Guess what? After a 5 year break, we are heading back to the Houston International Quilt Festival. It is their Golden Anniversary and we have some fun planned. Time to drive.
Five hours later - checked into hotel and and are ready to go. Time to shop. (A few pictures stolen from Ramona - thank you.)
At the end of our first row, we come across this quilt on display. It is call Our America and is by Linda Johnston, MD. Each block contains: State Flower, State Bird, State Motto, State Capitol, State Landmarks, State Silhouette, Major Cities.
A couple more have joined up with us. The more the merrier.
Sometimes, ya just gotta keep an eye on people.
Hmmm - fun shop.
Next is Master Award for Machine artistry. It is called Butterflies, Bees, & AlphabeTrees by Janet Stone of Overland Park, KS. I have had the word "Alphabees" in my head for a while and always wanted to make a quilt featuring trees to use that word. The gold letter were free-motioned embroidered, and the cream-colored backgrounds were appliqued using a decorative stitch."
Superior Threads Master Award for Thread Artistry goes to Solitude by Judith Phelps of Battle Ground, WA. "The inspiration for this quilt came from a photo taken by Jimmy Debacker. I love the way he captured the sky, water, and boat and could feel the sense of isolation. The quilt was hand-painted and then threadpainted. It is a three-layered-made-for-storytellers theme - "Water Works." the quilt was made to be viewed from both sides."
Best of Show by Handi-Quilter is Still Life by Chen Jing, Beijing, China. "I wanted to use silk to express a still life painting; including the picture and the frame. The realistic effect of the picture frame was achieved using embroidery by manually controlling it on a stationary frame. At the same time, I wanted to explore unique free-motion quilting to present different picture effects on the front and back of the work."
The little masterpiece took five months to make. The finest/thinnest silk threads and silk fabrics.
Janome Master Award for Innovative Artistry goes to The Naughty Corner by Tania Tanti of Altona Meadows, Victoria. "Do you ever have quilts that whisper to you after you have thrown them into the naughty corner? Well, this one just wouldn't stop. Thankfully, it didn't. Its as stubborn and persistent as its maker. This quilt embodies an honest flow emotions, connections, and letting go again. Last, but not least, it serves as a reminder to never give up."
Innova Master Award for Contemporary Artistry goes to The Arrival by Kestral Michaud of W. Melbourne, FL. "This lush tropical paradise is the scene of a monumental event. An airship from the human realm has just arrived. It carries an emissary, who hopes to establish friendly diplomatic relations with the resident elves in the interest of learning about their connection to - and the mastery of - magic. This meeting will have a resonating effect on both cultures."
Loving this time together - always the best.
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