I had a pretty interesting year - especially in variety. That makes for a fun look-back. Here are the monthly accomplishments in this category.
January - Pillow from Jenny Box last month. Made while visiting Mom in Montana this month.
I had a pretty interesting year - especially in variety. That makes for a fun look-back. Here are the monthly accomplishments in this category.
January - Pillow from Jenny Box last month. Made while visiting Mom in Montana this month.
I can't say if it was a good year or not as I didn't quite complete the lists. However, quite a few finishes did happen and, for that, I am thankful. Here is the monthly breakdown:
January - This Starlight Table Runner came in the Jenny box last month and while at Mom's I managed to finish it.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go for December: After 12 months of a Joy theme --- can you Own Your Joy? Have you learned how to find it and how to embrace it in your own life. Now is the time to finish that up and be at peace and know joy. It's been a great year.
Georgetown, TX and Poppy's Quilt N Sew for one more attempt at locating some Loralie Harris fabric. Come along.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go for November: This month has a tendency to turn our thoughts to those things we are grateful for. When I saw this --- I knew this was the perfect month to allow this type of joy to permeate our souls. Be joyful, y'all.
I can hardly believe that it's been 10 years since I began hosting retreats. This weekend marks that. It is our 11th November together and I treasure the friendships that have come out of this endeavor. It's time to retreat.
14th - First, Debi, Stephannie, and I meet up for coffee and chatting in Joshua. Our cars outside like look a homeless convention - as if everything we own is in them. I should have taken a picture, but didn't. Oh well.
Day 2 starts with the GOLDEN GIRLS! That's right. We are out en force wearing the gold. I just love doing fun things like this. First order of the day is a group picture.
Guess what? After a 5 year break, we are heading back to the Houston International Quilt Festival. It is their Golden Anniversary and we have some fun planned. Time to drive.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go for October: How about recognizing that there can just be joy in the journey. A journey doesn't have to be travel related - it can personal in changes that you make in yourself or it can be taking on a new hobby or skill. It could be taking a class - anywhere. It could just be as simple as getting your whole house clean and enjoying it before starting all over again. ENJOY the journey.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go for September: How about some calming joy this month? Find a way to incorporate the sea (ocean) into your life. I'm starting out on a cruise and then spending a week at the beach with girlfriends. I've got this covered, but there are other ways. Listen to ocean waves while you sleep, sew with "beach" inspired fabric, plan a trip for the future, just do something and let yourself be grounded with the magic of seas and oceans.
We are winding down on this retreat. It's our last full day here and I want to enjoy every last minute of it while still doing some preparation for tomorrow's departure. Lori is still binding away and has another TA-DONE
It's another gorgeous day at the beach where no one cares what time it is and are only guided by the growling in our bellies. Life is good. I spotted this online and need to make it happen some time.
Beach time has arrived!! I love this gathering of friends and time at the ocean so very much and this year I really need the time to recoup strength. I feel as though I've been sick off and on since the end of July and really just want to relax and recover. That's the plan, at least. I receive a message that the house is available a day earlier than we planned and since it is a new spot, I jump on the chance to get things figured out before everyone arrives. A quick call to Kelly and she is headed my way. Off we go to Crystal Beach - yep, in Texas. The car is jam-packed and we are so excited.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go for August: This month let's find joy in the making. What does that mean? Well, making cookies could be fun, making friends, making me well (hahaha), making time with others, making progress on UFO's, making memories, oh the list goes on and on. You can do it.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go for July: Let's start the second half of the year out right. TRAVEL!! It doesn't have to be far. You can explore your own neck of the woods so to speak. Find joy is seeing something new. Watch a travel show on the television, read a book that explores other areas. It'll be worth it. Go and journey forward.
We've decided to make this our last day on the road so just a few stops today in order to get home in time for others to continue on their way. We do a drive-by of The Cave House. "It was built in 1924, as a Chicken Restaurant. Built during prohibition, it was a place you could quench your thirst! It not only has quirky architecture, but it probably best known for its stories, full of interesting and sometimes amusing information." Tours are available and perhaps next time that can happen.
The last few days have been amazing, as always, and the best part is getting to spend them with my daughter. I so look forward to this time together each year and cannot wait for our next adventure together. We are saying good-bye to Missouri, once again, and pointing our vehicle south. I wonder what we can find to peek at.
