder if it has hope of becoming a top this month?

A HUGE thank you to these women for helping me find my center once again. Lucy, Kitsey, Paula, Brenda, Stephanie, Johnnie, and Stephannie.  God surely put you in my path this week.  I am so blessed.


  1. so glad you had a retreat with good friends to boost you sewing mojo and help your soul

  2. Love that place, you guys look like you had a blast. You are in my seat love that corner.

    1. I had a great time and loved the spot in the room. Corner seats are the very best.