So, this post will cover the highlights of our retreat and it'll be long. Settle in. We start out the day with breakfast at the event center. I spot this quilt in the corner and it is now on my "want to make" list. I have even remembered some fabric I bought a couple of years ago that has been waiting for just the right project. This is it. Now to find the pattern today and some background fabric. Off to the Scavenger Hunt we go.
Good Morning from Eureka Springs! Once we are all ready to leave the house, a stop at Magnetic Spring takes place.
The third week of July is here and that means that the trek to Missouri is about to go down. I look forward to this trip all year long and am ready for so much fun. Our car left retreat last evening and spent the night at my house, thus we have Mister's help loading things up today. Yes, the tubs are required - they house quilts to be dropped off and then hold purchases upon our return.
The summer retreats are here and I am super excited. It's been seven weeks of family, which I loved, but I'm ready for friend time. Off I go.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go for June: Where is this year going? June has arrived and the joy of summer has begun. Take a few minute to find the JOY in the little things. It's really very simple. Check out a cloud or flower - listen to a child - sew a straight seam. Small things that make us smile. That's what it is all about.
We are on the road today and as we go through Seeley, MT, Mister and I spot a quilt shop that is just about to open. With a bakery stand right across the parking lot, we decide to wait and check it out. Welcome to Deer Country Quilts.
I am in Provo, UT spending some time with my daughter and grands. While en route, I finished up the pillow sham to match a quilt I am gifting my granddaughter for her birthday and I need a pen to write on the label. I feel as though I packed the entire studio with me in the car, but I don't have that item. At any rate, there is a shop near me called Harmony. Come along for a peek inside this cute little house.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go for May: It's my month!! The world is green and full of joy. so - how can we focus that joy this month? How about with friends? That's my plan and you should do the same. Allow the joy of friendships to permeate your soul this and every month.
WE have a new home!!! The retreat has been moved to Joshua, TX and, yes, we are still out in the country as we like to be. Upon my arrival at the location - I grabbed a quick pic of the view along the road.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go for March: Did you find Joy in Music last month? We sure did in our house. All music was gone through and reorganized and is being listened to once again. It's so nice. So, for this month - find the joy in work. It does exist and the type of work is up to you. Work is defined as "exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something." You can do it. Find it. You will be happier due to it.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go for March: How can we add joy to our lives this month? Let's try some music. It can calm, excite, and take us to a different place if we play it right. Dance a little more (naked, all alone?) and let your home exude joy. Turn off the television and put some tunes on the stereo that will take you to memory lane (in a good way) and just let the joy wash over you. Go to a concert in a park (free, usually) or take in a local musical. Let the music help you feel alive.
Several months back, Samantha suggested getting together this weekend and we agreed. I mistakenly thought I was going to Sam's and instead I was supposed to also invite Gwen and host at my house. Something was lost in translation, but all is good and we are all three at Sam's for some fun.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go for February: I know you are probably thinking that with February being all about love, that I would focus on that type of Joy. Well, in a way I am. How about loving ourselves and being Joyful Women? It's very hard to project joy when we are so very unhappy with our own worlds. This month, let's focus on being a Joyful Woman and trying not to let the issues overwhelm. They won't go away, but they don't have to dictate how we interact with others and our own selves. Yep, be good to yourself. Love yourself. We can do it!
We are in New York City and I always try and find a quilt shop when we travel. This one was challenging. Keaton Quilts may just be the last quilt shop in New York City. Due to high rent costs, it's almost impossible to stay in business and in trying to do so, They have an amazing history - go in and meet Justin Stafford. Oh and Google them - so, so cool.
Here we go --- up to the 8th floor of 150 W 28th Street.
Our theme this year, JOY!!! I believe we all need a bit of a help in adding this to our lives. If you didn't get a chance to check out the post explaining it all --- here is the LINK to the initial post. I'm looking forward to the direction this can take us all, but especially myself, if I give it a fair shot. Sometimes stepping out of comfort zones is challenging, but it almost always allows for growth. Here we go: January's arrival means we are onto a new track and adventures together. This month let's focus on Creating Joy in our lives. This can be through the actual act of creating something or just making sure we are searching out the things that make us a bit more joyful each day. Sometimes it truly is as simple as this: